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BombermanGold Blog

Spicy Big-Meat Deluxe (with extra dripping sauces)

It's mouth-watering, isn't it?

Lols, I passed all my classes, but everything isn't SUPPOSED to end until the end of this basically, I'm chillin here on the internets playing random games (Final Fantasies and some Battlefields). Did my team in Battlefield a great service. A d00d who thought he was awesome in killing half of my team on his lonesome, I snagged his dogtags. Dude was so pissed, he bailed out the server afterwards. Twas cool, and we STILL won!

Onto other mattes. I got a chicken. It's all kinds of tasty (something I cooked up like a few days ago). Put on some jalepeno sauce on it. Pure goodness. Oh yeah, it's baked, not fried.

I need to find a good movie to watch. No, scratch that, I need a good LONG-ASS PC game to play. Maybe I should invest in one of the Elder Scrolls Oblivion expansions.

Fighting games are not dead! Those who say so need to get shot in the nuts. Tekken, Street Fighter...THOSE are REAL MEN GAMES, not mess like Halo. Anyone can hide behind a gun, feel manly, and pull the trigger. It takes a real man to pull back and release a super powered energy punch into someone's nuts. Ahh...I miss the good ole days of crowded arcades with fighting games all up the ass. Now we gotta deal with "online fighters" and loads and loads of chickens who talk smack but when you see em in real life get scared ***tless and want to piss everywhere.

Bathroom break...

Stale BBQ = Chocolate Rain(drops)

Well...maybe not. But still tasted good.

Good news: My summer semester is almost over. Bad news? Heh, I still need to turn in like 2 assignments before my GPA goes down the drain. But hey, not as bad as some people I've talked to (is it TRULY possible to have a GPA at .25 ?!)

In other news, Final Fantasy 12 is kicking my balls. Too addictive. This is what I get for not playing an RPG in a loooong time.

As of this post, been trying to spread the word of TRUE hardcore stuffs at the Fighting Game Union. I don't care who sees this post, I want more serious topics in there. I hardly see anything strat or tourney (or hell, even TOURNEY VIDEO) related, yet a LOT of what-if topics and character wish-list mess. I've seen too many of those in other places such as Gamefaqs (and other forums look down on such small talk). Oh well...mostly mainstreamers I guess (but this is MY opinion...seems the owner of the FRU has more brains than the rest).

Nothing else of importance. I need an eye operation...

Live Free or Die with a HARD ON

Yep, as the rather incospicious title of this blog suggests, I just saw the latest (and presumably last by what Bruce Willis is saying) Die Hard movie.

In short, it's actually pretty darn good. And you have to think about this: Rating standards for movies in recent years has gotten down. What may be a PG-13 movie right NOW could very well be an R-rated something like 15 years ago. So yes there are still the famous lines like "YIPPEE-KY-YAY, mutha(*#$&%" before people get their brains blown out.

Among other things, my grandmother is getting older, but none the wiser. Way to go. :D

I need to upgrade my PC badly...this is rediculous that 2 games I really want for it (BioShock and UT3) want stupid high requirements. Just about met almost all of em except for processing power, GADAMMIT!!!

Money rools... (YEAH RIGHT).

Yeah, it really sucks when one is lacking money and then the damn apartment peoples wit their greedy selves start comin in all like "WE WANT YER MONIES!!" when I don't feel like giving a #*%8 Gonna have to beg my folks for a little help (again...).

Kinda hard to go out and git a job when one doesn't have the proper transportation to do so. Long gaddam story...

But eh, nuthin much else wit my life. Gonna go and try to do my best with R-Type Final and hope the PS2 controller lasts through a good thrashing.

On a side note, check out Golden Boy. It's an anime, and it's cool. Find it. Buy it. Download it. Whatever. Just watch it. And expect a boner or two...


Nothing of interest.

More or less, getting over a hazy hangover. Some fun that is (the next day was a Sunday, so I figured "why not?")

No regrets, really. Cept I need to go out and get some food (again).

I have to get back into playing Guilty Gear again, only cause of the new mess I am learning for Testament. Wonder how many chicks go on Gamespot...

Dark Meats

Got a haircut. Life is good. Now I don't feel as ragedy as before.

In other news, roommate had a birthday. Bum got soo drunk last night that when I woke up this morning (I have early classes, so I am usually the first to wake), the d00d was NAKED and passed out on the couch, with only a towel barely covering em. It was no biggie...didn't see much....



*starts to laugh like a nutcase*

Rain blows...

At least my electricity isn't out yet. But had my grandmother callin me about it (cause it went out at her place).

I got steak that is gettin cold. I'm fixin to eat it now.


Finally beat Gradius V. I have to try for teh other loops.

Besides that, got me a belly full of greasy chinese (or Americanese food), hearing about stalker chicks stalking my friends, and figuring out how the hell am I gonna get through Chaos Legion without getting wasted soo many ways...ahh, good times. Add me to yer friends so I can gloat my profile over yours! BWAHAHAHHAA

All kinds of nasty.

Trying to plow through Gradius V with as limited lives and continues lost as possible. No easy feat, even after watching the various videos of the whole thing. Stage 7 eats me alive everytime so far.

I am this close to getting laid...wish me luck.

And in other news...gah, I need to stop screwing around more often than anything. Need to finish a couple of my final projexts for college. I hate programming...but it's not as bad as trying to make stuff for some oddball portfolio. Can't wait to get this degree so I can move on and start with my movie-making degree...rather have a backup than be stuck with one thingy and get...stuck.

Where can we meat?

I got cheeseburger. It reeks. I'm so gonna eat the hell outta it.

The above title of this blog is NOT a typo. It is stolen from another guy who made this legendary typo. I dun think it's a typo, though...sounds too...meaty.

Dammit, now I hunger again. You know when I ramble like this, I am pretty bored. I'm fixin to eat this burger, get on Battlefield, and pwn some nubs all over creation for a whole minute. Need to get that badge...

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