It's mouth-watering, isn't it?
Lols, I passed all my classes, but everything isn't SUPPOSED to end until the end of this basically, I'm chillin here on the internets playing random games (Final Fantasies and some Battlefields). Did my team in Battlefield a great service. A d00d who thought he was awesome in killing half of my team on his lonesome, I snagged his dogtags. Dude was so pissed, he bailed out the server afterwards. Twas cool, and we STILL won!
Onto other mattes. I got a chicken. It's all kinds of tasty (something I cooked up like a few days ago). Put on some jalepeno sauce on it. Pure goodness. Oh yeah, it's baked, not fried.
I need to find a good movie to watch. No, scratch that, I need a good LONG-ASS PC game to play. Maybe I should invest in one of the Elder Scrolls Oblivion expansions.
Fighting games are not dead! Those who say so need to get shot in the nuts. Tekken, Street Fighter...THOSE are REAL MEN GAMES, not mess like Halo. Anyone can hide behind a gun, feel manly, and pull the trigger. It takes a real man to pull back and release a super powered energy punch into someone's nuts. Ahh...I miss the good ole days of crowded arcades with fighting games all up the ass. Now we gotta deal with "online fighters" and loads and loads of chickens who talk smack but when you see em in real life get scared ***tless and want to piss everywhere.
Bathroom break...
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