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BombermanGold Blog

Roadie woes...

Never shopped on Black Friday (or Saturday, for that matter).

Otherwise, not much. Got a few extra calories from all that turkey. But was pretty much bored without internets for the rest of the weekend. Had to run back in order to get my Unreal fix.

Yes I got UT3, and it is nice. I'll leave it at that.

Semester is almost over with, yet why do I feel so...depressed?

Mo pain, no gain....

Eep. I'm beginning to really REALLY dislike one of my classes...if not cause of the constant callings from my group members.

Ooohh...I can't wait for UT3. Unless if the Gamestop store in my town is lying, I should expect to get the game this coming Friday, which will be beyond awesome.

Played through the Call of Duty 4 demo. I was surprised to see that it ran at a SOLID framrate with damn good graphics to boot on my machine. If I had a better setup, who knows...

As a result of PC game influences, I haven't been spending much time on my PS2 as of late. Hell, I am only like halfway trough Final Fantasy 12 yet had stopped playing like months ago.

Blues Brothers is an awesome movie. So is DVD Decrypter. (heheheheheheh)

Unreal Goodness...

Unreal Tournament 3.

Right now just messin wit the Demo. A Beta Demo. Game is awesome. But it's only a demo. Can't play it long without getting bored. Need the full game in order to be awesome.

Glad I got my processor upgraded, even if it ain't a dual core. Would prolly invest in such in teh future. But not near future. I am happy as is with current setup.

In other news...keep having dreams of being with a fine chick...could this be of things to come for me? I have no can only...dream...

Now I'm Playing...with MORE POWER!!!

And no, it's not a Wii.

At this point, though I'm leaning towards a 360. I hate it when too many good games are thrown all over the place to different consoles.

Bleah. Anyways:

What do I mean in my blog topic? Easy: I am gettiin a stronger processor for my PC. It ain't a dual-core (it's only a 3.0GHz Pentium 4), but along with my extra RAM, it'll get the job done for most games coming out, especially the likes of Unreal Tournament 3. Game's gonna be so smokin', it might actually make my PC smoke (if that happens, I will cry). So let's hope for the best.

I haven't had a drink in a while...could see that as a good thing, too much more mess happening. As soon as all of this crap is said and done, I will prolly get a bit wasted. But not anytime soon.

Teh Ooglies.

I gots myself both expansions of Oblivion on my PC to play with.

Awesomeness. I needed a game to forget about the world for a whole minute with, and teh expansions Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles do the job nicely once again. I luv it.

In other news, a roommate has been going through my ice cream. One of the two...I'm gonna have to go Punisher on someone's ass soon.

In the meantime, still waiting on my cash back cause I need to get a processor upgrade. Once I do, another trip to Gamespot...all for the sake of teh awesome known as Unreal Tournament 3. Oh yes....oh the nipples out of Halo 3. Tried that in online multiplayer. Hated it. Like the others. When you're a FPS PC gamer, then your standards are a bit...higher for such things on Console. Fanboys will never know the greatness of a proper Battlefield game or the slaughterhouse that is UT. The Unreal Championship series can lick one.

Nards....and they iitch

Yeesh. Bored out of my mind and I want to take a nap so badly. At least I got my cash in, but I'm gonna splurge less until I snag a bit more.

Aside from that, nothing out of teh ordinary. Thinking about getting a processor upgrade for this hunk of junk. Finally got a new Motherboard wiith processor, but roommate who sold it to me didn't know ("forgot" he said) that it was a 2.4 GHz, NOT the 3.4 I was promised. So yeah, false advertising. Should've hooked it up to a monitor first and THEN tested it out. Currently, what I got is not much faster than my original processor, but meh, at least my comp stopped rebooting itself randomly.

Good thing I got those little static baggies.

Oh yeah. Power Rangers and Sailor Moon pr0n.

Eh, nevermind.

Music is such a hard thing to swallow

Trying to find music and other such mess to pump you up for no reason is a tiring feat, especially when one's attention span to most music that many people in general listen to is rather...low.

But then again so far, Dragonforce and a healthy extra of Daft Punk helps out in the long run, if only for a little while.

Nothing of importance. School is still being chugged along, I'm gonna be upgrading my dang PC soon (hopefully when I get teh cash, which shouldn't take too long), I and just made my pre-order for Unreal Tournament 3. I so need a Wii, this one game No More Heroes is so awesomely awesome looking, and yes I am a BIG Killer 7 fan.

Meanwhile, will be harder to get some decent shut-eye, with dang roommate playing Halo 3 at full volume. Listen people, the game is good, but it's not the best thing since sliced bread. Good grief.

Bad Bad Man

I need cash. I need donations. Job-hunting kinda suck when one doesn't have stable transportation.

But aside from that, nothing important to write home about. Trying out the demo for Quake Wars and seeing what all the hype is about. IMO I still enjoy playing Battlefield a little more, but I still have some mindless fun with Quake (I haven't played a Quake game since... what, number TWO?!).

Went back to playing Contra Shattered Soldier for a whole minute. IF you don't have this title for the PS2 and is a Contra fan, GIT IT NOW. If you are not a fan of this game, you is a sissy, no joke.

Awesome stuff...still need to beat Final Fantasi XII, and oohh yeah, there's a nice chick that moved in next door recently...I might need to chat a little bit...


Got a new CD by teh awesomely famed techno artist who goes by the name Paul Oakenfold. As such, it is titled "Creamfields". No, it does not involve fields of the white stuff, but moreso good music one can go nuts to.

Beaten BioShock. I consider it one of teh best games this year has to offer. On a funnier note, beaten it before roommate had a chance to, but eh, at least he's gonna end up getting the bad ending anyways :p

Financial Aid for schooling pisses me off. Now I gotta go through more crap just to finally get my cash in. Getting stupid least my classes this semester are seemingly more enjoyable. Still gotta take math, though...

Nothing else spectacular. Some chicks moved in next door, but I only like the looks of one of them...the rest are kinda...heavy-set...

I am teh BIOJOCK!!

Bioshock is awesome.

Too bad the only ways I can currently play it is via other people's 360s. My computer is not powerful enough to run the game. What a damn shame. But playing a good chunk of tie game itself, I luv it to bits. JUST LIKE SYSTEM SHOCK 2, but even more awesome (and a bit simpler, as well).

In other news, was on a haitus cause I was at my grandmother's for a week (no school, no food = no bother staying at my apartment). So I ran off for a week to mess around and catch up on some Final Fantasy XII. Game is too addicting for its own good.


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