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Newbie PC Builder: 5 - Installing Software

*If I missed any steps, please let me know in the comments!*

The PC hardware has been assembled, boots, and everything appears to work. The question remains what to do to get it running most quickly and efficiently.

Fresh Install Outline
1 - Install OS (Operating System)
2 - Update Drivers
3 - Update Applications
4 - Install Antivirus Software
5 - Install Spyware Blocker
6 - Install Common Software (Flash, Adobe Reader, etc.)
7 - Install Desired Software (Firefox, World of Warcraft, etc.)

Hooray, it works!

1 - Install OS - Now that the PC can boot, insert what is called your "Live CD," this is the bootable CD that came with Windows XP, Vista, Ubuntu, or whichever OS you have elected to install. This is a fairly self-explanatory, step-by-step process explained by the program during installation. While this is the longest step, it is generally the most trouble-free.
Ubuntu Note - You may need some assistance installing Ubuntu when you get to the section on partitioning. This is available in the Ubuntu forums.

2 - Update Drivers - Self explanatory? Not necessarily, you should visit the Realtek website to update your motherboard audio codec, the Nvidia or ATI site to update your respective graphics card drivers, the manufacturer's website for your DVD and CD burners and readers to update their firmware, and even your expansion cards. Firmware updates to your burners, in particular, can improve noise levels, write ability, and read ability.

3 - Update Applications - Download the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and the other software that is part of your PC's core. This may be a package like Windows XP Service Pack 2, or piecemeal by necessity in Ubuntu. Either way, you should have the latest version of your software installed to ensure maximum compatibility with existing file types and internet applications.

4 - Install Antivirus Software - If you do not want to pay for McAfee or Symantec software, there is reputable free antivirus software out there such as AVG or Avast! (pirate not included).

5 - Install Spyware Blocker - I use only Spybot Search & Destroy, it is the most reputable (and free) online spyware monitoring and removal tool (at least that I am aware of).

6 - Install Common Software - Installing the following software early-on will make your life easier than installing it on the fly: Adobe Flash player and Acrobat reader, Quicktime (though you do not necessarily need iTunes), a video codec package from a site like Free Codecs, and anything else you might use regularly.

7 - Install Desired Software - Go nuts; your computer should be fighting fit, at this point. Congratulations!

Advice: Drive-thru quicktip

You may not know that as soon as you pull-up to a drive-through window the microphone connection is closed and the fast-food workers can hear everything you say. Not only that, but most fast-food restaurants have wireless systems that broadcast over a frequency that can be monitored by nearby radio scanners.

So the next time you pull up to the drive-thru (though I hope most of you avoid fast food), you might want to consider holding your tongue from comments involving curses or criticisms until after you have pulled away.


One personal anecdote: In my teens a buddy of mine was into radio scanners and had a list of the common frequencies used by fast food restaurants (example from Long Island). On more than one occasion we sat and listened as people pulled up to the service box and placed their orders, complained obnoxiously before the service staff acknowledged them, and argued over things that couples argue over. When nobody was placing orders, we could also hear the restaurant staff talking amongst themselves over their radios about school, boyfriends, girlfriends, drinking, and drugs.

Remember that when you talk outside your own home or through electronic devices, anyone with the means may be listening.

Recommendations: Documentaries for Documentary Haters

Sifting through the garbage, so you don't have to

*Edit* These are all the documentaries I've seen over the past year or two, not all the ones I would recommend. The dates are the dates I viewed them. *Edit*

I am a science-fiction, fantasy, and action-movie fan, but for some reason my wife an I have indulged in a number of documentaries lately. Most documentaries are biased to make you feel either:
1 - Guilty so you change your ways or beliefs
2 - Enraged so you write your Congressman or woman
Here is a quick rundown on some of the documentaries we've recently seen to save you some time:

Almost, but not quite
Spellbound (01/05/06) - Spellbound follows a number of children as they train to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The movie is well-made and does an excellent job of remaining impartial. Afterwards you feel entertained, have a better understanding of just how competitive the Scripps Bee is, and more than a little sympathy for some of the children that obsess over the bee.

Super Size Me (02/16/06) - This is not a documentary so much as much as an attack on fast food using McDonald's as a proxy; and it does a fantastic job. Everyone will enjoy some aspect of this film, be it the frightening impact eating high quantities of fast food has on the protagonist's body, or the strange people he meets that are obsessed with McDonald's culture. Be sure to watch the extras, which include a mini-documentary of the aging of hamburgers from various establishments. Highly recommended.

March of the Penguins - Penguins are the new puppies, and this movie plays to the "aww" factor of the Emporer Penguin as the viewer follows them through their mating cycle. The movie is entertaining and informative, but ultimately you are unlikely to ever need any of the knowledge it provides unless you are seeking a career involving arctic mammals or birds.

Worth playing
This Film Is Not Yet Rated (03/08/07) - Every Gamespot user that has ever complained about the disparity between game ratings and movie ratings might benefit from this film. The directors focus on movie ratings disparities and prejudices, such as harsher ratings for movies depicting homosexual intimacy than the equivalent heterosexual scene, even something as small as an on-screen kiss. It also discusses the lack of ratings enforcement against violent films. Unfortunately the directors have an obvious axe to grind against the MPAA that detracts from the film, and ends up a rant rather than an editorial. Still, they make many good arguments against the MPAA's current rating system (and a couple bad ones); it is worth viewing by most gamers.

An Inconvenient Truth (03/29/07) - If you are under 30, you will not learn anything from Al Gore's movie that you did not learn in high school. That being said, the film makes a solid case that global warming is occurring and that we need to take action now; everyone.

Rent it first
Wordplay (04/18/07) - An entertaining look at the competitive world of crossword puzzlers. Entertaining for my wife and I as avid board gamers, but probably boring to most people. Recommended to people that like puzzles and documentaries about people who like puzzles.

Jesus Camp (05/09/07) - This film was more frightening than anything I have ever seen, and should be mandatory viewing for U.S. citizens. The directors bias the film through some slick editing, but even through their bias this film is one of the most disturbing accounts of what can be described as no less than child brainwashing en masse. The only caveat is that the film blatantly attacks domestic Christian Evangelicals, which is unfortunate because the problem is religious extremists, not evangelicals, per se. A must-see, in my opinion.

Who Killed the Electric Car? (07/02/07) - This was an extremely slanted view of the destruction of the General_Motors EV1, a completely electric concept car. It was an interesting and educational film, and you will learn a lot about the electric car. Ultimately the film became preachey and aggressive towards General Motors and the auto industry in general, and lost its basic message. I will sum up the important this from this film in one sentence for you, and save you some time: The technology exists to make silent, efficient, and affordable electric cars, but the technology has been repressed by industries dependent on fossil fuels for survival. The End.

Surprisingly good
Born Into Brothels (08/06/07) - A photographer in calcutta teaches the children of brother workers how to use cameras in an attempt to improve their lives. An interesting look at the red light district of Sonagchi, Calcutta. This movie won an Oscar, and I was entertained, but not as moved as I thought I would be prior to viewing.

Instant cIassic
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (09/11/07) - Like Jesus Camp, this should be mandatory viewing for Americans. It borders on the unbelievable that one firm could have so great an impact on the country. Did you know Enron was partly responsible for the California blackouts? That the firm had political ties with the current Presidential administration? While not the most exciting film, it is packed with informative content condensed into an hour and a half. Highly recommended.

Keep an eye out for comments from my wife, Dr_Boz, I'm sure she'll have a couple words to add about the aforementioned if you are interested.

Financial Tips 18: How to Get Rich

(But Over Time)

Eliminating debt and steadily investing is the safest way to great wealth, though it is hardly the most exciting. Creating a loose, lifelong financial plan will help you stick to your long-term financial goals better than a rigid budget.

Disclaimer: Each individual is faced with a unique financial situation. While this column is intended to be broad enough to apply to everyone, specific investment recommendations and strategies should be tailored to your needs. If you are uncomfortable creating a lifelong financial strategy or selecting your own investments, you should seek out the advice of a financial planner or advisor with a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and/or CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation to help you.

Financial Planning from 10,000 Feet
Step 1 - Open a brokerage account with a brokerage house like Fidelity or Charles Schwab, and keep your cash savings there. Transfer money into your bank account when you need to pay bills. Brokerage money market accounts almost always offer a higher yield than your bank. Some banks have a brokerage arm, allowing you to link your accounts (such as Bank of America and Citi).
Step 2 - Eliminate any debt, starting with the highest interest loans you may have. The order is typically credit card, personal loans, business loans, student loans, and a mortgage(s).*
Step 3 - Contribute enough to your employer's 401(k) program to earn the maximum match. If your company matches 50 cents on the dollar up to 5%, you should contribute at least 5%. Check with your employer. Invest as much as possible up to the maximum allowed, if you can afford to do so. Invest in a target-date fund whose date matches your projected date of retirement. The fund will adjust its mix of equity, fixed income, and cash automatically, so you need not worry about the details. Alternatively, invest in a mix of large- and small-cap equity funds, an international fund, and some fixed income. Look for low fees and consistent returns.
Step 4 - Open a Roth IRA with a brokerage house like Fidelity or Charles Schwab and contribute the maximum amount annually (currently $4,000) per spouse. Use similar investment strategies as in Step 2.
Step 5 - Open a 529 Savings Account and/or a Coverdell for your son or daughter. These accounts have special tax benefits for college savings that make them better investments than taxable accounts or bank savings for the same purpose. Savings Bonds simply will not earn enough interest to exceed the rate of college inflation.
Step 6 - Seek the help of a qualified fee-based financial planner or advisor. Commissioned brokers and advisors may not have your best interests at heart. You will need help at this point to manage what is becoming a sizable cache of assets, particularly in dealing with tax consequences. They will tell you to do things like buy additional insurance, prepay your mortgage, and begin your estate planning.

*Your mortgage may be in the 5%-6% range, making it worthwhile to focus instead on investing, where you are likely to earn 10% or more annually while incurring reasonable levels of risk.

Geek to Chic: Week 1 Physical Challenge

Maybe if I blog about it, I will be forced to actually do it.

I am forever telling people they need to watch what they eat and hit the gym, but I am not always doing so myself. In the hopes of realizing that ambition, I am today starting a six week regimen of muscle building with the hopes of improving my physique, stamina, and overall health. The following exercises - or modifiers thereof - can all be performed in the home with a basic bench using dumbbells (click to enlarge):

This exercise routine was inspired by a feature in the UK edition of Men's Health challenging readers and writers to improve their bodies;the results were impressive. This regimen is for muscle growth, not weight loss. In other words, this is for skinny geeks, not fat geeks.

I have some gym experience, which is important when it comes to lifting form, speed, and knowing my limits. If you are considering starting a workout, you are advised to seek the advice of a trainer or experienced friend to learn proper form and use of equipment.

You cannot separate exercise and diet. However, I already eat really well, thanks to my wife, who is an amazing cook. That said, I will be eating a bit more than normal volume-wise for at least the next six weeks. If you are interested in a muscle-building diet, you might consider the following, inspired by the same Men's Health article referenced above:

Gym Issues

Rule #1 - The other people in the gym are not making fun of you. Everyone is there to get in shape or keep in shape. Nobody will tease you, if anything it will be the opposite.
Rule #2 - Don't start if you cannot continue. Exercise is something that needs to be done constantly and consistently, or your hard work will just turn to flab.
Rule #3 - Surround yourself with encouragement. Without friends and family supporting your workout, you will likely never get to the gym, even if it's a home gym.
Rule #4 - Diet and exercise are inseperable. You will not see improvement in one area without changing the other. Sorry.
Rule #5 - You can seriously injure yourself exercising, particularly if you have a unique health situation. You may need to consult a doctor before beginning any exercise routine.

I'll be taking before and after pictures as well, but I'm not posting them until after the six week period for fear of humiliating myself any more than is necessary.