Bozanimal's forum posts
I think the Community Spotlight is enough.serbsta69
I agree with serbsta69, though the Community Spotlight could be moved to the Gamespot homepage alongside the Soapbox.
I'd like to see Gamespot get its current system running smoothly first, but it'd be a welcome feature thereafter.
I dunno, it's hard work deciding.... I do however believe that there is this one devilishly handsome ninja who can shine, for he has no fear of anything at all in this world.... I'm not too sure, his name escapes me at the moment.... OH, I KNOW!!! His name is NeonNinja, a God among the lowly denizens of GameSpot. Neon is truth. In Neon we trust.NeonNinja
I'd vote for the NeonNinja; at least he's not clad in flourescent orange. :lol:
Well it just kind of makes me mad..
Blacks use slavery as a sympathy thing when really, how much does it affect them. If they were truly that hurt by it, why do they try to act like badasses instead of being hurt when somebody brings it up?
THAT was a racist statement. Every black person does not use slavery as a "sympathy thing." Further, only some black men act like "badasses." There is a theory that those black men and women that act tough - typically those from rough neighborhoods or poor communities - feel the need to do so in order to be respected and because it is demanded by their peers (I believe it was Chuck Klosterman, but my memory is a bit fuzzy on the source). White men and women raised in similar neighborhoods act exactly the same as black men and women in similar situations.
Did you know that the WHITE MAN who runs the record lable has funded 3 BILLION DOLLARS into rappers using the words ni@@a hoes, and alot of other dialog to lead black people into distruction, DID YOU KNOW that the white man gave the Natives alcohol, did you know that you what people are always tellin black people that they it happened 400 hundred years ago yet today they have know problems living off the wealth that the slave trade has brought their familys,
It is a true injustice to look at the effect of something and not the cause.
This is also a racist statement. And just to clarify, there are/have been any number of music labels not only run by black men and women, but also founded by black men and women. Examples include Death Row Records and Scarface Records. In fact, Death Row Records has sold nearly 50 million units worldwide, generated close to $750 million in revenue (source).
Moderators have the option to look at comment history. I am not sure why normal users can't see it. I might go and ask about that actually, stay tuned...Caddy06_88
no tenchu characters? I'll say koga thoughnightshade85
The listing was only those I thought of off the top of my head.
Is Ryu a ninja? I thought he was just a martial artist, and not a ninja, per se.
I eat ninjas for breakfast.sonicare
And how do they taste?
I liked Kurenai from the game Red Ninja as she steadfastly refused to wear pants. Lord_Daemon
If only her game were half-decent, she might have my vote.
I thought he was still in training?
Thank you,
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