Bozanimal's forum posts
The Monster Turbine Pro Copper headphones are getting a lot of praise across the board, and look like they're a pretty nice pair of earbuds. I've said this many times and I'll say it again: Never discount a product based solely on brand name. Even Skullcandy has some decent stuff in their lineup (the Avaitors), and their headphones are notoriously muddy and bass-heavy. That said, I think you'll be happier in the long-run with the ATH-M50 considering for what you'll be using them (in-home use). On-ear headphones are easier to take on and off and more comfortable over long periods of time. They also require almost zero maintenance (you've got to clean IEMs on a regular basis due to earwax, sweat, etc.). As an alternative, if portability and appearance are a concern, consider the V-Moda M80's, which also sound fantastic. The ATH-M50s are a better buy, though, if you don't mind a bit less portability and the neutral appearance. Good luck, BozAudio Technica will always beat Monster.
Audio Technica are a professional audio company, monster are a fashion accessary company.
Sounds (intended) like the m50 will be better for me. I probably won't even notice the soundstage after coming from $2 drugstore earbuds. Thanks for being awesome and stuff.Alter_Echo
Read the Headphone FAQ at the top of these forums, and come back with any questions you might have. Happy gaming, Bozlooking for pair of headphones for a air plane ride/ for a psp/iphone
Everything you need to know about both headphones is already in your original post. You will have to decide which trade-offs with which you are most comfortable. You have to spend a lot more money to get bass and soundstage with a closed-back headphone. BozI'm looking at something for non competitive gaming where localization of sound won't be that important. I also need them to be quiet hence why I am having to get headphones in the first place. Apparently the ad700 has a lot more soundstage but leaks a lot being open back and people say it lacks low range so everything sounds trebel-ish. The m50 is closed which would be quieter obviously but supposedly they have cramped soundstage and are somewhat bass heavy. This is just what I have gathered from reading around so correct me if I'm wrong. What little bit of music I listen to won't have to sound great so just being adequate will be fine there. Evidently they can both be driven by a soundcard as well.
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