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Bozanimal's forum posts
- When: Thu May 3, 2012 @ 8:00 PM Eastern (5:00PM Pacific)
- Duration: Two hours or more, participation dependent
- Server: (TBD)
- What:Team Fortress 2
- Where to buy:Steam (No purchase necessary)
- Platform: PC
- Map(s): (TBD)
- Chat Resource:Game Night Chatroom (requires Java)
Additional details can be found here: http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/29145253/game-radar-team-fortress-2-game-night
Title(Self Explanatory) - Endless Space
What systems(s) does the title apply to? PC
Developer - Amplitude Studios
Publisher - Unknown
Genre(try to go into detail if you can) - Strategy
Retail, Digital and/or Steam release? - Steam
Release date - Summer 2012
Number of players - Multiplayer
Release region(can usually tell by the link you will provide for proof) - US
Support Links(any and all links to show the game exists) http://endless-space.amplitude-studios.com/Features
Box Shots(please make sure there are no watermarks and that they are in jpg form) - See developer site
Alright, so i'm now looking for the best noise cancelling (not as important as sound quality), closed back, portable, no amp required to drive (well), closed back pair of headphones for ~$300kris9031998I do not use noise-cancelling headphones, personally, but the Audio Technica ATH-ANC7B is very well-regarded. The new Klipsch Mode M40's are supposed to be excellent, featuring a built-in amplifier; you might be able to find them for $300 street. In general, though, over-ear noise-cancelling headphones are not very portable. I would strongly suggest you consider the V-Moda M-80s. You can get them from Radio Shack, and I suggest this because their return policy is excellent, so you can evaluate them for 30 days without worry. They are very portable, durable, sound excellent without amplification, come in under your budget, do a decent job blocking out most noise (airport type noise, not construction zone noise), look great, come with a carrying case, and are just wonderful, in general. I might also suggest an IEM (in-ear monitor). Though it's not what you asked for, I find IEMs to be the best option for reducing external noise and convenience while traveling.
I haven't used that particular model from Audio Technica, but I have auditioned the MDR-V55. I'm not sure what happened to Sony, but I've found their current headphone lineup to bass-heavy and muddy. If it's between the two, I'd blindly go with the Audio Technica. If you don't mind an open-back headphone, the Grado SR80i is probably the best value in the $80 price range. Happy gaming, Bozim thinking of getting either Audio Technica ATH-PRO5MK2 or the Sony MDR-V55 but not sure which one to get. which has the better sound quality and is the most comfortable?
I'd like to see the superuser tags for Moderators and Rangers hot-link to an F.A.Q. about the designations. Right now they're just images, and no FAQ exists that explains what Rangers are versus moderators, as well as how users might become one or the other (or both), of which I am aware outside this one by SoulReaverCross.
Happy gaming,
What about NVIDIATI's suggestions in this thread? Seems to meet your criteria, particularly if you want a sub.
(Edit: Fixed link)
those WoW quests like Gnomebliteration are few and far between. but that's still more than most MMO's are doing to make quests interesting and while objectives of normal quests are always the same at least the writing is good or funny(IMO).KickableGnomebliteration is one of many, many great quests since the introduction of Cataclysm, and certainly not isolated. You've got the Plants vs. Zombies homage, robot football in the goblin starting area, a "whodunit" in Westfall, the entire quest chain of Redridge Mountains is funny and entertaining with its Rambo tribute, you've got Lunk's quest line in Searing Gorge, everything both Alliance and Horde in Swamp of Sorrow is epic and a ton of fun- Blizzard completely upped the standards of questing in Cataclysm. Sure, there are still a bunch of gathering and killing quests, but they are much, much more entertaining on the whole than WotLK and earlier, and far superior to any other MMO currently available (full disclosure: I stopped playing WoW in Jan, and do not play an MMO currently). That said, we'll see about Guild Wars 2. I haven't had a chance to watch Kevin-V's stream of the beta, yet. Happy gaming, Boz
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