That is almost impossible with new TVs, you would seriously have to try to give it burn in. Though image retention can sometimes be seen during the TV's first few 100 hoursNVIDIATIWhile difficult, burn-in is still an issue if you're using the television as a PC monitor. The "Start" bar at the bottom of the screen can burn-in as can your background. Just something to consider, since he didn't mention what he was using it for, specifically.
Since you're in Boston (at least I assume so from your UserID), you can swing over to Microcenter and see if they've got any deals. It's near MIT in Cambridge right on Memorial Drive (across from Trader Joe's). There's a Sony Outlet at Wrentham where you can ocassionally get an amazing - I mean amazing - deal; but it varies depending on stock. If you're willing to take a drive north (tax free!), Appliance Warehouse on 1A in Seabrook, NH can have a few deals, though if I was buying a television myself I'd go to State Street Discount. They've got a huge selection and an excellent reputation.
Good luck,
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