The Microsoft Presentation had me interested in the new console good and proper.
The only thing that bugged me (about the presentation) was the overabundance of empty suits. There were so many useless corporate nobodies there, presenting all this hyped up information, that I couldn't help but wonder if it would have been better had they used people who were actually involved in the industry.
This becomes even more noticeable when juxtaposed with the PS4 reveal. At least Sony used someone (Mark Cerny, also the architect of the system) who actually developed games to present their hardware.
I also tend to be a console gamer myself, I'm not certain as to why.
At this point PCs and Consoles seem to be slowly merging.
With that said, I don't really know anything about PC and where it currently is. PCs just seem like moving targets to me, they're constantly upgrading.
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