Hey, I'm the guy considering selling my 360 for a PS3. Anyway, I have a question, my cousin said that he read in Stuff magazine that the 80gb PS3 loads slower than the 60gb. He said that the magazine said that when it came to loading games, the 80gb took longer.
The 3 360 Exlcusives I LOVED were Halo 3, Test Drive Unlimited and Mass Effect. Those were some of the best games I ever played, however, Mass Effect is on the PC, as is Test Drive. I am also confident I will find some great exclusives on the PS3. MGS4 is one example.
My big question is this, when is the next PS3 price cut? Say if the PS3 drops at least another £20-30. I could easily sell all my 360 hardware and be only £80-90 short of a PS3.
I suggest saving your money and buying the PS3 at a later date. You'll hear tell of the PS3s wonderful future and how the 360 can't keep up but we've been hearing this for 2 years now. Why not wait a while to purchase a PS3 when it really kicks into gear, possibly save some extra money if there is another price drop and have the luxury of owning both consoles? If Sony's to be believed the PS3 will be around for a long time to come.
Patience is a virtue my friend. Burnsmiesta
I must admit, that was a good post.
Plus, most of the games I play come out on both systems.
I personnally don't see where people find the time to play two systems, I barely have enough time play one. But anyway I sold my 360 because I enjoy my PS3 alot more, I am not a hardcore gamer, but I am not casual either, I am very knowledgeable about the subject at hand, so I fall somewhere in between, get yourself a PS3 and be happy u will not regret it.
I'd only be keeping the 360 incase a great 360 exclusive comes out.
I've got an XPS gaming laptop which can run any game out there at maximum graphics. It runs everything VERY smoothly. However, I don't think a PC can fullfil my gaming needs anymore. Most sports games aren't coming out on PC anymore.
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