dammit. so if its september for japan then that means the us wont see it till like aprilLP4EVA2005Huh? They're only going to announce the release date in September, not actually release it :P . And they've already said that it will be out in all major areas before the end of march.
Buckledant's forum posts
ahhhh it's going to suck having to wait. I guess now I know how most of Europe feels!Bread_or_DecideWhilst I do believe that it will be out in atleast one region before 2011, the bloomberg article doesn't say anything about an october release.
Then go play your mature games, why complain about Nintendo? Do you want Disney to stop making family-oriented movies aswell?Gamers grew up, and we want our games to also.
[QUOTE="ActicEdge"][QUOTE="eccentric_view"]Story in video games IS important. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT! Not EVERY game can be like Super Mario Galaxy, and I wouldn't them to. eccentric_view
Where did I say I wanted every game to be SMG? Also, story is the least relevant part to video games. the median does not need story to be good.
It's people with your thought pattern that are holding back gaming. No, I wouldn't want EVERY game to be an interactive movie. But I like Metal Gear Solid. Heavy Rain though... well it has its quirks, and I think as a movie it would be better than me wasting time with button presses. But games like Assassin's Creed, INfamous, or any game ever, do you know how boring they would be? Do you know how boring they would be without something to tie point A to point B? The novelty of scaling walls wears out in 5 MINUTES. JUST 5. Without a story... I mean cutscenes were MY FAVORITE part of video games when I was a kid. Clearing a dungeon to watch a long cutscene, and as cutscenes evolved graphically and with voice actors and then BETTER voice actors, well that's just wonderful. As for Nintendo games... Paper Mario is awesome, so there you've just been proven wrong. And Zelda NEEDS a story. Twilight Princess was more boring than a sack of potatoes. I play videogames to actually have fun, not watch movies. And sorry but Zelda doesn't "need" a story. Zelda I and II were not bad just because it didn't have a story.EDIT:The problem isn't so much that games have story, it's that developers are lazy and just stuff a bunch of cutscenes in there and try to make it "emotional" and "deep". Look at Super Metroid for example. It had an awesome atmosphere and it managed to tell a story WITHOUT having to take control away from the player.
I'm worried about Other M. The story seems to be garbage,I really don't care about Samus' feelings.
or this guy.
[QUOTE="Buckledant"]I never understood why it was Nintendos fault that third party publishers make crappy games. Shouldn't you be angry at them instead?Randomguygsxhow is it third's party fault that the wii simply cant handle the graphics, processing power, physics, etc needed to make immersive games, remember, procesing power does more than just graphics..... so dont go saying, omg heres another graphic whore, u need it to perform a bunch more tasks to make an environment come to life that the wii just cant do, it is massively underpowered Yeah I remember when games like GTA 3,Vice City,San Andreas, Resident Evil 4, Ico, Shadow of the Collossus,Halo 1 and 2, MGS2 and MGS3 were pure garbage cuz too little processing powah!
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