I can't because I don't know why. I can only speculate. And i'd say it's a style preference. For whatever reason, they changed his armor. All I know is what i read on gamespot and many other reputable gaming sites about the trailer. For whatever reason it doesn't look as good. But, what i have been saying is everyone needs to just stop. Because all may be explained at E3. Or maybe this is just a bad shot. Things do change in the development process and we should all just hold on to our judgements until then imo. I mean you can all keep fighting about these things if you want. But why is what i want to know? How many times are you really expecting to see Master Chief in the game?swaginator
No, it's more than just a style change. Removing the bump mapping in this image:
Is unquestionably a decrease in the quality of the rendering of the image compared to the MC picture Bungee put up recently. Whether it's a decrease in the overall quality of the way the game looks in motion remains to be seen. To be sure, I don't think anyone would want to play a Halo game that looked that good per frame, but played like a slideshow. If they removed the bump mapping and other nuances of the characters to allow for better performance overall, then I think it's a good compromise. I don't think I'd notice the bump mapping at all during gameplay, but I sure as heck would notice slowdowns.
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