[QUOTE="-ArchAngeL-777-"][QUOTE="BudsMcGreen"]Gears 2 didnt have any serious competition. Besides Gears and Halo are games that most 360 owners have the system for anyway. MGS4 sold similarly on the PS3. I expect Killzone 2 and God of War 3 will also have similar massive first week sales. The fact is there are too many games out between mid-October and mid-November for PS3. In addition to all the major multiplatform games like COD5, Fallout 3, Mirrors Edge, etc., PS3 had half a dozen or so anticipated releases: Socom Confrontation - bad reviews but a lot of folks like it and play it. Motorstorm Pacific Rift Bioshock Little Big Planet Resistance 2 Valkyria Chronicles Thats too much to expect each game to sell 1 million copies in its first week at $60 a pop. Is it any wonder why Sony delayed Killzone 2 until February?
Gears 2 sold more than both of those games combined, in its first weekend :lol:
resistance 2 says hello
Resistance 2's sales say 'goodbye'.
And MGS4 sales aren't even in the same league as Gears or Halo 3, I hate to break it to ya;)
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