those parents are dumbkonichiwa21how old are you?
CBScott's forum posts
[QUOTE="CBScott"]I feel sorry for you. You got straight A's, great, grand, wonderful, GET A JOB. Plan for College, Study for the SAT's. Damn, do something contructive. Are you talking about me????? I have a caddying job in the summmer I play tons of golf and I am currently playing basketball and am playin guitar. We do not have an SAT for the rest of this school year. I am also preparing for Confirmation doing service hours and projects like that. I am also in the NJHS and helping out my school and volunterring everywhere. SO get off my case you loser. Also for College I have serveral schools picked out but I am only in 8th grade now so it is a bit too early to make a final desicion. As for college finances I am not too worried on that. BTW SATs dont even count until highschool yet I still did good on them. Get off my case you moron. Just cause I dont agree you bash me up. Shut the hell up.[QUOTE="chester706"][QUOTE="CBScott"][QUOTE="chester706"]Jesus Christ. This is pitiful I am 14 and I can play any game I want (except GTA and PLayboy the Mansion, Lol). His parents have something wrong with them. Seriously what would getting a console hurt anything. Also if you get straight A's on all finals and the semester he shouldnt have to pay with his own money. He should be rewarded and for XBL I dont see harm in it. I get straight A's and I know how hard it can be. I feel sorry for him. Impex
You bet i'm talking to you...
A REAL job, not a seasonal job, work after school or something.
What do you mean you dont have an SAT for the rest of the year? , friend. there are SAT's every month, all year long.
Oooh confirmation, I did it too, I needed 30 service hours, I honestly doubt you need much more than that.
What were your SAT scores? I'm curious
Yeah, I'm a loser, I'm in college getting an Accounting Degree.
Also at college, I drink alcohol, go to parties, and get laid, who's the loser?
Jesus Christ, you're making fun of an 8th grader? You're pathetic. I'd say he's got a great thing going for an 8th grader. Also, you can't really expect many middle schoolers to have jobs during the school year. I'm in high school and only have a job in the summer. And, oh yeah, taking SAT's on sure sounds fun. Who would of thought to take an SAT every damn month? I'm sure that doesn't get old. Either you're still drunk from one of your parties or you're just a real d***.
Hey A-hole my staments were made before I was aware he was in 8th grade, And i was not making fun of him in any way. so Eat 1remind me to give you a cookie[QUOTE="CBScott"][QUOTE="nyoe"]i got a job and bought mine (im 15)nyoe
wheres that cookie? please discount that last post for it be my little bro using my computer (yes i bum off my siblings 360)
YOU ARE A CLOWNi got a job and bought mine (im 15)nyoeremind me to give you a cookie
Thank you rex.
I wish i had realized this at an earlier age, kids these days.
monkey, are you the kid with the 18 games?
if yes, then I am talking about you
[QUOTE="CBScott"]not really in highschool unless you are trying to get in to one of the best collegesbut all A's is the difference between a 4.00 and all B's 3.00.
there are more opportunities for people with higher GPA's
highschool grades determine what colleges you can get in to. A degree from a better college often means a better job, and better life. plus not to mention the academic scholarships for those with high highschool GPA's
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