If it's truly an ES game like obvilion or skyrim, just much bigger and with other players in it, I really don't see the problem. If they make it even remotely like other MMOs, it's going to be horrible.
@Quant1c , this is a video game website, so naturally the subject of the article is going to be a video game character, mostly used as a catalyst or excuse to express an opinion on the topic. No one is forcing you to read the article, the sub-headline is self explanatory. As for "How can a game character build your self-confidence?" I could ask you the same question about any person or character, fictional or not. it's an emotional reaction to a persona, generally reflected onto the observer.
I don't have a problem with anyone living their life the way they choose to, but, in my opinion, artificially altering your physical appearance because you "feel" you are the other gender is, with all due respect, childish. Tying your entire identity to your gender is idiotic, or at best, petty. In my opinion, most who feel this way are simply projecting their desires and impulses, caused mostly by brain chemistry and hormones, onto their physical traits. Just my 2 cents.
"How did the 360 get more shadows than the PC?" What you're seeing are hard shadow maps in place of ambient occlusion and diffused shadows/lighting. It's actually not a good thing, tho it still looks very good.
CageFury's comments