360 def looks the worst, but all 3 look very very similar which is usually the case with 99% of multi-platform games. They are going to code the game for the lowest common denominator which means most games are going to look nearly identical unless you compare them side by side. Graphics comparisons are pointless for this generation unless you are comparing games exclusive to the platform which isn't comparing apples to apples anyway so it defeats the purpose.
@hunteriv4 Well said. Also, the "kids will play it anyway" argument is weak at best. If you were to follow that logic no one would ever be able to express anything in any medium unless it was widely excepted as "appropriate" behavior.. What a dull world that be.
I think if DLC starts moving more towards an "expansion" business model (NEW story content and/or functionality), and away from the "extra costumes and weapons" model, it will have a fairly successful future and I think most people will be better off for it.
@Gam3Guy If only. Isn't that what they tried to do with the Wii? So far, even first party titles, straight from Nintendo, have failed to use motion controls in really meaningful ways. Take for example, Mario Galaxy (2), Nintendo's flagship title. The only function for the motion controller is to collect/shoot little stars and spin Mario around? REALLY!? Come on... Luckily it happens to be a great game on its own, but don't tell me they couldn't have done practically the exact same thing with a traditional controller.
It seems like more and more, most of the gaming industry is shifting all of their innovations towards accessories or extras like motion controls, 3D, DLC, twitter/facebook/netflix, etc. in what seems like an attempt to pump more money into the industry. While I think a lot of these ideas have a lot of potential, and can be fun or useful, they seem to be doing all of these things for the wrong reasons. Instead of enhancing or evolving existing gameplay experiences, they are building gaming experiences around these new technologies. The problem with that, is that I feel they could be spending all this time and money developing core experiences and actually evolving the tried and true game crafting techniques that are now quickly becoming stale. I think that if you ask any gamer out there if they would rather have 3D \ DLC \ Motion Controls, or a completely fresh, new, and innovative way to play games with the current technology, 9 out of 10 gamers would choose the latter. In my opinion, it's kind of the same as choosing Super Mario World in HD-3D with motion controls over Mario 64 as it is.
@mECHwARRIORx2 Nerd? lol, what? What he said was complete gibberish. There's no compression involved when porting from the 360 to PS3. Maybe vice-versa, but even then it would just be in things like audio/video(pre-rendered). Things like texture resolutions are dependant solely on the memory of the GPU. Although they might compress them to save space on the disk, the 360 is still capable of displaying similar texture resolutions. The 360 has 512MB shared GPU/system while the PS3 has 256MB GPU and 256MB system, so they are fairly comparable. The PS3 truly excels when developers make full use of the 7 CPUs by using them to help the GPU calculate linear calculations like lighting and tesselation; compression and blu-ray have little to do with graphics, it merely allows for more content.
@Kleptos21 "if the ps3 and pc could "look twice as good (as the 360)" then they would go ahead and show that power and blow the 360 out of the water. But they obviously havent done this....Why?" I'm not saying that is the case, but if it were, it would require additional development time to create drastically different versions of the game, so obviously they have to develop for the lowest common denominator.
I think the PC has a slight edge, but it also seems to be missing a lot of details. In screenshots 3 and 4, the PC version is missing the barrel in the top left corner, the tall grass on the left, and also some objects just after the tiny hills. Same thing with the last two shots, the PC version has a lot less debris on the ground. What's up with that?
CageFury's comments