TheLastSamurai : I said games that I need a 360 to play. I never mentioned PS3. With the exception of Ninja Gaiden 2 (Don't care about Too Human, Guilty Gear 2, Infinite Discovery (wtf is that) and Champions Online (wtf is that too?)) I can play all those games on my PC (Fable 2 and GOW2 eventually). On the other hand I DO need a ps3 to play: MGS4 Littlebigplanet Socom Resistance 2 FFX!!! Tekken 6 WarDevil (maybe) White Knight Jak and Daxter Castlevania Zone of the Enders 3 (rumored) Kingdom Hearts 3 (rumored maybe) New Naruto Project Heavy Rain (prob 2009) L.A. Noire (that's an exclusive now isn't it?)
I don't buy the whole "load balancing" BS (from MS not you) but I will give you the unified shaders. Still, they are so close it's not even worth comparing.
Sh0p0w: The CPU handles everything besides graphics. AI, physics, scripting, skill sets, keeping track of things, stuff like the euphoria real-time animation engine etc... basically everything BUT graphics. Btw, well said about the GT and FORZA comparison.
Sh0p0w: No there is no bottleneck once you break the 2 core (and I believe 2.5 ghz) barrier. Both the 360 and PS3's graphics quality depend almost entirely on the GPU. The 360 DOES have a slightly better GPU but it is NOT anywhere near an 8 series. They are so close that this is hurting my brain.
Sh0p0w : No, that only applies to the certain point, once you clear the bottleneck the graphics are handled soley by the GPU. Un4givingAsault and oscaritoqueloco : Stop talking out of your asses with that exclusive BullSH*T. Just let me know and I'll put you to shame with exclusives coming in the next 1-2 years for either system.
Wow.. why do you people bother. Seriously ask someone who knows anything about computer hardware (yes consoles are computers) and they will tell you that the GPU's in both systems are nearly identical. Yes the PS3 has a better central processor (CPU not GPU) but it has no influence on graphics. THEY ARE VIRTUALLY THE SAME IN TERMS OF GRAPHICS... GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS.
CageFury's comments