CameosisJ's forum posts
hurricane warning where I am. No work for me :)
I'm gonna play some PS3 but if it gets too bad Imma unplug it. I got a power surge protector but they aren't 100% effective so I don't want to risk anything for this expensive piece of new age technology, lol
I have the 80GB MGS4 bundle. Can't really comment on MGS4. I don't plan on playing it until I play throgh MGS the essential collection which I just ordered over the weekend and one of the reasons why I went for the 80GB version. Looking forward to playing all of them.
2nded. I;m about 4hrs into MGS1 so I have quite a ways to go, lol. Also I bought another great collection (GTA: The Trilogy) and I'm a about 3/7 of the way through GTA III.
As for the question of the MGS4 Bundle being worth it? Come on man... you get 80 GB and a DS3 controller for regular price and Backwards compatibility and a GOTY contender for free? It's a steal!
keep checking back to the stores and ask specific questions on when they expect the bundle. I heard that you can check either sears or walmart online by typing in your postal code as to avaliablity. The demand for the bundle is still relatively high but it is not as exclusive as when it was first released.
I can get a
Toshiba 32HL67U about 20 minutes from my house, used, for $1000
Samsung LN32A450 brand new for $680 off amazon (but it comes to $1000 after into international shipping and duty, etc)
Any success stories or words of advice on these two hdtvs? I am planning on using the system for PS3/dvd/blu ray watching and maybe a couple years down the road for HD cable. It is unlikely that I will watch SDTV at all on this tv as I have 3 other tvs in my house. Please think long and hard, this is my money you are making a decision on lol.
im not playing on HDTV coz I am still playing PS1 and PS2 games. Once I get to MGS4 (Im on MGS1 currently) I'll probably upgrade to an hdtv in my room but for now the 20" in the living room does just fine.
Also, I've noticed this 7th generation of gamers cares a WHOOOOLE lot about graphics. It's just icing on the cake for me, I don't need it if the game is good
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