The ps3 is really picking up steam with its great game releases but that isn't the reason it took so long for me to buy. MGS4 bundle is what did it for me. Practically giving the game of the year and DS3 away for free. Couple that with more free time thanks to summer and it was a no brainer.
Also, I stopped playing videogames for like 1-2 years so there is so many oldies but goodies I have to catch up on. I am currently playing through the MGS: Essential Collection and GTA: The Trilogy. Half Life and Indigo prophecy are next on my list.
I prefer Sony to MS in terms of products anyways as well.
Last but not least to me, is its technology and even how the PS3 looks. Reading the specs and the futuristic feel of the system got me pumped and the sleek chrome look looks hella pimp
definately get the 720p, 1080p is not worth it if your playing games mostly. I got the 32" Samsung LN32A330 had it for 2 weeks brought it back because it had the flashlight effects on all corners of the screen. just yesteday i bought a new tv Samsung LN32A450 which is alot better higher contrast ratio and it has a clear panel which makes colors more alive. definately recommend this tv big difference from the LN32a330 though more expensive.Halo773ER
That's the one I'm ordering today!
As for the original poster, I don't think that 32" is big enough to really get the effect of 1080p. To the guy who has a TWENTY-SIX inch tv and 1080p... wow
im buying a Samsung off of Amazon today. Usually I stay away from the less expensive version of things, but Samsung's reviews are outstanding. Best 32" on the market I read...
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