CameosisJ's forum posts
I play PS3 on a Samsung 32" (LN32450) at 720p.-Dionysus-
Same and also 1080i for dvds/BRdvds
the majority will probably be Samsungs. They are great tvs
alright. Lets see if this works. I uploaded the game to zshare
I tested it out and it is easy as pie. Upload to a flashdrive or w/e you are using (I used my Mp3 player), then attach it to your PS3. Go to Memory Card Utility(PS/PS2) and it should be right there.
The only concern is that it might be like the firmware, where you have to have specifically named folders for it to be accessed. If this is the case then the folders should be (in all capital letters like it is typed)
1. Make a main folder labeled "PS3"
Inside of this folder, label a folder "EXPORT"
Inside this folder, label a folder "PSV"
put game file in this folder.
and voila. PM me if you get any problems
Hey man. Crazy world. I just beat the Pain yesterday. Man that Cave before getting to him was confusing, haha. I got MGS3 from the Essential Collection so I'm not sure which version it is. I know it is the less sought after version, is that what you are looking for? lets see if I can upload this for ya
what I don't understand is why people frequent topics about that specific game. Okay you hated it... you don't need to click every thread about the game to try and convert people into disliking the game as well.
The worst is the people who frequent the game-related board. I can't begin to count how many people on the Madden 2009 PS3 forum are actually not going to buy the game and haven't bought the game for years. Who cares buddy!
wikipedia has a good braek down of each game.
I'm almost to MGS4 after getting the bundle about a month and some change ago. I'm on MGS3. MGS1 was alright but MGS2 was amazing. Great great game. I'm slowly getting the hang of MGS3. It's a bigger difference than from 1-->2
I got the Orange Box but I played a bit and it seems cool so I might pick up Half Life for Ps2 before I really get into Half Life 2...
I'm digging it. I find Portal to be a little overrrated and the load times make it a little hard to get into in the beginning but I'm liking Half Life. Great mixture of puzzles and action. I was unsure when I first started playing Half Life 2 until a couple minutes in, when all of a sudden some people are like start running. Normally I would have a couple seconds to look around but I turn and there are the bad guys running up the steps coming for you, and you escape on the roof, but they're still shooting at you so you gotta duck into another roof et al.
Plus the lite skinned chick is hot
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