@RyanBurnsRed: Where are the atmospheric planets in E:D? Where is the game in Star Citizen?
I'd bet you cash money that E:D will have atmospheric planets by the time Star Citizen releases. The only difference will be that every layer *underneath* that system will already be well tested and optimized.
No Man's Sky's over-promises are already becoming legendary, and the only game that has a shot at surpassing their overblown claims is Star Citizen. I hate to say that, because I'm a backer myself-- but this thing just seems to be bogged down in every direction. Their recent rewriting of the Terms of Service was a big red flag in that regard.
Elite's the only one of these huge space games that's had a realistic development plan, and consistently delivered on their promises. It also gets the least attention from the gaming media-- probably because they don't spout pie in the sky nonsense for headlines.
@droweprice: So Peter Brown likes cabbage, but hates boc choy? So Peter Brown liked Winter Soldier, but hated Iron Man 2? So Peter Brown feeds pigeons, but lets rats fend for themselves?
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