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CazmoV Blog

Elite 4

Hooray guys!

I've been playing through Pokémon Diamond for a good 70 hours now, and I started walking through Victory Road last night. This morning, I was carrying on my way through the road before I went to school, when I came to the exit!

So yeh, I beat the first 2 members of the Elite Four, then I had to go to school :p
But I'll try the other 2 in about 15 minutes.

Wish me luck :D

Free Zelda: Twilight Princess

Last night I slept round my mate Matt's house. I was looking through his collection of Wii games, when I found Zelda: Twilight Princess. I was dieing to buy this game, but I never have the money so I've never got round to playing it. I asked him if I could borrow it from him for a bit, and he said, "just take it. keep it. I think it's sh*t".

So yeh. I now I have Twilight Princess, for free:D

In that same night we played several hours worth of super smash bros brawl and mario kart, and also a bit of wii play :p
I also completed Pokémon Diamond last night :D

So yeh, that's my weekend so far :)
I have a drama audition at 3:15pm, however I'm going to be knackered seeing as me and 4 mates were brawling till 5am.


I can finally post videos :D

I've FINALLY leveled up to level 10, which means I can post all the gaming videos i've been dieing to post. And on my birthday too :)

I will be uploading a full video walkthrough to the VERY hard and frustrating freeware game, "I wanna be the guy". Don't have it? Download it here

Happy gaming,


My Japanese Adventure

As I wrote in my first blog entry, I have recently managed to get my hands on a hell load of DS games.

Many of them are Japanese :P
Sure, I could just stick to the English games that i've got.
Either that, or I could learn japanese and enjoy these games to the full.

It's gonna be a tough ride, but I'm determined.

To learn, I guess my best choice right now is to use Ubisoft's, "My Japanese Coach".
Normally I wouldn't be caught dead playing one of Ubisoft's casual-gaming disasters...
But it's my best choice for now.

I'll keep you updated.

This game will help me on my way...unfortuantly...

My reviews

So I've finally got my hands on a massive amount of DS games (and I mean MASSIVE), and a growing collection of wii, gamecube and PC games. My videogame interest is getting larger everyday, so I've finally decided to start reviewing the games I complete. I don't mean complete 100% and unlock every tiny thing. I just mean i'll complete the main mode and try out the main parts of the game.
I will happily take reccomendations of any wii, gamecube PC or DS game, but I will take requests on DS games. I will review any DS game, as long as i'm not too busy with games at the time.

Contact me for requests,
