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Chrono Trigger

Wow is all I can say right now.

A while ago, I started to play Chrono Trigger, but I couldn't even get past the first Fair bit as I didn't know what to do. However, the other day I thought 'Come on, this is stupid. I can't let that ruin the game, I have to start it again'. And I did. And oh my god, it's one of the best games I have played in my LIFE!

The main thing I love about it is the fact that it is an RPG, yet it doesn't include all that mythical ****. It is a thoroughly excellent RPG, just without the bits I don't like.

Another thing I find incredible about this game is how clever it is! For example, I found it so clever how when I got sent to court for being accused of kidnapping Princess Nadia, many things I had done earlier on in the game was used against me. For example, when I was asked if I had ever stolen and told them I hadn't, it flashed back to the scene where I stole the man's lunch! And I couldn't get over the awesomeness of that.

This is just a really excellent and original game. I'm currently in the future place, a bit stuck what to do next, but that's part of the fun. I'll keep you updated :)

It's been a good week

Well, it was a great week for me at least :P When I got home from my holiday, I carried on playing F.E.A.R, Super Monkey Ball, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

But my sister dug out our Sims 2 games, so I am now mucking around with The Sims 2, and most of the available expansion packs.

As it has been boiling hot recently here in England, I have had trouble sleeping the past few nights. When I couldn't sleep I had a look through my games for something for me to play until I got tired. I tried Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, but I just couldn't get into it. But then I remember trying Chrono Trigger recently, but not giving it a proper go. But last night, I got well into it, and I'm loving it now :)

Also, I started remembering how awesome the gameboy and gamebody advance games were. I know I can play advance games on my DS, however I'm going to be getting a DSi soonish, and that has no slot. So I went and bought my friend's Gameboy Advance SP, however I have no games :(

I'm gonna borrow Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 4 as I grew up with that game and haven't played it in SO long.

But I saved the best news till last. I make music using Reason 4.0 and release it on my account I've been doing it for a year or so now, yet I've never gotten any further than a bit of fun. However, my friend Stephen is releasing his newest flash game 'Mixel II' on ArmorGames. We have a definate offer of £600 (£125 for me) and we are hoping for a £5000 offer, getting me a £1250 :) :) :)

With that money, I would get a DSi, some recording equipment, and put the rest in my bank for interest :D

It's been a good week :)

I'm baaack :)

Well, I'm back from my mini holiday around England.
Tuesday and Wednesday I went to Alton Towers, which was truly amazing. Reta (queen of speed) and Air were INCREDIBLE, amongst others. Then, yesterday me and my Dad climbed Snowdon in North Wales, which was knackering to say the least.

I brought my DS on the trip, but I was so busy I hardly used it. I played a small amount of Castevania, but stopped for some reasons :P

Now I'm back, I'm going to carry on from where I was Monday - F.E.A.R (PC), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii), Super Monkey Ball (GC) and I'm also starting to play the Sims 2 games :)

Half term :)

Hoooray, I broke up from school yesterday, half term starts now :)

I have the weekend to myself, but on Monday i'm leaving with my family to go to Alton Towers :D
For you Americans, that's an amazing theme park in England.

We're at Alton Towers for both Tuesday AND Wednesday, and then me and my Dad are leaving to Wales to climb Snowdon.
Then we'll go home for Thursday night.

I can't wait for it, it's all going to be great.

Also, last night I did a fair bit of gaming. I played F.E.A.R for an hour or so, and it's absolutely great. It's really creepy too!
I also did an hour or so of Super Monkey Ball, which is also great :)

Gaming Fresh Start

Right, I'm starting a completely fresh start from now in gaming :)

Normally I'd be playing an RPG with Japanese Coach and a Mario game.
But at the moment I'm playing my first ever The Legend of Zelda game (Twilight Princess Wii, free from a friend), Super Monkey Ball (Gamecube, £1.99) and F.E.A.R (PC, £5) and Japanese Coach still :)

I look forward to getting stuck into F.E.A.R, looks great :)

Super Monkey Ball

Along with F.E.A.R on the PC for £4.50, i'm also buying Super Monkey Ball for the Gamecube for £1.99
I always remember playing this at a youth club when I was younger, but I never got to play it much cos there was so many queues. But now i want it for myself, and £1.99 is an offer I can't refuse.

Also, I spent a good hour on Zelda yesterday and I'm loving it, and I'm also planning to install all of The Sims games back on my PC now that I have loads of space on the hard drive.


Getting F.E.A.R :)

Well, my mum checked it out and has agreed to let me get F.E.A.R for the PC.
I think it looks excellent :D

Also, i'm going to start buying loads of second hand games, as I think £30 for one game is just too much.

I've also FINALLY started to play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


Grrrrr MADWORLD!!!

As you may already know from past blogs, my Mum bought be Madworld, not long before she took it back because she thought it was horrible. Because of this, she is now very cautious over what games I buy.

At this second hand technology shop in town, they're seeling F.E.A.R for £4.99. I have now found it on for £4.50.
But I told my mum about it, and she's really worried because it is an 18.


Crazy guy at the counter...

Yesterday, I went to town with a few of my mates, and before all the girls arrived we had a nice look around some video game shops. When we got to Gamestation, we saw this dude that we recognized at the counter. He was about 18, and he used to randomly hug my friend Dan when we saw him in town...

So we went and chatted to him, and he said he'd give us discounts (and commented on the fact that I look like 'the annoying comedian from mock the week')

I asked if he had any free stuff, so he gave me a was a Resident Evil 5 action figure :P
Better than nothing

And dan bought a PS1 with 2 controllers and a memory card for £2 :o

No school today

Wooo, I got a day off at school today, as it's an inset day.

This morning I've just been listening to loads of music like Cypress Hill, The Flashbulb, Streetlight Manifesto and others, but at 11:30 I'm going out to town :)

Doubt I'll buy anything, but I'll be hanging out with my best mates and this girl I really like who likes me back :)

Have a nice day guys :)