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Recent Gaming...

Well my new computer arrived last friday, and I'm in love with it.
It has some nice specs. (Quadcore processors, 4GB RAM, 20 inch screen) but it only has a 256mb graphics card, which is good but i may have to save my pennies for a better one if I'm gonna start playing the more recent games.

I installed Alice, but I couldn't get into it so I stopped playing it, but then I found a retro 2D platformer favourite of mine, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, and I couldn't help myself, so I installed it, and it's great.

Besides the PC, i'm looking to trade in Resident Evil 4 and Super Mario 64 DS for a total of £32, and with that money I'll buy either Madworld of House of the Dead: Overkill...but it'll probably be Madworld.

I'm also still addicted to Retro Game Challenge, it's absolutely great. I highly reccomend it to any DS owner, or anyone who loves a bit of retro goodness. Expect a review pretty soon...

What gaming i've been doing recently...

Good news! My Dad go an email today from the company we bought our new computer from, and it should be arriving Friday!
Once it's up and running, I plan to install some of the great games I used to love back when my computer had space, and I will plan to buy a few games including FEAR 2, GTA: San Andreas, Left 4 Dead, Spore, Bioshock, Portal and a few more.

Also, I was going to pre-order the DSi today, however I'm now having second thoughts. I don't think I will get much out of the new features, therefore I will probably just buy a new DS Lite, and it'll be a lot cheaper too.

Gaming wise, I recently bought GTA: Chinatown Wars and Retro Gamer Challenge, and I have to say, they're both excellent, however I'm currently focusing on Retro Gamer Challenge.

I may also continue playing No More Heroes as I stopped for a bit :)

God this is boring...

Grrrr! I started playing MOON on the DS today, and to be honest, it's looking sooooooo boring.
I could easily just stop playing it, it didn't cost me much. But reviewing games isn't always about playing the good ones.

I should start playing some not so good ones to give people my opinion...


New Computer!!!

The main reason I hardly review PC games is the fact that I hardly play them.
I have a fairly large collection, yet I hardly play the games...why?
Because my current computer isn't great.
It has 2GB of RAM (meh), a 14 inch screen (meh) and 120gb of hard drive. The hard drive space is good, however it is full to the brim with photos, music and stuff, so I have only 20gb left for games, and you need around 25gb for it to run smoothly.

But no fear!!! When I got home from school today, my dad told me the great news that we're getting a new computer :)
I think we're getting it today, I dunno. But I do know that it has 4GB of RAM, 500GB of hard drive, and a 20 inch screen :)

Once my dad fills it up with the photos and music and crap that he wants on it, I'll have around 400GB of space to use :D

I plan to buy Left 4 Dead, Bioshock, COD 5 and many more :)

Call of Duty

This morning I woke up at 11am and was eager to game.
First I tried installing Alice for my PC, but it won't work on Windows XP :(

Then I had a look through the rest of my old games, and I picked out the original COD and installed it on my PC.
It made me remember how much I love FPSs, so I've decided I will try and play COD 1 through 6 (when 6 comes out obviously).

Other than COD, i'm not really doing much gaming at the moment.

Gaming starts tomorow!

You may have realised I haven't been very active when it comes to gaming lately.
I've had a load of tests and stuff so I haven't had much time to game. But i'm stuck on the final boss of Chapter 8 in FFXII Revenant wings!

I have a free day tomorow so gaming starts then :)

Bought my iPod :)

Thanks to the advice you guys gave me, i finally decided on buying the iPod first, then saving for the DSi.
I had about £200 in my bank, and the iPod was £107. So I only have £93 left, but I will definatly be able to save up £57 for the DSi by April 4th :)

My iPod should arrive any day from tomorow to saturday.

The only problem I have now is there are a lot of great games being launched for the Wii such as House of the dead: Overkill, Madworld etc. and I'm gonna have to balance my DSi savings and my game savings well...

;) I love technology, but it can leave annoying desisions sometimes :(

iPod vs. DSi

Hmmm...I'm stuck in a massive desision right now.

Ever since I heard about the DSi, I started saving my pennies to pre-order it. By now, I have way over the amount I need (I have £200). I'm dieing for the DSi as I bought my original Nintendo DS in the year it was released. It is now truely knackered with one of the hinges snapped, a crack in the screen, broken L and R buttons and a piece of straw stuck in the GBA slot :P
Recently, the release date for UK was announced to be April the 4th. So you'd think I'd place my pre-order immediatly right...?

Wrong. I always thought those sweet new iPod 8gb nanos were around the price range of £200. But when I found out they were going for £109, free engravement and delivery on the Apple website, I started having second thoughts on the DSi. Now i'm dieing to get an iPod. They look amazing, play amazingly and will scrobble all my daily tracks onto which'll be great. I'm thinking of buying the iPod this weekend, however I will then only have around £100. The DSi is £150, so I will have enough time to save up for it, but then my pre-order will be late, and I may not get it in on time :(


I'm back :)

Wooo, i'm back from Scotland.
As much as I love Haggisland, my grandparents are very behind when it comes to technology, so it's often a bit boring :P

As I mentioned, I brought my DS with me, and I completed a large chunk of FF XII: Revenant wings (about 40%, i'm now on 67%). I also mucked around a bit with the KORG synth.

Hope all is well

Going to Scotland!


Tomorow I'm setting off to Scotland to see my grandparents.
I love going to Scotland, however I often get bored when I'm there as there's not much to do.
This gives me an excuse to pig out on DS games when I'm travelling or just bored :)

I'm planning to complete Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, and probably Dementium: The Ward also.
And for some reason I have a massive urge to play a movie tie in :P