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Stupid parents and the TV :(

I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD :evil: :evil: :evil:

The biggest TV of my house is in the living room, and so is my wii. And recently, my parents have never stopped watching the bloody TV! I swear they have like 5 series' on a go! Then, when I say 'When is a good time for me to use the TV?' my dad is like 'AT 3AM OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO I'M SO F*CKING FUNNY' and then mum is like 'AOSKDOASDL OALSD OALSDO LASOD LOLOLOLOALSDO LAOL OLOLOLOLOL U TROLL TROLOLOLOOLOLOLOL'

Rant over.

Seriously lovin' SMG2 :)

Hey guys,


Anyone who's been reading my last couple of blog posts will know that I felt slightly disappointed with Super Mario Galaxy 2. Well, you'll be happy to know that disappointment is OVER :D After completing the story line with 73 power stars, I began to collect the remaining stars. Well, I've found this a real challenge! From about 90 onwards, I found most of the prankster comets and hidden stars pretty damn hard! I'm loving this! I finally got the first hint about the green stars from a green Luma :) I still have no idea what these will be like, and I trust you guys not to spoil it for me :D All I know is that if it offers more challenging versions of past galaxies, this game could well get a 10/10 from me!!!

I really can't wait to find out what these green stars are gonna be like, SERIOUSLY!!!

In other gaming news, I made my first ever purchase on the Virtual Console! WOOHOO, took me long enough :P Once again, anyone who's been reading my recent posts will know that I am desperate to get into the Zelda franchise! After many comments from friends online and at school, I settled on starting with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I bought this game for £7 which I think was most probably an absolute BARGAIN :D The game is really teasing me right now! I keep on refusing to start it until I have fully completed Super Mario Galaxy 2, however everytime I turn on my Wii I always see OoT staring at me, screaming out 'PLAY ME CALUM, PLAY ME' :lol:

Oh my, I can't wait to explore this massive adventure :)


But yeh, I'm still so happy that I'm back into gaming! YAY.Admittedly, it has been taking up a lot of my time recently, so I'm going to stick to my 1 game at a time motto. I'm back to school tomorrow after a 2 week rest, but then it's only 3 weeks until my summer holidays. WOOOOO :DNext weekend I'm going to Wales with my Explorer Scout troop! We did the same trip last October, and I LOVED it. I can't wait to go again :)AND, when my Summer holidays start, I'm going to be going on a Summer Camp in the outskirts of London with explorers AND going to Canada in august with another explorer troop. This will be one AWESOME summer holiday :)

That is all.


OMG! I can't believe this!

Now that I have your attention... ;)


Super Mario Galaxy 2...still (:

Still working through Super Mario Galaxy 2, slowly but surely. I'm on like 94 stars (methinks...) and I'm starting to get challenged more, which is nice. Especially on the 4th galaxy of World S...I have wasted so many lives on that and still haven't completed it! Plus, now that I have completed most of the prankster comets on the easier levels, they are starting to pop up on the later levels offering me more of a challenge :)

What did y'all think of Slimy Springs Galaxy!?! I'm not normally a fan of water levels, but i love love LOVED this galaxy! It was really challenging! Plus, the musicwas my favorite of all of the galaxies! And when you FINALLY see land again, with the sunset rising, only to be met with the anti climax of Toad jumping out of the chest ... AWESOME :D

NES Games

So, I started playing around with the original Super Mario Bros. on the NES again :) I love this game, especially how you can complete it so quickly, therefore allowing you to set missions for yourself, for example quickest completion, highest score, LOWEST score (try this one, it's great fun).

I also started giving the original Legend of Zelda a go, however I didn't want to get too into it as I didn't want to ruin my anticipation up to OoT (which I WILL be completing after SMG2!!!)

£15 game from HMV

I've been doing Work Experience at a pre-school really and today was my last day :( I loved my 2 weeks there, the kids were so sweet :) Anyway, as a thank you they bought me a £15 HMV voucher, how lovely :D I'm thinking of buying one of those hidden gem video games like Zack & Wiki or De Blob that always sell for like £5 despite being the best games on the Wii. Any other suggestions would be great :)

That is all.


SMG2 Highlights!! Part 1

Hey guys,

About half an hour ago I beat the story mode of Super Mario Galaxy 2! All I can see is AWESOME! :) I beat the game with 73 power stars and my time of completion was 18 hours, 12 minutes and 13 seconds :P
I've loved this game so far! I realize I still have many many stars to collect, but so far it's been a brilliant game! It still won't get my 10/10 perfect score! I simply did not find this game challenging enough :(
I probably got like 3 or 4 'Game Over' screens in the whole game! But i'm not too bothered, as the game was awesome!

Below, I have created a small list of my favorite moments of this entire game, ranging from sound effects to galaxies!

WARNING! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS (but nothing too big)

10) Powerstars

Really, is there ANYTHING as satisfying as jumping into a beautiful and shiny power star after a particularly long/frustrating level? No. No there is not. Well there obviously is seeing as this is tenth, but whatever. I love the music that goes with the movie sequence after jumping into a power star. DA DAAA DADADADAAA BRRRRRR DUM! DADADADAAAAAAAAAAA! Does anyone feel the need to do a timpani roll with their nunchuck and Wii remote when that last BBRRRRRRRRR occurs, or is that just me?

9) Yoshi

Normally, I'm not particularly fussed over Yoshi. Sure, he's cute and all, but in most games I just wish I could carry on without him and stick with trustworthy Mario. On the other hand, in Super Mario Galaxy 2 I loved his addition! It felt just as comfortable running around whilst on his back, and it was so satisfying gobbling up enemies and apples! Some people complained that his performances were too brief, however I think Nintendo had a nice balance - not too much, but much more than in New Super Mario Bros. Wii!

8 ) Cloud Mario's Clouds

The whole addition of Cloud Mario was pretty cool, but what made it that much more awesome was the lovely little smiles on the clouds' faces! :) :) :) I'm not joking, I honestly couldn't make a cloud platform without smiling at it's lovely little face (and then feeling guilty for standing on it :( )

7) Flip Swap Galaxy

Up until this galaxy, I was starting to worry that this game would be a huge money scheme without the awesome level designs of the first game. Well, this galaxy showed me otherwise! This was one of my favorites, it was also one of the most challenging in my opinion (especially the purple coin challenge). I always get caught out where I try to shake in the air to land more accurately and I end up with no platform to land on! Fail.

Part 2 will be coming soon! I'm determined to complete this game 100% COMPLETELY as I never got round to getting all stars in the original. :)

Galaxy 2 and future games...

Yo G's XD

Super Mario Galaxy 2

So yeh, still haven't completed Super Mario Galaxy 2 ¬_¬ I think I'm a bit behind everyone else, i have about 65 power stars and have just started on the final world. I'm still enjoying it, and have especially enjoyed some recent purple coin challenges. I just wish there were more of these throughout the game, or at least something similar. It would really fill in the challenge gap that this game holds :( But yeh, I am enjoying it! HONEST :D I'm looking forward to finding out what the 'green star challenge' is. I've heard about it, however so far I've managed to keep the surprise quiet. I'm hoping it is more challenging version of previous galaxies. PLEASE, NO SPOILERS :)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

After some research and recommendations from various friends online and offline, I settled with the plan of starting The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time next. I'm probably going to buy it on the Wii Virtual Console. I'd prefer to buy it on the Gamecube, however that'd cost more money, and I doubt there's too much difference. However if anyone recommends otherwise, please say! I'm looking forward to getting stuck into my first ever Zelda game. As I mentioned before, I have tried to get into Twilight Princess before, however I feel it is too overwhelming for my first adventure with Link.

Dementium I & II

A while ago, I bought Dementium for my DS. I never really played it properly, however what I do remember is it being a pretty damn scary game! I played the first couple of levels with headphones on at midnight in the dark of my bedroom, and I loved it! It was really atmospheric, even if other aspects were weak. I would prefer to skip straight to the sequel which is supposedly better, but I guess I might as well play the original first.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 - disappointed...

Hey guys,

Today, my blog post isn't as up-beat and optimistic as usual. Over the last week or maybe a bit more I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy 2. I had very high expectations of this game, and have played it for a total of 11 hours and 31 minutes. I have found around 43 (i think) power stars. As you may have seen in my last blog post, my immediate reactions of the game were very positive. Unfortunately, they have been drooping a bit as I have progressed in the game. I am still enjoying the game, but I am starting to feel increasingly disappointed :(


This is my prime problem with the game. Before the game was released, I was getting really hyped about it. My main reason to be so excited for the sequel is that I had heard a lot about the massive increase in difficulty. According to Official Nintendo Magazine, in their first hands on session in which they played 3 or so levels, they saw the big 'GAME OVER' screen about 5 times. They kept stressing the step up in difficulty, and how it'll please experts a lot, blah blah.So far, I feel this was lies. I am about to enter world 5, and I still do not feel I have been challenged much more than the original at all. Admittedly, I have died more times than the original, but the stupid amount of opportunities to obtain 1UPs has prevented this from causing much challenge.

As I previously said, I am enjoying this game a lot. I just feel slightly disappointed in the fact that so far I haven't seen too many improvements, other than the addition of Yoshi. I feel I shouldn't be disappointed as 'more of the same' sequels are very common, and have never really annoyed me until now. I am also quite sad that I am approaching World 5 already. I realize that I will be occupied for a long time after collecting all 241 of the stars, but I dunno... i just feel slightly upset.

Anyone else feel this way?

Zelda: Where do I Start?!?!

Hey guys,

Today, I need some advice from you Zelda fans out there.
I am currently playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 and am absolutely loving it. I only have 17 stars so far, however I'm already starting to think about what game I would like to get into when I complete this.

I NEED to get into the Zelda franchise. Emphasis on the word 'NEED'.

I own a copy of twilight princess on the wii. I enjoyed the start of it, but never got properly into it. I know I will love this series as Action RPGs are my favorite types of games.

Could you guys PLEASE lend a hand on suggesting where I should start with Zelda? I'm willing to pay as much money as it takes to get hold of the game which is the best possible start, whether that means buying game boy games or virtual console games or whatever!



Super Mario Galaxy 2 First Impressions

Hey guys,

Well, I had a great half term and week end. To be honest, it more or less consisted of me hacking my way through the awesome boss levels on No More Heroes. I also found myself starting to read the awesome graphic novel Watchmen again (seeing as I never finished the final 2 or 3 chapters!!! Anyway, I finally completed the game on Saturday night. I played through the whole game on 'mild' mode, completing it in 26 hours. I realize this is a really bad time, but I spent a lot of time making sure I had the highest upgrades, videos and clothes, which caused me to spend a long time earning it again.
I started a review last night and am gonna try and complete that either tonight or tomorrow night.

Anyway, on Friday, my lovely mum (who happened to be in town whilst I was in school) was lovely enough to pop down to GAME and buy me a copy of the biggest Mario adventure yet - SUPER MARIO GALAXY :D Obviously, I was very very happy, but at this point I still had to beat the final boss on No More Heroes, 'Dark Star'. This meant I didn't get round to playing my new game until Sunday! Anyway, ONTO THE GAME!

Well, first impressions - AWESOME! I currently have 7 Power Stars, and have seen a sudden shock in the difficulty increase! I was left slightly confused in the first 4 power stars as I had seen reviews everywhere emphasizing it's rock hard difficulty. However, it soon kicked off, and the difficulty has really showed me what was missing in the prequel!

I'm also loving the addition of Yoshi! When I heard that he was to co-star in the game, I was a bit skeptical whether I'd like it. I quite enjoyed his brief appearances in New Super Mario Bros. (Wii), however didn't know if it would work in a 3D adventure. Turns out, it does. AWESOMELY! I can't help laugh every time I get knocked away from Yoshi and he starts crying! SO CUTE :D

The music is even better this time too! And the characters! And the graphics! And pretty much everything. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this game. As of next monday, I have 2 weeks off from school to do work experience which lasts only 3 hours a day, so in those other hours, you'll know where to find me. ON THE COUCH, GAMING :D

So yeh. Life's gooood. Japanese is starting to progress fast. woo :)

Ignorant Scientists

Hey guys,

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about life - how little we know, yet how confident scientists are. This has lead me to realize the following - the majority of scientists are incredibly ignorant people. I use the word 'majority' as there will obviously be exceptions. However generally, Scientists really need to realize that when it comes to the subject of life, they known as little as anyone else.

I recently heard a piece of information that really opened my eyes. Stretch out your arm and shave off the overlay of your middle fingernail. Now compare the size of the shaving to the rest of your arm. Your arm represents how long the Earth has been around. The shaving represents how long Humans have been on Earth. Hearing this information, it suddenly seems ludacris when I hear people claim, 'Nothing happens when you die'.

I am not a religious person. I was christened at a very young age, however none of my family have ever been strict Christians. I do however believe that it is possible that somewhere, there is a being more powerful than ourselves. This may not be a human (I don't understand the logic behind the presumption that 'God' is a man), it may just be energy. I just feel that this world is too damn perfect to be shrugged off as a result of a 'big bang'.

Going back to the start, we have been around for such little time. If we went back in time 500 years and mentioned 'electricity', it would sound ridiculous - as does the thought of afterlife. If we went forward in time 500 years, we may laugh at fossil fuels and global warming. The future is so unpredictable. I just can't understand the ignorance of people, presuming that from the little evidence they have right now, death is the end. We cannot know.

There's something to give a bit of thought next time you're laying in bed.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tomorrow :)

Well, i'm sure you all know Super Mario Galaxy 2 is out tomorrow!
I'm very excited! I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow after school :D
First however, I must finish the final rank on No More Heroes. I am having to raise lots of money for it which is a pain in the butt :p but oh well.