Hey guys,
About half an hour ago I beat the story mode of Super Mario Galaxy 2! All I can see is AWESOME! :) I beat the game with 73 power stars and my time of completion was 18 hours, 12 minutes and 13 seconds :P
I've loved this game so far! I realize I still have many many stars to collect, but so far it's been a brilliant game! It still won't get my 10/10 perfect score! I simply did not find this game challenging enough :(
I probably got like 3 or 4 'Game Over' screens in the whole game! But i'm not too bothered, as the game was awesome!
Below, I have created a small list of my favorite moments of this entire game, ranging from sound effects to galaxies!
WARNING! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS (but nothing too big)
10) Powerstars
Really, is there ANYTHING as satisfying as jumping into a beautiful and shiny power star after a particularly long/frustrating level? No. No there is not. Well there obviously is seeing as this is tenth, but whatever. I love the music that goes with the movie sequence after jumping into a power star. DA DAAA DADADADAAA BRRRRRR DUM! DADADADAAAAAAAAAAA! Does anyone feel the need to do a timpani roll with their nunchuck and Wii remote when that last BBRRRRRRRRR occurs, or is that just me?
9) Yoshi
Normally, I'm not particularly fussed over Yoshi. Sure, he's cute and all, but in most games I just wish I could carry on without him and stick with trustworthy Mario. On the other hand, in Super Mario Galaxy 2 I loved his addition! It felt just as comfortable running around whilst on his back, and it was so satisfying gobbling up enemies and apples! Some people complained that his performances were too brief, however I think Nintendo had a nice balance - not too much, but much more than in New Super Mario Bros. Wii!
8 ) Cloud Mario's Clouds
The whole addition of Cloud Mario was pretty cool, but what made it that much more awesome was the lovely little smiles on the clouds' faces! :) :) :) I'm not joking, I honestly couldn't make a cloud platform without smiling at it's lovely little face (and then feeling guilty for standing on it :( )
7) Flip Swap Galaxy
Up until this galaxy, I was starting to worry that this game would be a huge money scheme without the awesome level designs of the first game. Well, this galaxy showed me otherwise! This was one of my favorites, it was also one of the most challenging in my opinion (especially the purple coin challenge). I always get caught out where I try to shake in the air to land more accurately and I end up with no platform to land on! Fail.
Part 2 will be coming soon! I'm determined to complete this game 100% COMPLETELY as I never got round to getting all stars in the original. :)
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