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#1 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts

Have to say it is a toss up between Star Trek: Online and Champions Online.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time Cryptic, shame on the puppies I just kicked.

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#2 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts


Statistics proves differently. Xfire falls under a perfect normal distribution and a perfect sample size of all PC gamers. Using laws of math and stats we can pretty much say that Xfire is almost dead on what current PC players are playing.


Thank you for stating that. Most people have been throwing around the Steam numbers and discrediting the XFire numbers as it is a program that isn't required to play the game. The thing is, it is a program that shows no BIAS and gives a fair representation of the PC gaming realm.

I use xfire but I think youre wrong with unfair bias. People who play COD4 use xfire as their main communcation tool.... people who play MW2 dont need to because steam does this. Not many people would use xfire on top of steam except perhaps the long term users, certainly not the new MW2 players .... There are sites with actual hard numbers of who is playing what.... xfire is not one of them.

That's a first. Most people I saw playing MW1 used Teamspeak or Ventrillo which is pretty much standard across all PC online games.....
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#3 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts
$60 will be the new standard price for PC games, causing the profit margins for publishers for each game to go up. We will end up getting more higher quality games as a result.Jd1680a
BAHAHAHAHAHA. Sure keep believing that. So what was the excuse for MW2 then? They decided to annex options that have been staples of PC gaming for years, didn't add anything new, and still went with the $60 price point. What is it for, to fix the next one? Also, look at UbiSoft. They jack up the price point to $60 and all they added to their games were a DRM set that would make their parents want to disown them....
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#4 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts



Daily Players from Xfire:

CoD4: 70,364

CoD2: 44,829

BC2: 26,617

MW2: 23,920

Saying Xfire isn't crediable is retarded. That only thing that can come from that would be that MW2 players are casual PC gamers.


You do know around 70K people played MW2 according to Steam, right?

***EDIT*** According to this, a peak of 78,907 players played MW2 today. Not everyone uses Xfire bud. (The peak will switch back to something smaller at 3am EST)

Statistics proves differently. Xfire falls under a perfect normal distribution and a perfect sample size of all PC gamers. Using laws of math and stats we can pretty much say that Xfire is almost dead on what current PC players are playing.

Thank you for stating that. Most people have been throwing around the Steam numbers and discrediting the XFire numbers as it is a program that isn't required to play the game. The thing is, it is a program that shows no BIAS and gives a fair representation of the PC gaming realm.
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#5 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts
Why PC users care about Map packs price if they boycotted MW2 :Pbadtaker
Don't worry, my computer is still MW2 free and will remain that way till the cows come home.
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#6 Cdscottie
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*Looks at my game collection and wonders what games he has paid for over $50*

Hmm, seems I haven't jumped on the "Gold in them hills" bandwagon that publishers are seeing with PC Gamers as of late as I do not own any games over $50. As for DLC, I am one who tends to stray away from it unless it can be considered an expansion pack or a game changing update (SoaSE DLC for example) but when it comes to map packs, forget it. I am content to play the maps in a game that launched with or play made maps. If the publisher/developer want me to pay $5 a map then they are sorely mistaken.

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#7 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts

Over the past few years I've heard people talking about EA Store and how you they revoke your ability to download the game after a year unless you purchase the extended download service. My problem is I have never been offered this and I have been able to download my games, through EA Downloader, that I purchased years ago such as BF2142 Northern Strike and Crysis.

My question is, it this a region issue (I doubt it as I live in Canada) or did I somehow miss the notice on them removing such restrictions?

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#8 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts

to all you PC gamers that think WoW isn't a vidya and just repetitive BS: Rogue Mutilation Spec PVP is by far the most intense and exciting thing you could experience. Hell, PvP in general is great fun.

To those who don't like it, explain why. I want to hear this.


Let me explain why I dislike WoW.

1. Gather 10 pelts, kill 50 bears, gather 20 iron deposits from the cave guarded by 50 bears, etc, etc, etc. Even the raids/instances were nothing more then kill, kill some more till you get to a boss, and keep the trend by killing him....

2. I hate the fact that no matter what you do in the game your character isn't "unique". Sure you can select different cla sses, crafts, and inventory but in the end everyone looks the same, everyone uses the same skills, and everyone strives to get the same high end gear

3. PVP: Yes it is fun for some but it is god boring for me. If I want to play "capture the point" I'll play BF or DoW. If I want to play capture the flag I"ll jump into TF2. All of these games to me are more entertaining when it comes to "PVP"

4. The roleplaying.... I know what you are saying "YOU ROLEPLAY YOUR CHARACTER AND CHANGE THE WORLD" Bull. In the end it all comes down to if you have the best gear and your raid positions/schedule. When you have to determine a set number of a certain cla sses for a Raid it all ends up being nothing more then a statisticians fantasy. Top it off, you may have "Roleplay" servers but in the end it is all the same. Last time I played I never saw anything remotely regarding roleplaying just grind, grind, grind, and iz my armor gud?

5. The story. I like to play a game for the story, especially RPGs. I have stopped playing ST:O, Champions, and others due to lack of story and WoW was no exception. When I do a quest to kill 50 bandits, I want to have a real reason to wanting to kill those bandits. Not just "Kill these bandits and get a cool amulet or gold" as it just ends up becoming grind. Sure instances/raids added some story elements but they were far and between when it came to the entire game

Anyways, I can respect people enjoying the game but don't assume that because everything is awesome for you that it is the same for everyone else.

PS: I'd take EvE online over a trip to Azeroth any day.

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#9 Cdscottie
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And To those who feel that Camping is a really noobish tatic , think about this

>U just got pwned by a noob tatic , what makes you ? beyond nooblike ? And camping is not easy when facing good players with sharp eyes . If u are getting camped all the time , Just be a camper urself .. Most of the time , The Best Camper is The best anti - camper simply becoz he already could expect what lies before him when he directs a assault to the enemy base .

PS:When i play FPSes , i do camp / hide to trick chasing opponents then flank them from the sides or BS them but i dont just sit there and do nth except for waiting ...(referring to BC 2 bush snipers ...recons that dont scout at all).

Correct. Camping is treated the same way as "Back Dooring" is in DoTA/Heroes/League .... so many people whine about it, yet its perfectly legal, a good strategy and often pays of against "noobs" that think the only way to play them is to stay in the lane. or for the sake of this analogy, people who think shooters should be constant arcade fests ... yes because in the army you run out in the open and pray you aim faster right? who are the real noobs here? yea ... you non campers, so please stfu and stop dying n whining because someone actually uses cover... and doesnt think the only side of FPS that is "Pro" is how fast you can aim at someone.

And what about TF2? I know I have played many games where the team consists of Snipers and Engineers. Is camping really helping your team win? Or does it hurt them more. Same goes for BF:BC2. If you are one of those people who decide to camp and not help take objectives then you are causing nothing more but hurt for your team.
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#10 Cdscottie
Member since 2004 • 1872 Posts

[QUOTE="Cdscottie"][QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]This guy reminds of Peter Molyneux. He never shuts up. Wasn't he bashing Halo ? We get it you are a famous writer and most games have a crap story, but we don't play video games for stories you douche. There are better ways to get publicity.kevy619
"We" don't play video games for stories? Guess I'm not part of that "We" as I'd rather a game with a good story over most games that end up just being "mindless". I mean yes, there are games I play with no story and enjoy immensely but when it comes to single-player I love a good story.

well for good stories, video games are a poor place to go. there are rpgs here and there that have good stories, but for the most part the stories are about as good as the stories in porno movies.

Hey, you leave those hard working plumbers, pool cleaners, and pizza delivery guys alone!

I know the main reason why Homeworld has been held so close to my heart is due to the story, same goes for WiC, and even to a lesser extent SC. I understand it is sometimes hard to convey a story through a FPS but if they can make me feel for 30 fighters being blown to kingdom come or a few zealots, then they can find a way to make an engaging story in an FPS.