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Cecil_Highwind Blog

Good Break or Bad Break?

Okay, hi, I'm back. Tomorrow I will be sifting through my PMs, and Thursday &/or Friday, I will be doing union stuff. I will be busy.

Now on to my break. I did 4 or 5 things. One was Ghostofluigi's sleepover. I had an awesome time. We played Rock Band and surfed the web most of the time. In the morning, We put together a large game of War Games. In War Games, you split into 2 teams, and you have to capture all of either team to win. My team had a base that was a drain-off pipe for a shallow lake. I was mostly the hit man, due to my size. The hit man is the person who runs around and tackles everyone else, then forces them back to base, where the other team members put him in "jail". There is a huge chance for bodily harm. No team really won.

Later, my grandad had had a stroke :(. We went to the hospital and all that jazz. His brain had shifted a centimeter, and his brain was flooded with blood. He dies on Thanksgiving day.

A few days after that, I got Rock Band 2. Ghostofluigi spent the night and we played Eye of the Tiger all night. Ghostofluigi got 100% on singing on medium. I can do Expert on Bass with a 208 note streak, and do Medium on Guitar with a 249 note streak.

The next week we went to his funeral. I had to dress up, and looked like someone from the FBI or MI6. Once, my mom sent me to go get something from her car. I ran through the neighborhood with a mysterious package. More than one person looked at me strangely.I also played the piano, and many people said that it was good.

Last Saturday, took the SAT. By the way, I'm only in 7th grade. It wasn't too hard.

Now I'm back.

Break Time!

I'll be taking a short break. Blah, blah, don't demote me in unions, all that stuff. I will be coming back though.

Robin Hood was a Socialist!!!

Here's my reasoning...

Robin Hood= "Spead the wealth"

"Spread the wealth"=Socialist

Robin Hood takes from the rich and gives to the poor. Socialists take from the rich and give to the poor. Threrefore, Robin Hood is a socialist. And, by a strech of logic...

Socialist is almost the same thing as Communism


Robin Hood was a member of the KGB. Not just a member, but a founding father! Scary, isn't it.

Also, this is my 20th blog. Yay. Sorry I can't put in any pictures (I'm using Mozilla Firefox & cut, copy, paste doesn't work) so just imagine any food you want, and it's yours.

To all you spoony bards (pop quiz, what game is this from),


Tons of stuff...

Ok, let me start out this blog by saying sorry for not commenting on your blogs. I haven't had much time for blogs, as I have been doing a lot of stuff in unions. Please join the Nintendo Crazy Union, not many people have been commenting there. It's not dead though. I will now divide this blog up into some parts.

First Impressions: I have been playing Final Fantasy V: Advance for some time now and will do some first impressions. The job system in the game is great, allowing for you to be, say, a warrior who can also cast black magic spells. This system allows for a lot of customization in your party. There are only a few problems with this game. One is the boss fights. Some of the bosses hit like 5 times a turn, and you can't keep up with healing. The story is not overy intricate, but has sad moments. 9/10

Pine Cove Part 2: Okay, sorry it took me so long to get this up, but I will now.

During free time, I mostly did the Blob. The Blob is a massive inflatable ballon thine. You set it in the water and jump off a diving board onto it. If there is already someone on it, they will get bounced really high into the air. If there are three people on it, a blob wars will start. In a blob war, everyone tries to knock each other off. It was fun, until I almost lost $35 in the pool. I was able to find it. After the blob, I went canoeing. Some kids flipped themselves, and spent a half hour just floating in the lakes waiting for someone to help them. I just paddeled around doing nothing.

At night, everyone played commando. In commando, you have to take your life ring to a large tower in the middle of a forest without being caught by rambo force. If you are caught by Rambo Force, they smash your life ring and you have to get a new one. It is a very fun game.

More First Impressions: I played one level of Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus and hated it. Don't get this game. 1/10

Random: I was in another cello contest, All-Region, and got 11th chair. I got in the Region 24 orchestra!

I got three new games, Final Fantasy Cristal Chronicles, Suikoden III, and Tales of Legandia for $25.

Okay, bye...


Q&A and puzzles.

Okay, let me start this out by saying that Pine Cove! Part 2 is coming, but I just need more time to type it. but, for now you will have to settle with this.

Do you know any logic puzzles? I mean like this one: A baby falls out of an 80-story building and hits the ground. It doesnt have anything strapped to it, and still susvives. The obvious answer is that it fell out of the first story. So, if you have any,then please post them here.

Also, if you have any questions about me, then please ask them here.

Pine Cove! Part 1

Okay, let me start off by saying sorry that I wasn't very active this past weekend. I was at PINE COVE!

Pine Cove is a Chiristian retreat camp. You go there and have a lot of fun. I had to leave at 5:30 and go to church and get on the bus. The bus departed at 6:30, and we arrived at 9. The TV in the bus broke, so we just had to talk for two and a half hours. When we arrived, we had sanck and C;ub #1. Club is where you go sing and all that stuff. The band that played, Wrent, wasn't very good. It was a 2 person band, and the guy couldn't sing. After the hated club (I can't sing), we went back to our cabins. We got to sleep at about 12:45...

On Saturday, we woke up at 7-8 in the morning. From there we went to breakfast. Breakfast was bacon, eggs, and hash browns. I don't like eggs and hash browns, and I wasn't in the mood forbacon, so I just had some cereal. After breakfast, we had Connect 1. Connect 1 was where all the boys got together and talked.

After that was Club #2. It was about the same as last time. We then had lunch of taco salad. After lunch, everyone went back to their cabins and changed into clothes that could get dirty in crud wars. In crud wars, you throw stuff like flour, horse food, shaving cream, or colored water at each other. My previously white shoes and now very patriotic, having been colored red, white, and blue. I threw away my clothes after that.

Part 2 of my trip to Pine Cove is coming soon with all of the fun stuf that we did, including but not limited to, Commando, Canoeing, and The Blob! Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave your comments!

Lvl. 10!

I am finally Lvl. 10! I have been lvl. 9 for ever, and most of my friends are ahead of me. Sorry if I have not been active in unions, I have had a whole lot of school work to do. In fact, I am still behind.

2 questions: Does anyone play an instrument, and who do you want to win the presidential election?

BTW, I was in a chello competition and I got third place. I am now third best chello in the entire district! I also play the piano.

Stock market & New Games

Just an interesting thing, (it is politics) today in America, the stock market dropped almost 780 points, and the $700,000,000 bailout plan wasn't passed.

now, to what I brought all of you here to say: Yesterday, I went to Gamestop to buy a new game. I saw that they had a buy 2, get 1 game free, used. I decided to get the final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls and Final Fantasy V. I got Final Fantasy VII free. Not Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus. I wish I had Final Fantasy VII. BTW, does anyone know where I could get Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX? I have Final Fantasies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 12, and with 7, 8,and 9, I will have all exept 11, which I am not going to get.

My analisis of Sephiroth (JENOVA)

Here is my analisis of Sephiroth.

How did he first make headlines?: He was a First-Class SOLIDER. He worked for the forces of good to become every little boy's hero. He was a great SOLIDER, and completed many missions very sucessfully.

Why did he turn to evil?: One day, on a mission to repair a Mako generator with Zach Fair, Cloud Strife, and some others, Sephiroth finds a body in a tube that has a plaque(plack, don't know how to spell that) reading JENOVA. He had been told that his mother was JENOVA, but didn't know who it was. He then goes crazy. It was actually JENOVA controling him.

What was his first act of evil?: He burned down a city near the Mako reactor and slaughtered all of the citizens living there. The city would later be rebuilt and populated by Shin-Ra employees.

What did he do then?: He dissapears for a few years.

Then what?: He tries to get the Black Materia and suceeds. He uses the Black Materia to summon the ultimate black magic spell, Meteor.

How is he beaten?: Cloud Strife and AVALANCHE defeat him.

Does he die?: Yes, but JENOVA lives on.

What happened after he ''dies''?: Meteor hits Midgar, but the ultimate white magic, Holy, and the lifestream stops it. It does a whole lot of destruction, though.

What then?: JENOVA lives on, and when Kadaj, Yadoo, and one other Sephiroth clone find her, he comes back to life and is killed again by Cloud.

Overall?: He was a good villan, but highly overrated. He gets credit for JENOVA's actions. My question is, why do we give him the credit for JENOVA's actions, but we don't give Golbez credit for Zeromus's actions, or Edea for Ultimacia's?