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Memoirs of Hadrian

Hi everyone! :) So, first of all, Blackout Day: it seems that somehow we've been heard. Changes are not assured, but at least they know why we decided to protest for the new tv.com. Of course thank you Glenn11523 for everything you've done and organized!

Nothing actually happened this week, just normal things as university and study. I went to the CUS which is the sport university center and I asked onfo for basketball. I used to play and I was also good at it, so now I would like to play again, also because playing I can relax and have fun, cut with the study for a couple of hours. It would be great and so i went for info: there is the basketball course, but it is for both males and females :lol: I remember that I played with guys for like four or five years when I was little, but then at 13 years old I had to change team and play with girls only. I didn't decide yet. There will be probably other girls, and a mixed team will be funny, I'm sure. I'll think about it but very luckly I will sign up for the course. :D

I'm reading this book right now (I've almost finished it actually :P ), Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar. In italian of course :P

It is a very well written book, a masterpiece I would say. Maybe you don't remember it but I said a couple of times how much I hate latin. It's true, I can't stand it, I hated every single lesson for five years in high school. But I decided anyway to read this book because I had heard it was a good one, and I love it. Maybe I love it exactly because I've studied latin for so long, and I know the language despite my lazyness :P The thing is that it is so well written sometimes I forget that it is not a latin test. But it seems so! It's incredible! The author did an amazing job. The words she uses, the costruction of the periods and the things she writes...seriously, if I didn't know that the author lived in the XX century, I would read the book thinking that Hadrian himself wrote it!

Have a nice weekend!

Ciao :)

Top 5 changes

1 - Comments: if you have more than one page of comments on your blog, you are not able to read the second page, you have to use movietome or similar. More over, it's not possible write comments in more than one paragraph.

2 - Followed blogs: on the right side of the page you can see just four of your followed blogs. It's not enough.

3 - Emblems: I don't have my "50 contributions" emblem anymore. Why? And on the left side of the page, right under the personal avatar and name, there is not my level emblem. Again, why?

4 - Read blog: why when I write a new blog, only half or even less than half appears in my profile page?

5 - PM and Queue: they're too small, definitely. I can hardly notice them.

Blackout Day is tomorrow!

I'm ready for the Blackout Day tomorrow. I spent the last few days telling myself "remember that next Tuesday you don't have to login!" and now I remember :) For everyone who is in the project talk to you on Wednesday. For the others who are interested or want to know something about this Dark Day, visit Glenn11523 's profile.


I need coffee!

Hi everyone! This new site is not working yet, damn! I've read there will be a blackout day on 30th September, which means not login in that day. I totally agree. It's a right protest, not to have the old version of tv.com back (I like the new layout by the way), but to have the new one working well.

Back to our things...I've watched the first two episodes of House :D Great! I loved the season premiere, a really amazing episode. About the second one, let me say that I enjoyed the private investigator, he's a nice character and I hope to see him again :P and I loved Kutner ahahah :lol: He's a genius ahahah!!! I'm getting into Fringe too. It's a weird but nice show. Very out of the world for the theories, but cool. I have so many shows to watch I don't even know when to find the time :P

So...my holidays to Valencia! A beautiful city, and it kind of surprised me because it's not a common destination. We felt like at home, Spain and Italy are not so different. The old city center is really beautiful, especially the principal square where you can see skaters and jugglers in the evening, a lot of young people and many nice place where you can sit and drink something with your friends. Then there is the new part of the city, the American's Cup port and the Formula1 circuit. We visited everything we could visit, and we eventually knew very well the city, so well that people on the street asked us for information :lol: We also visited the Bioparc , which is a sort of zoo, but animals are basically free, there are not cages and you can walk among them. We also went one day to Sagunt, an old roman city near Valencia. Have you ever heard about Sagunt's battle while you were studying roman impire at school? :P We tried three times to go to Madrid for a day trip, but we failed for three times :lol: Yes, because the first time the train was complete, the second time there was a strike and the last one was on Saturday and trains' schedule was different during the weekend. In that way we should have stayed four hours in Madrid and six in the train. We decided not to go in the end :P We'll go another time! We spent a lot of money in shopping :P and I'm so happy :P I really enjoyed the Science Museum and the Oceanografic, which is the biggest european aquarium. It took us two days to visit the giant structure of the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias , but they were worthed, totally. There's a thing that really disappointed me, and it was the language. They speak valencian dialect, which is different from spanish you learn at school, but still understandable. What bothered me was the fact that nobody, and I repeat nobody spoke english. Also in the tourist information center they had difficulties with english. If you ask something to someone in english, they answer in spanish...lucky we are italians and we can understand spanish easily!Also here in Italy we have a lot of problems with english, but in the main cities you can always find someone capable of understand you. It wasn't so there. A really bad thing, it has never happened I visited a place with this totally zero english skills...and I've travelled a lot! A girl of our group studies languages at university, and she speaks spanish so she was our official translator :P One evening we were eating tapas in this very crowded place and she went out because her parents were calling her. Three young women, about 35 years old, asked us something and we didn't understand a word. They were probably asking us if the seat was taken. Anyway, I told them in english "Sorry, I don't understand". They repeated the same thing in valencian dialect and they were looking to each other hoping that one of the three spoke english, but nothing...weird.I have to be honest tough and say that there was a place were english was spoken: the only one Starbucks in Valencia!I thank the guy who invented Starbucks :lol: You should know that for italian people, coffee is essential :lol: I don't know why but around the world is really really difficult find a good espresso. It's something I don't understand because it is so easy make a good espresso, but still, espresso outside Italy sucks most of the times. Starbucks instead is pretty good, and we went there every time we could even if there was just one in the whole city :D I wanna go to Seattle, I'm sure that's the right city for me :lol: coffee everywhere :lol: my personal heaven!!!

Remember that I said before my departure that it was damn hot here in Italy? Well, guess what? We're freezing now :lol: Seriously! Last Sunday I was in Valencia and it was 30 degrees (86 Fahrenheit) and Sunday evening I was back home with 11-12 degrees (53 Fahrenheit)!!! Unbelievable! When we were on holiday, we talked to our relatives back home and they kept saying "It's freaking cold here!" while it was sunny and hot where we were :lol: We're lucky that there wasn't any hailstorm yet, which means that if the weather keeps on this way, the new olive oil will be great this year (I have about 100 olive trees) yeah! :) Just for the records, today I lighted the fire because it's really too cold. Maybe next week it will be hot again...I don't understand the weather anymore...

Ciao! :)

What happened? Help!

Hi everyone! I just came back from Valencia, and what do I find? A complete new tv.com WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??? I have to be honest and say that I like this new style, but I'm still confused on how use the website now.

I promise that I will read all your blogs as soon as possible...if I find them :P and I will also tell you about my great holidays in Valencia, but first I really need to understand how this new thing works. For example: I wrote my last blog before my departure, and so I didn't read all your comments, but just few of them; now that I'm back I've noticed that someone wrote more comments...I couldn't read them because I cannot find them! :evil:

Ciao for now :)

Talk to you soon!

No concert

Hi everyone! I'm back in Florence right now, and I just have to say IT'S DAMN HOT! I can't stand it.

:lol: Anyway, I'll be soon in Valencia, I'm leaving Friday, so I don't know if I'll write another blog. I've finally watched Bones premiere, and I liked it, even if I liked the first episode more. It wasn't a really amazing premiere, I admit, but still, Bones is back! 8) I'm going to drive my friends crazy during my holiday :lol: because there will be House premiere and I won't be there :evil: A new show that I really liked has been 90210, and it kind of surprised me because I wasn't expecting such a great start :P

I wanna tell you how unlucky I was yesterday. I had decided to go to Jason Mraz concert in Munich, Germany, next 5th October. There is a train from Florence and it's a really good one, so I could have been there in like 10 hours. I asked my friends and two of them told me that they wanted to come. I was really really happy, and then yesterday I went on his official websites and...SOLD OUT :evil: Couldn't believe that! I tried to find some tickets in other websites and there were, but I don't speak german and I didn't get anything. More over this website I found wasn't the official one, and so I decided to avoid problems with the credit card and everything because I don't want to get there and find out that my tickets aren't valid :evil: I really wanted go, but it's not possible :( There will be only one italian concert in Milan, but I won't be there (because I'll be in Spain :P ) and the nearest is Munich, Frankfurt is too far from Florence. So no concert :( I'll wait next year. Besides the fact that I like Jason Mraz for his music, I have a real affection because I could understand one of his song from the beginning to the end, just listening, a giant step for my english skills :P The first time happened with Avril Lavigne, but I didn't get three words of her song, so I didn't count that :P It's like when you translate for the first time a latin test without using the dictionary :D I don't know if it ever happened to you, but I can tell, you feel incredibly proud :lol:

I don't know if I will write a new blog before I leave.

For now, ciao ;)

Happy happy happy!

Hi everyone! I'm officially at my second year in med school! Yes! 8) I told you I had two exams left and I needed to pass at least one of them. Well, this morning I passed biology exam! :D :D :D I don't know if you remember but I once failed this exam. After that day, I didn't look at the biology book again, not even once, and I focused on a different subject. This morning I was on my way to university and I met some friends in front of the biology department, waiting for the exam. The teachers weren't there yet, and so I'd had the time to sign up if I wanted. I didn't even think, I just signed up. And so I did the exam, without even had opened the book in more than two months :lol: The mark has not been so incredible, but considering everything 26/30 is a great mark 8) I felt pretty smart :lol: And so I'm now at my second year :)

I'm also happy because this is the first week of premieres. Unfortunately I couldn't be on Gossip Girl chat, but I probably will be there for the Heroes chat. I didn't watch the new episodes yet, and I'm talking about Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and Bones. I downloaded them (Bones is still downloading :P ) but I have them. I feel pretty proud of my English skills right now. They're not excellent of course (I often ask your help for words :P ) but I think that I could be able to understand at least the 75-80 % of the 40 minutes of the shows, so I was thinking that maybe this year I will not wait for the subtitles in italian. Big improvement for me :P I'll see how it works out, I'm not sure yet :? The problem is that in case I decide to watch them without subtitles at all (if I really long for the new episode of a show, I get the english subs) I then have to watch them again once I have the subs because even if I really concentrate and focus, I'm not able to get 100 % of what they say, and I must understand every single word, that's why I need subs! :P

Well, talk to you soon!

Ciao ;)

I wanna change my religion!

Hi everyone! I'm really busy in these days and I will also next two weeks because I have to study a lot. I have my last two exams and I need to pass at least on of them in order to attend my second year in med school. So...quite important studying! I'm now on histology (the study of human tissues) and embriology (babies and pregnancies step by step, day by day, month by month :P ). They're really interesting subjects and I like them, even if sometimes there are really really really boring parts (like the one I was studying before). My brain is near to a knowledge explosion, I can see the smoke above my head, so I've decided for a break, and here I am! :)

I WANNA CHANGE MY RELIGION! Yes! :lol: During my studies I found out that there is the Neuron Doctrine :lol: and I have total faith on my neurons. Do you know who I can contact for my conversion? :lol: I learnt so many funny things in the past weeks, you know that kind of things you always have questions about but you never find answers. Unfortunately they're not things they're going to ask me for my exam, but I'm so happy to know them :D

So, September is almost here!!! Yeah 8) lots of season premiere :D :D :D What are you longing to see? I can't wait for Bones and House in particular. Unfortunately I won't be home for the premiere of House :cry: but I'll be on holiday with my friends, so no problem 8) And then CSI in October...why do I have to wait so long??? :evil:

Pretty full calander between premieres and studies....or should I say studies and premieres :P can't decide which comes first! No, kidding, studies of course :? That's why I need to come back to my giant book right now!

It was so nice take a break :D

Talk to you soon!

Ciao ;)

How is level 9?

Ciao a tutti! :D How are you all? I just came back from my trip. I have to say that I'm really tired, but happy :P I will tell you everything about my vacation, but first: where did level 9 go??? I opened my profile and I found out I was level 10, while last week I was level 8 :shock: Well, I'm happy for the new level, but what about the level 9 emblem? I didn't see it :cry: Anyway, no problem at all :)

So, my trip to Trieste was very loooooooong. God, so many hours to get there by train, and it was also a fast train! :shock: Anyway, the city is great. I've been there several times, and I can say that I love that city, it's really beautiful. Remember my friend? She wanted info because she had the idea to move in Trieste for the university. Well, she decided to stay in Bologna, where she's already studying, so the trip was a little bit without sense, but we had a lot of fun and at least she got all the info she needed. The funny thing was that she stopped boys and girls in the middle of the street :lol: asking them how the university is there, how they live, if they feel good in Trieste and what they would prefer between Bologna and Trieste. In this way she took her decision knowing all her options.

Then my trip in the South of Italy. We stayed there just few days, but I tell you that I didn't want go away from those places. Simply amazing! We went to different beaches every day, with this incredible sea and a great sun :D Then we visited a couple of cities near there, beautiful. The memorable thing is the food. I'm serious when I tell you that I had never eaten so much in all my life. Sunday night we ate so much fish that I couldn't even sleep :P And it was delicious, especially the raw fish (is the word raw used for fish or just for meet? :P sorry if every time I ask something about english language, I'm still learning :P ). I love squeeze the lemon on the alive oysters and mussels, yes, I'm mean :lol: And the prawn just fished, right on your mouth, without even wash the salt of the sea away...mmmmm delicious! I will not tell anything alse because otherwise Tom will write once again that he's jalous LOL you're always jalous, incredible :lol: I'm too lucky I know :D

Two more pics of Ostuni for you. It's called the white city, what do you think, is it right? :lol:

Now, this is Otranto, a city that I loved exactly in the moment I parked the car. I can not say why ;) but I loved it. I will go back there for sure.

And in the end Alberobello, a really nice and original city :D The weird houses are called trulli and people actually live in there.

I always put many great pics :D I could be your virtual guide to Italy 8) LOL

I promise that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will read all your blogs!

Talk to you soon :)


From the North to the South

Hi everyone! :) I'm leaving today and I'll be back next week. It's going to be a very long trip :P Today I'm going to Trieste, in the very North of Italy, because a friend of mine wants to take a look at the university there and so I'm going with her and a couple more of friends. We're leaving this afternoon, we'll spleep there (somewhere, we don't know yet :P ) and we're coming back tomorrow evening. We're going by train. And then, on Friday, I'm going with my family to Ostuni, a little city near Brindisi, Puglia, in the very South of Italy, for a weekend on the beach. It will be more than a weekend, because we're coming back on Monday night. So from the very North to the very South in just few days, and I live exactly in the middle :lol: The funny thing is that either ways I'm not going to understand a word LOL because the dialects are very different from each other, completely different languages. Let's hope to find people speaking italian, not just dialect :lol: Should be easy!

Here a couple of pics of Trieste.

And also a couple of pics of Ostuni.

If you wanna take a look to the distance here's the map.

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

So, I will tell you next week what happened and what I did, for now have a nice week (and weekened :) )!

Ciao :)

I almost forgot! I'm an editor now! :D Editor for Gabriele Muccino. Actually I don't know why he is in tv.com because he's a movie director, anyway, he's here so :D You know him, I'm sure, because he directed The pursuit of happiness with Will Smith :D