What happened to the writers? Are they all depressed? Because I don't understand why they felt the need to kill characters in the season finales. Amber dies in House and Warrick dies too in CSI. I can understand that they need the pathos, but why be so cruel?
Anyway, yes, I've watched House and CSI season finale, and I will soon watch the last two episodes of Grey's Anatomy. I long for There's no place like home 2 and 3 of Lost! :D :D :D I watched Gossip Girl's season finale too, but I didn't like it very much
I've also started watching new series, so that I know how to have a busy summer:
- Freaks and Geeks: I really love this series, even if I just watched two episodes;
- How I met your mother: I didn't know it was so funny :P ;
- Miss Guided: not bad, but I think I will not continue to watch it;
- One Tree Hill: I'm almost at the end at the first season now, and I have to say that I really enjoy this show :) ;
- The Big Bang Theory: another funny show for the summer 8) ;
- The Inbetweeners: there are few episodes, but english show are getting better every year.
And now I will write what I think are the best 20 quotes of the fouth season of House.
20- Cuddy: Your team, Foreman included, is dealing with the Great Mayonnaise Panic of 2007. Frankly, I'm worried it might spread to other condiments. (4x05-Mirror, Mirror)
19- Thirteen: You spend your whole life looking for answers. Because you think the next answer would change something, maybe make you a little less miserable. And you know that when you run out of questions, you just don't run out of answers, you run out of hope. (4x08-You don't want to know)
18- House: She is a needy version of me. Wilson: Hard to imagine such a mythical creature. (4x12-Don't ever change)
17- Cuddy: You'll never lose your friend, House. You're the long-distance runner of neediness. (4x12-Don't ever change)
16- Wilson: I call her Amber. (4x11-Frozen)
15- House: In a lavander shirt...You, for some reason, are happy. Wilson: How dare you! (4x11-Frozen)
14- House: I saw something amazing. Pure truth. (4x10-It's a wonderful lie)
13- House: The hair makes you look like a hooker. I like it. (4x02-The right stuff)
12- House: And I know when my vicodin isn't vicodin. Do you know when your birth control pills aren't birth control pills? (4x05-Mirror,mirror)
11- Wilson: Either you're sprawled naked on your floor with an empty bottle of vicodin, or collapsed naked in front of your computer with an empty bottle of viagra. Please tell me which because Chase has another pool going. (4x06-Whatever it takes)
10- Kutner: If we believe in the existence of extreme jerkiness, which I suspect that we do... (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)
9- House: I need you to sleep with Wilson. Cuddy: Good morning. (4x12-Don't ever change)
8- Wilson: "Are you okay?". I have neve heard you ask a patient that question. You've never asked me that question and you've seen me fall down a flight of stairs drunk. (4x11-Frozen)
7- Kate: I never said you needed fixing. (4x11-Frozen)
6- Thirteen: 31? House: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that either way was good with you. (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)
5- Cuddy: It's difficult not to be moved! (4x07-Ugly)
4- House: You act like employees should fear and respect you, but your eyes tell us - but your eyes tell us nothing because we're looking at your boobs - which tell us that you're desperate to have someone jump on you and tell you they love you one grunted syllable at a time. What you want, you run away from. What you need, you don't have a clue. What you've accomplished, makes you proud. But you're still miserable. (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)
3- House: So you didn't have sex. Then you can have it tonight: The L World is on. (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)
2- Amber: We are always gonna want just a little longer. (4x16-Wilson's heart)
1- House: Wait a second. This isn't just about the sex. You like her personality. You like that she's conniving. You like that she has no regard for consequences. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves...oh my God. You're sleeping with me. (4x12-Don't ever change)
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