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28.25 over 30

Physics exam is done! :) The result was really good and I'm happy of it :lol: I could have taken a little better mark, but I got confused at some point about a cartesian curve, so...I'm happy anyway :) So now my average marks is very good: 28.25/30 :lol: I didn't call my friends yet, but I think that I'm going to celebrate tonight 8)

Florence is terribly hot. I drunk like an elephant this morning! Conditioner air is not common, not even in public places, so we are all melting here! But I'm going back home later and I think I will sit outside and enjoy the wind. 8) Anyway a good thing happened here in Florence: they open a gelateria (ice cream shop :? I don't know how to call it in english) right behind the corner, and the ice cream they make is excellent :D Yeah! :)

I watched the first episode of Damages last night and I really liked it! I think it's a good show :) I was tagged agai. The same "write 10 things about you"...I already did it. Should I write 10 more things? Let me know, in case I will :)

Oh, I almost forgot: Happy Indipendence Day to all the americans here!!! :D Last year I did my oral test for the high school final exam on the 4th of July! It's definitely my exam day LOL

Ciao :)

10 things about me

I was tagged by Tom and so I have to write 10 things about me. Well, let's see...

1-Everybody always told me that I'm a good writer :oops: I can't tell about my English (which is pretty much hesitant :? ) but at Italian I'm really really good. In fact many people told me that I was supposed to become a journalist or something :P Who knows? Future is unpredictable! :)

2- I have a weird cat: she likes water :shock:

3- My computer is ALWAYS on!

4- I took my driver licence exactly one year after my 18th birthday (in Italy we are allowed to drive at 18 )!

5- I was born the same day Colombo discovered America (12th October) and I'm proud of that :D

6- I LOVE Japan :P

7- I used to play basketball, and once a coach told me that I was good enough for a basketball school in Pescara (not so near my home :? ). I was 14 and I refused. Should I regret it?

8- I was in LA when Italy won the World Championship in 2006: the only italian girl in a pub in the middle of the day screaming bad italian words against the screen. I know...embarassing :P

9- Once in Egypt (I was eight or something) a man offered my father dromedaries and cattle for taking me as his future bride :shock: OF COURSE my dad refused (grazie babbo!) :P

10- While I was going to high school my clock alarm was set at 6.40. After those sleepy five years I've decided that I will never set the clock alarm at 6.40 again!

Last night at first it didn't seem that it was going to be a good Saturday night, but eventually it turned out a really nice time. I convinced my friend Vanessa to go to the cinema, and we watched Once; we then ate a wonderful pizza and drink beer with four other friends of us, and finally walked around. We ended in a church's steps and we stayed there like one hour, just talking :) It was a beautiful evening, not even to hot (in these days we're melting here!). We decided for this movie just because we didn't want to go until the multiplex (which is not in the city center). We didn't even know what it was about, but it is a really really nice movie. Simple and nice, a sweet story about an Irish man who meets a girl from Czech Republic in Dublin, and they decide to cut a record.

The soundtrack is just amazing. Beautiful sweet songs played by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, the two actors. I don't get why here in Italy they're so slow about movies. This was made in 2006 and we see it now in the cinemas!!! Misteries of my country...

30 cum laude!

Yes! I got full marks in the computer science exam at university! 30 plus the merit out of 30!!! Yeah! 8)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Now I need to focus on histology, one of the most boring subject I've ever studied! I have the exam next month, and before histology, I have physics...so...long days of studying are waiting for me :?

I went to the cinema and I watched Made of honor. I really liked it...and him of course :P

I have to admit that I'm becoming addicted to Bones. I love this show!

To everyone: have a nice week end!




I had a really nice week-end! :)
On Saturday we all went to my friend's house in the country and we stayed there all day under the sun. Finally summer is arrived, and if we were complaining last week because of the cold and the rain, we are now complaining for the high temperatures. It's really really hot, but I prefer this way 8) I couldn't stand a cold June.
Saturday evening there was Saracino in my city, Arezzo. I'm pretty sure that you don't know what it is...well, I will try to explain, even if I don't know if my english skills would be good enough :? Saracino (dialect for Saracen) is a sort of medieval game (is called giostra in italian, joust), and is basically simple. There is a cavalryman who has a long lance, and while he is riding his horse, he has to hit with the lance a target. He then gets points, from 1 to 5, based on where he hit the target. Here's some pictures of the target (the tin man called buratto, that symbolizes the enemy of the Christian Occident in Middle Ages: the Saracen) and the points on the target.

There are four teams (quarters), and each one refers to one of the four city gates (still existing) that allowed in the medieval time to enter the city. There are, in order: Porta del Foro (or San Lorentino), yellow and crimson red (my team :) )

Porta Santo Spirito, yellow and blue

Porta Crucifera (or Colcitrone), red and green: this is the most hated quarter in the town, because its supporters are often violent and fanatic

Porta Sant'Andrea, white and green

Following this order, every quarter takes two rides: the one that gets more points wins. If there are teams with the same score, they keep playing until there is one that gets more points. There are also other rules of course, but I will not explain them here, because what I said is basically the whole game. On Saturday Porta Crucifera won because it did 4 and 5 points, damn! :evil:
The game itself is not so exciting to watch, I must be honest, but for the people of the place Saracino is a great event: there are parades and celebrations, parties all over the town and music and dancing for a whole week. Families members could belong to different quartiers and so they kind of fight each other :) During the game there are flags, chorus and hymns. It was a really great night, even if San Lorentino didn't win :(

Yesterday I went to my little nephew's birthday. He turned one!!! :D Happy birthday Leonardo :D He's not actually my nephew, he's my cousin's son, but I'm officially his aunt :)
And last night, everybody at Elena's house to watch the football match: Italy - Spain! We were eight angry guys screeming against the tv because the two idiots of players did wrong the penalties, and the incompetent coach didn't allow to important players to play! :evil: So Italy is out of Euro2008 :cry: We could have done much better, but we did so many mistakes :(

I have a father with a black eye

My dad fell down the stairs yesterday! I was in Florence and my mother called me saying that he was at the hospital because he hit his head. I got pretty scared :? So I took the first train and came back home. I have to say that the bus service in my city sucks. I never use buses here (while I do in Florence), first of all because I have the car, and second because Arezzo is a really small city, so you can walk everywhere. But yesterday I had my suitcase and as the hospital is not in the city center, I decided to take the bus (a taxi would have been a waste of money). Never been on such a slow bus! God! Anyway, when I got to the hospital my dad had just finished all the visits and tests. He was staggering like a drunk man, left eye completely black because of the hematoma, 4 stitches to his eyebrow, and a bandaged arm. I took him to the neurologist in the afternoon but he told us that there are no problems at all. Good! :) He's doing much better today, even if his head hurts a little and he cannot move his right arm properly, but still...he's fine. The problem is that tomorrow he should attend a ceremony! He will be handsome with that black-purple eye that he is not able to open! :) Poor dad! :P

I just want to say one more time Forza Italia! :P We won against France and it was really a great match! 8) Hoping to win also sunday against Spain...in bocca al lupo ragazzi!

Ciao :)

Here I am!

I'm back!!! Even if the loooooong study is not over I decided to see what is going on here. How are you all? I hope you're better than me :( I'm so angry right now, and also sad. Yes, because after two weeks of study-no-stop I failed my exam...The teacher asked me a difficult question about an experiment with DNA, but I started talking and I was doing well. Unfortunately I forgot to mention one of the many conclusions of this experiment, and she told me to do again the exam. I'm not going to complain about her decision, because she is the teacher and I can not do much if she decides that I'm not good enough for the test, even if I'm sad. What I can not understand is why she had to send me home just for one single thing that I forgot to say. We have marks from 18 to 30 at university, and I am wondering: is that possible that even if I said almost everything I was under that 18 which is the line for passing the exam? Mistery of italian university teachers!

Anyway, I discovered that I'm now at level 7 :D

Everybody is ready for the great match tonight: Italy - France, Euro2008. Forza Italia 8) It will be very hard for us, crossed fingers!

I'll be away for a while

Yes, maybe just a week, or maybe more. It's that I have so much to study that I wake up in the morning and I think that I'm still dreaming, that I didn't open my eyes, because I can not believe how big are the books on the desk near my bed! All my anxiety should end in like fifteen days (I hope).

More over I have to help my parents with their job. So I'll be very busy...

Anyway, on my list for the "summer shows" I also put Bones: I've watched the first episode and I really liked it :) It's not officially summer yet, so I will have the time to catch up with the episodes.

Big hugs!!! :P

What I've watched + House's quotes

What happened to the writers? Are they all depressed? Because I don't understand why they felt the need to kill characters in the season finales. Amber dies in House and Warrick dies too in CSI. I can understand that they need the pathos, but why be so cruel?

Anyway, yes, I've watched House and CSI season finale, and I will soon watch the last two episodes of Grey's Anatomy. I long for There's no place like home 2 and 3 of Lost! :D :D :D I watched Gossip Girl's season finale too, but I didn't like it very much

I've also started watching new series, so that I know how to have a busy summer:

- Freaks and Geeks: I really love this series, even if I just watched two episodes;

- How I met your mother: I didn't know it was so funny :P ;

- Miss Guided: not bad, but I think I will not continue to watch it;

- One Tree Hill: I'm almost at the end at the first season now, and I have to say that I really enjoy this show :) ;

- The Big Bang Theory: another funny show for the summer 8) ;

- The Inbetweeners: there are few episodes, but english show are getting better every year.

And now I will write what I think are the best 20 quotes of the fouth season of House.

20- Cuddy: Your team, Foreman included, is dealing with the Great Mayonnaise Panic of 2007. Frankly, I'm worried it might spread to other condiments. (4x05-Mirror, Mirror)

19- Thirteen: You spend your whole life looking for answers. Because you think the next answer would change something, maybe make you a little less miserable. And you know that when you run out of questions, you just don't run out of answers, you run out of hope. (4x08-You don't want to know)

18- House: She is a needy version of me. Wilson: Hard to imagine such a mythical creature. (4x12-Don't ever change)

17- Cuddy: You'll never lose your friend, House. You're the long-distance runner of neediness. (4x12-Don't ever change)

16- Wilson: I call her Amber. (4x11-Frozen)

15- House: In a lavander shirt...You, for some reason, are happy. Wilson: How dare you! (4x11-Frozen)

14- House: I saw something amazing. Pure truth. (4x10-It's a wonderful lie)

13- House: The hair makes you look like a hooker. I like it. (4x02-The right stuff)

12- House: And I know when my vicodin isn't vicodin. Do you know when your birth control pills aren't birth control pills? (4x05-Mirror,mirror)

11- Wilson: Either you're sprawled naked on your floor with an empty bottle of vicodin, or collapsed naked in front of your computer with an empty bottle of viagra. Please tell me which because Chase has another pool going. (4x06-Whatever it takes)

10- Kutner: If we believe in the existence of extreme jerkiness, which I suspect that we do... (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)

9- House: I need you to sleep with Wilson. Cuddy: Good morning. (4x12-Don't ever change)

8- Wilson: "Are you okay?". I have neve heard you ask a patient that question. You've never asked me that question and you've seen me fall down a flight of stairs drunk. (4x11-Frozen)

7- Kate: I never said you needed fixing. (4x11-Frozen)

6- Thirteen: 31? House: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that either way was good with you. (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)

5- Cuddy: It's difficult not to be moved! (4x07-Ugly)

4- House: You act like employees should fear and respect you, but your eyes tell us - but your eyes tell us nothing because we're looking at your boobs - which tell us that you're desperate to have someone jump on you and tell you they love you one grunted syllable at a time. What you want, you run away from. What you need, you don't have a clue. What you've accomplished, makes you proud. But you're still miserable. (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)

3- House: So you didn't have sex. Then you can have it tonight: The L World is on. (4x13-No more Mr.Nice Guy)

2- Amber: We are always gonna want just a little longer. (4x16-Wilson's heart)

1- House: Wait a second. This isn't just about the sex. You like her personality. You like that she's conniving. You like that she has no regard for consequences. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves...oh my God. You're sleeping with me. (4x12-Don't ever change)

Online detective

If you need help to find someone you've missed let me know, because I'm really good to find disappeared people! I know it seems bold to say, but it's true!

Okay, here's the thing. As I wrote on my profile I have some relatives in USA. My mother's aunt went there after the war, she got married and had seven kids :shock: One of them (let's call him MrX ;) ) moved in Colorado many years ago and the family lost him. Yes, we lost him. Not even a call, a letter, nothing, for almost fifteen years now. Let's say that he had a big fight with his near family and he decided to interrupt all kinds of contacts with them. I've seen him just once in my life, the first time I went to USA, when I was five years old, and actually I don't remember him. I have just few images in my mind about him, but that's all. Moreover I didn't know a single word of English at that time, so I didn't even talk to him.

Why am I telling all this? Well, something happened! About three weeks ago I was on Twitter (follow me I'm Cenina of course ;) ) and I had nothing to do. So I put names and names in the search, just to have fun you know, and I also put my american family surname. Guess what??? A man with the same name of MrX had an account on Twitter. I've followed him right away. He didn't follow me back, but I didn't give up! Giammai!!! 8) At that point I was too curious to give up. I mean, I had probably found a missing relative, and this is not something that happens every day. I then followed all the people that had his same location written, so maybe I could have asked: "Hey do you know MrX? He's my missing relative!". So I've waited and waited, but he didn't follow me, and the people I've asked to about didn't know him. But I was really excited and curious, and I looked for another solution :P

I googled him. And I found him of course. Well, sort of. He had an account on this websites for finding jobs and show curricula (by the way, I've never thought that five long and stressful years of latin would have leaded to this: I can use the plural of latin words!! It's actually a useful dead language. Ok, you may understand that latin was a hated subject for me). Back to my MrX: there was his curriculum on this website and I could say for sure that he was the MrX I was looking for. I signed up in this website (with fake name and address of course, I'm not looking for a job in the US and I don't need jobs offers in my mail all the time). So once I got into the site I was able to send him an e-mail via the website: I didn't know his e-mail because of the site privacy laws, but he got my message anyway. And he got it!!! And he was MrX!!! He then contacted me on Twitter (I was right from the beginning yep) and I have his e-mail address now. I've written to him, but he didn't answer yet. If he didn't wanted to talk to his family, and he actually didn't for fifteen years, I don't think that he will change his mind just because his little cousin found him. Yes, I've found a missing relative. He was not so missing after all, because all this took me three weeks, very little time, but still, I did a good job :D

You could say: if you found him so easily why his near family didn't contact him before? And you're even right, but the answer is: I have no idea. They fought, that's all I know, and I don't want to know more. I don't care why they did it, it's not my businness and I think that even the worst thing could not separate like this family members. But it happened. I was curious and I found him, I guess that they could have done the same if they were interested. Well, I'm interested. I hope in his answer. I'm really closed to my american family, and I would like to know him if I have the chance. Fingers crossed! ;)

Thank you

I would like to thank you all for the comments you left at my last blog post. It's been a very hard week for me but I really appreciated your words.

Now it's difficult go back to my life as I knew it. It will never be the same again with a lost friend, but I have to try to concentrate on my courses and exams. It's the only way, I think, to get over this kind of depression I have as soon as possible. It won't be easy.

So thank you again.

I promise I'll write soon :)