Ok, this time implementation thing that they've put into Battlefield 4 fucking sucks. 20 minute obliteration's? Yeah. Good one dicks.
Chamboosy's forum posts
I had no idea I could pick up Killzone for $50 so I didn't. I wasn't keen on it anyhow though as I think it'll be a PSPlus title soon.
Yeah, I'll give ACIV a miss I think. One day it'll be a PSPlus title for sure.
The fuckers at JB didn't tell me outright I had to ask if there was any particular bundles available. I only got it because I thought it would make my potential sale more desirable.
Mine was wearing an apron. An apron! If there's one thing I hate, it's people who wear fucking aprons at shops where they're not dealing with food. I was buying mine at the same time as the other guy - I got mine first at that store - and she was repeating what the other girl was saying. 'Do you want three year warranty?' etc. I bought a charging stand for the controllers - which is really good by the way because it's completely separate from the actual console itself - but the dumb wench didn't ask if I wanted any games. She asked if I wanted to play online which I said I'd already got Playstation Plus, but no questions about games. Fool.
I bought Battlefield 4 from Big W instead.
I had no idea I could pick up Killzone for $50 so I didn't. I wasn't keen on it anyhow though as I think it'll be a PSPlus title soon.
Yeah, I'll give ACIV a miss I think. One day it'll be a PSPlus title for sure.
Of course it does. But we definitely need a good internet service RIGHT NOW. I have four games sitting here slowly ticking away downloading and I know it's not the PS4's fault.
By the way... the PS4 is beautiful. I'm tempted to go pick up Assassin's Creed IV or Lego Marvel or Need for Speed but I'm just not sure. Anybody here played ACIV yet? I hated the first one and haven't played any of the series since. Lego Marvel looks like a nice distraction. I'm not a huge racing game fan so Need for Speed would be fun but I think I'd lose interest pretty quickly, especially with Drive Club coming soon enough.
Resogun is very damn addictive. Oh, and Flower looks really nice as well. Sound Shapes is the best it's been. I'm waiting for Escape Plan to download and see how that goes. I think it'll be better with a controller - provided they don't make you use the damn track pad.
Paracetamol is ok once or twice, but the difference between humans and dogs is that it builds up in their system quite a bit and can cause cardiac arrest.
The house cleaner is coming by tomorrow so I'll be driving around Perth with a PS4 in my car waiting for them to leave just so I can play my PS4. ****.
After having a butt **** of a week, I've decided I'm going to buy the PS4 tomorrow. Even if I just play it for two weeks and then flip it for $100 more, it'll be two weeks of joy.
baylo - glad to hear your scope went ok.
What value is a 2nd hand one going to lose though??
Yeh, I was more impressed with the drugs though. They asked me if I was feeling sleepy I said no, next thing I know it's all done and the nurse is waking me up. I felt like telling her to piss off and just leave me asleep in the corner. It was literally the best sleep I'd had for years and it was only for like half an hour.
I don't think it'll lose any value at all to be honest. The lack of PS4's out there until Feb/March is quite high. (Does that sentence even make sense?) On top of having a shitty day, I tried to explain to my work colleagues - both of whom use Kickstarter quite a bit - the reason why people preorder consoles. When they just didn't understand why Sony didn't just make more to provide straight away and me explaining how making more than a million consoles takes a fair amount of time. Add the discussion about having low stock levels to increase demand... it was like talking to a brick wall.
It's a good sleep isn't it. When I had my wisdom teeth out it was just the same. The nurse asked me if dogs could have panadol regularly and just as I was about to say no, that'll kill them, I was asleep and it felt like two seconds later and I was awake. Never saw that nurse again. She probably killed her dog.
After having a butt **** of a week, I've decided I'm going to buy the PS4 tomorrow. Even if I just play it for two weeks and then flip it for $100 more, it'll be two weeks of joy.
baylo - glad to hear your scope went ok.
Brisbane's not too bad to visit (I have relatives there), but I don't know how I'd feel about living through the summer there every year.
In its favour though, they haven't given in to the daylight savings madness like the other eastern states.
We need daylight savings. They shouldn't have had a referendum they should have just said bad luck it's staying.
Queensland's alright but I'll agree with Chamboosys sentiments on the people, place is full of muppets.
@Chickan_117 Nice crib man, with some excellent features. I've never been to Melbs so I'm unsure of it's setup but how far are ya from the City??
I voted against daylight savings because I'm an asshole. I'd probably vote for it if I had another shot because I hate this three hour difference between the eastern states and us.
Yep. Muppets.
Nice house again Chickan. Really nice. Care to do a house swap or something? I was going to say wife swap, but then I wouldn't get to experience your house, just your... no... I can't go there.
Baylo - I hope it goes ok. I'd offer to do it at work, but, yeah, that's not too good an option. Gastroscopy's aren't too bad. They sound worse than they actually are.
I also had a medical mishap today where I think I've rebroken my hand. I sure hope not as it's my right hand.
Nick was born in America... but you're right. He is special. Lol.
Actually I'm heading to Queensland for the weekend in a couple of weeks. Gonna catch up with him. Kinda nervous. We're online buddies who I think will be good "in person" buddies but... you never know!
First dates are always so nerve wracking. At least I know it will mostly involve drinking beer and playing BF/FP :)
You do know that he'll have a beer carton on his head the whole time right?
My sister's a Queenslander now! What are you saying about my sister?! Also Nickosaurus is a Queenslander and you'll be chatting to him on tonight's podcast... so play nice!
@36Chambers93 - Sorry but I couldn't care less about trophies so that's not a winning argument for you there :)
Just having a look at the electrical side of the house. Dude who owned it is an electrician and fitted out the entire place with C-Bus. Astounding the way you can control the house with an app including dim levels and whether the wall switches work for things like, oh I dunno, lights in the kids rooms! You can even hook it up to speakers, automated blinds, etc. Apparently he'd planned to motorise the blinds then set the schedule so they auto lowered/raised as the sun changed position. Lol.
Yeah but your sister wasn't born in Queensland though. Nick on the other hand is special. We all know that.
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