@ChiefFreeman Yeah I too feel for the PS3 Skyrimers. If it weren't for mine being out of commission at the time I would have gotten Skyrim on the PS3 (the wait wouldn't have bothered me, but the uncertainty yeah). I'm just blessed I decided to go ahead and get the 360 version.
@Mickeyminime Apparently the severity of the bugs vary from person to person. I've heard some pretty bad horror stories in bugs/glitches between Fallout, Oblivion, and Skyrim. But I myself have never faced a bug that was game-breaking. A few that came up that were annoying, but even then I only faced those bugs on a few of my characters not all of them.
I do feel for those who have encountered worse bugs. But I suppose that's just one of the breaks that come with games with this much content
@DS_fan_atic @WizardGlass @madman608 Sexuality does not go under the same category as gender/race/ethnicity none of those are open to denate none of those can be changed,
Sexuality however is a preference as in what you prefer. There are actions that one takes that reflects those prferences.
There is nothing you can do to reflect what race you are or gender (unless you count anything to do with reproduction). Your preferences however such as sexuality are reflected in your actions.
To say that someone is born with a preference is open to debate and is a theory at best. Their is NO fact that says preferences are due to genes. You want to seperate homosexuality from this, because some folks persecute this group of people because of their preference. You basically see that noone who supposrts them as a bigot.
I imagine people would call folks bigots for not agreeing with a person's dietry choice if people were being persecuted because of it. But their not so you don't feel the need to call me a bigot for it. But homosexuals are so you do call me a bigot.
A person's thoughts don't make a bigot but their actions do.
Chaos_Dante_456's comments