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Chevolutionary Blog


I wasn't expecting a full blown discussion but the fact that my last journal entry got ZERO replies is weak. Weak like a premature worm, that's how weak it is.

It's funny how my most successful journal entries are the pointless ones. If I'd have put some effort into writing those impressions I would have been angry to think that nobody even read them.



My first game review

I was going to write a review of MGS3, but given the fact that the game is now so old, especially in the US, I thought it wasn't worth the hassle and it wouldn't probably get read by anybody.

False advertising aside, I thought I'd write some impressions instead.

One concern I had coming to this game was that the engine would seem dated and that the story inadequate, following the incoherent and contrived nonsense that was MGS2. But this time the game had a much more interesting plot with more involving characters and a less forced pollitical message. The game itself was made a different experience with the jungle setting. The absence of a radar and as such the dependence on awareness and effective use of the camouflage makes the experience more tactical and less run and gun, as it was possible to do in past installments. I also enjoyed the elements of maintenance, healing wounds and hunting food seemed fresh, and added another level of strategy, in having to find and maintain supplies.

My only problem with the game is the pacing. Lengthy codec conversations and sequences towards the beginning of the game make it too slow, which may turn people off it. The boss battles are also poorly dispersed, The Pain following too soon from Ocelot, The Fear and The End being only 4 screens apart, it just seemed like the game was a little rushed.

As with all the MGS games, there are some excellent Easter Eggs to be enjoyed. The Snake vs Monkey mini-game is both entertaining and challenging with worthy rewards, and the inclusion of a dream sequence in which you play several minutes of a zombie killing game during the course of the game is frankly genius. In jokes you get in some codec conversations add to a sense of fun to the otherwise serious content and it helps to know that Kojima isn't as pompous as some may suspect.

So in short *thumbs up*

Oh good God

The 'point collecting noob' is somewhat of a myth on the forums, especially in the OT board, but it's pretty disheartening that such people really do exist.
I was moderated for a light hearted comment today in a board on which I don't regularly post. It was well recieved by some who clearly didn't see anything wrong with it, yet I was moderated.
I don't have a problem at all with the community moderators, afterall they're only doing what their position entitles, and if something is reported then it's their position to deal with it. My problem is with the po-faced humourless people that feel the need to report what is clearly not a serious comment as 'offensive'.
I mean seriously, were these people raised in a bubble ? Do they have such high standards of morals and manners that anything slightly off-beat will offend their sense of decency. It must pain them greatly that their forums are littered with such beastly comments, and the possibility of gaining points towards their level is irrelevant, they must surely report... FOR JUSTICE !

Seriously, sometimes...

*mounts high horse*

Psychiatrists are all charlatans.

Psychiatry is in my view a heap of garbage, people feel so uncomfortable with who they are or their personailities and behavioural traits that they pay somebody to give them a convenient lable. A neat, clever sounding little lable that they can wheel out to excuse themselves and say to their latte drinking friends so they can nod in pretend understanding. Basically you're a nutcase, either that or you have unrealistic views of what normal is, but more importantlyu you have the money to pay some idiot who read a few books to lable you so you can accept yourself without seeing the bottom of a bottle of gin.

I also hate 'Starbucks' culture.

I hate that certain type of clientel. Those kind of idiots with inherited wealth and their trust funds, who buy their African coffee thinking they'll change the world. Although Starbucks is more generous to third wolrd coffee farmers lets not kid ourselves, they're a business and they're making a shed load of money, don't think they're being altruisitic and changing the world as much as their little instore posters and table menus suggest. But these people, GOD, you can sit at home in your natural fibre clothing, reading Russian poetry to kid yourself you aren't culturally vapid and shallow, but don't crowd our coffee shops feeling superior and hogging all the comfy seats with your horriffic smugness.


LOL @ Boogie

I got one too, courtesy of Lonestar :P

LAMALAMALAM, I just started posting there and I get a lounge card. And it calls me witty, which flatters my ego, which pleases my brain, so I'm happy, and seeing as I'm self centered that means everybody is happy, so there.



I'm losing my mind

Seriously, I think I'm going to be certifiable in a few days. Some of the posts I've been making recently are weird even for me, I'm starting to find things funny that I really shouldn't and saying things that I probably shouldn't. I blame, those pictures are just perfect for making jokes with...

*pic used to be here*

Help me :?

BTW, incase there is any misunderstanding I don't actually have herpes.

Or know anybody called Julia.

Journal User

I've decide to hang up my 'sig tags', because to be honest I'm getting sick of them, but I'll post them here just because I bothered to make them, and was lucky enough to have one made declaring my love for cats...

These sig tags weren't originally a bad idea. They looked fairly classy but were ruined by overexposeure and their inane subject matter, leaving it open to parody with things like 'tiolet user' and 'Gamespot user'.

The tags I made were meant to be a joke. It started with 'Pieboy fan', a hilarious OT fad that I just felt I could nod back to with a little tag to wear. I then made the 'Tag whore' one, a harmless way of making fun of the numerous users who had sigs made entirely of tags, hundreds of the bastards, not only rows of them but animated rows in some bad cases. By thye time I made 'Indifferent, most likely' I was kind of addicted to it, it was a useless tag and just any chance to pimp out the already overused Lithium indifference face. Although the 'Chev rapes Kittens' tag is of a much higher quality and seems to have got me a lot of attention I just cant bring myself to quit tags half assedly, so out it goes.

The annoying thing about OT

I go to OT because I like the 'stupid dynamic'. Much of the board is spamtacular and I often find it entertaining to post some sort of condescending or off-beat comment in an otherwise uninterseting topic, and I'm fine with that, what I have a problem with is the intelligent threads.
Threads which pose an interesting question or provide some interesting point of conversation are ruined by the posting body as a whole. Responses like 'I h8 politics' fill up decent threads and get them totally sidetracked with 'noobish' posters quoting and saying 'lol' and having a long, inane conversation amongst themselves. Every now and then I'll chip in with a genuine opinion, not just a comment to try and be amusing, and it probably bothers me more than it should when said point is completely ignored. Try and have any sort of political or religious debate on any single issue and be prepared to be met by 'level headed' posters and their words of warning, 'Don't go there, it only ends in flaming', I'm getting a little sick of it.
What happened to people just not posting if they didn't have anything worth saying ?