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Chevolutionary Blog

Farcry Insincts, wow

I think the picture really speaks for itself, regarding this sloppy excuse for a game and what I have played of it so far.

This game is frankly woeful. Despite good charcter models and 'technically impressive environments' the graphics are ugly and you spend much of your time creeping slowly through lazily constructed cardboard vegetation. And you would think some sort of remotely accurate physics would be present. It was a warning sign when doing a 'backstab' in the tutorial sees your poor victim not tumbling down a cliff face but rather stuttering down it in an almost perfect horizontal position. I got angry when corpses were found ithe their arms out like Jesus or even at times with arms in rigor mortis still pointing upwards, but the total embarrasment of playing this was turned to laughter as I shot somebody out of a helicopter to watch them slowly fall to the ground with their arms up like they were on a water slide, 'wheeeeeeeee*collapse*'. Ugh...

Then there is the AI. It's absolutely terrible. Unless you are flat on your stomach and in the undergrowth the enemy will spot you simply because you have come into a certain perimeter, this game MUST attack based on triggers rather than any actual logic. 'They're organised' the game proudly boasts. This means that if you shoot one from distance another will stand in the exact same spot and say 'This one's dangerous', or, 'He killed him', or some other such crap. The term Artificial Intelligence is really applied liberally here as being more than an inch under a hut, no matter how big the holes in the floor are, will make you totally invisible to people both on the inside and the outside of it.

The 'feral' powers are not something I'm particularly thrilled about gaining, so far I only have the 'uber punch', which sort of lets you stalk nearby baddies like some sort of hairy missile and then sends their unrealistic bodies hurtling embarassingly into the distance. From the trailer it looks like the other powers are 'funky vision' and 'ludicrous jump'. I really can't wait to bound frankly daft distances and see people with a yellowy orange mist around them.

Because this game got such high scores and such praise from some people I keep telling myself it will get better, but the truth is, I know it wont.

I sense a pattern here...

This is getting really boring now, every time I use a free image hosting site it goes to hell. There was the famous mass ownage of Imageshack going down the pan, which cost me my signature, then I started using a place called gameshot, which went down the pan, but more recently I've been using Tinypic. I've hosted loads of stuff on here and I noticed it has begun to disappear. First my 'Tickle me Emo'pic and now my avatar. All I can say is that if my Sig disappears then WHOAMAGOD some small animals are going to go through something quite painful.

Now the profile banner, some gerbils are going to die today.


As one of my first assesment pieces for my English course I had to re-write some passages of Jane Austen, changing it form indirect to direct speech and direct to free-indirect speech. Adopting the style and getting the same content across  wasn't exactly difficult but it made me feel uneasy, emasculated.

I found myself suddenly stopping and fanning myself, saying 'Oh' in a mock aristocratic voice and upon finishing a sentence found myself often doing the 'camp' hand gesture.

Terrifying really. I was quite shaken up by the whole incident.  Although my countenance portrayed no visible change it took me quite some four and twenty minutes to regain my composure...


They fixed it

Yay, they have made the blogs easy to navigate once again. I'm glad, I've actually missed being able to easily check up on what other people are thinking about. I'm really not aware of how much people have been doing blog wise since the forum change. If I haven't been leaivng comments then don't take it personally, I'm just way too lazy to see if you've made an update.

But never fear, I'll be making insubstantial comments in all your blogs as soon as they start apperaing on my list.

Can't blog a dead horse...

The way I see it changing the whole Journal / Blog format has effectively killed off the feature, chances are people aren't going to bother keeping up with their friends journals, I know I certainly won't with the whole thing being so awkward. So unless the format becomes more user friendly this'll probably be my last Journal entry.

The fact I write this fully expecting to have NO responses shows exactly what's wrong with this layout...

My one year anniversary

My anniversary is actually tomorrow, but the forums are going to be down, so I'll say it now.

I've made some decent friends, had some decent conversations and had some fun times, that's about it, no need to go into uneccesary detail.

And here is my gift to you, a dancing cowboy with nanchakus.


Forum pix, and what they say about you

Yes, it's a lame response to all the forum pictures that people use AGAIN AND AGAIN, that they think they are some kind of genius for using because they go to all the trouble of finding it at ebaums world. But I made it, and I want to know where I can find it so I can sarcastically whip it out.

So shoot me, meh...

Edit : I just realised I made a typo on it, man I'm an idiot.

Romance isn't dead

Two lonely people find comfort in each others company. Suzy, blind since birth had often been rejected by people of her own age, the same could be said of Mike, afflicted by terrible acne and with a face left with terrible scarring, often the but of cruel jokes and with terrible self esteem because of it.

However the loving couple was faced with another hardship, moving to more suitable accommodation Suzy was going to another state. There was a real possibility that Mike would never meet her again, and this was their painful goodbye...

Suzy : 'Mike, please, let me read your face...'
Mike : 'What do you mean ?'
Suzy : 'Read your face, you know, run my hands over it to know what you look like.'

Mike tenderly closed his eyes and felt her soft fingers stroke his face, moist with tears and trembling slightly from his intense emotion...

Suzy : 'Oh my...'
Mike : 'What's wrong ?'
Suzy : 'Your face is in braille, it says hhjiuhrbfuygvbddkcdociswedwfn...'
Suzy : 'OMG, PWNT !'

And thus, their relationship was no more...