New and exciting things are happening with DLC, that will undoubtedly change the face of the music industry FOR EVER AND EVER AMEN, with Def Leppard releasing a song first as GH3 content.
Def Leppard's publicist notes that the band will be the first to have "released a new single ahead of its traditional launch through a video game." Thrash-metal legends Metallica have reportedly been in discussions with Harmonix and MTV Games to take a similar tack by debuting the first single from their next album as a song download in Rock Band.
Rock Band getting Metallica, OH GOOD GOD, IT'S METALLICA!
Last week, Def Leppard's publicist touted the band's upcoming Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock downloadable song pack, set to be released April 24, as the first time a major act "released a new single ahead of its traditional launch through a video game." That honor now looks like it will go to glam metal band Motley Crue, which will be releasing its new single in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions of Rock Band this week.
Motley Crue! Close enough, right?
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