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Chevolutionary Blog


On the current situation in Africa.


[QUOTE="ice_radon"]Its their fault. Well not the kids, but the parents who have too many kids in purpose counting on half or so will die. But thats another story. Overpopulation FTL!PelekotansDream

Damn them for wanting to survive as a people and not die out for the convenience of the rest of the world. Bastards.

Bastards is right. Here is the thing, say a family has 9 children which is not at all uncommon. And they know that only 4 or if they are lucky 5 will survive. But then people like you who dont get it say...oh, lets be nice and send food over there. So we start sending food, say now 7/9 kids start surviving. Now we have more people, and they are still going to breed like rabbits. Its a vicious cycle, and it has to end with us not supporting it. On the note of rabbits. Ever heard of that rabbit population vs. fox population example back in 4th grade? Did you skip 4th grade or something? In humans case, we are unchecked unless people start thinking like I do. I am not flaming, its just many people are in the same boat as you in that they dont understand and think people like me are heartless bastards, when I am just looking out for the world.

Finally, someone who agrees! There are too many people in this world, as long as I don't die I don't care what happens to most people out there in the world and I definatley do not care about those who have no respect for the environment or do not try to help stop pollution in someway, even if it is a little way.

Less humans = Less pollution, less of Earths natural resources being used up, less overcrowding and we will not be having so many endangered species. Notice how it seems to solve all of the environment and global warming problems if there are less humans, agent Smith said it best in the Matrix when he said the human race is like a plague to the earth.

Hey boys, you left these behind...

Gamefaqs folks

I've had a mixed reception from people from Gamefaqs via use of the shared boards. On the one hand they've been pretty helpful, on the few occasions I've needed to know something it doesn't take long to get a straight forward and usually helpful answer.

Then there's the whole other side to it. Having grown pretty bored of the GS boards at a few points I was pretty much exclusively posting on the Dead Rising board for a while and recently I've been hanging around the GH2 board. It doesn't take long to realise that everybody at Gamefaqs is a videogame prodigy, and that you wiul never reach the same level of skill that they have through nastural ability and years of rigorous training. The boards mostly serve for people to massage their egos and show off, the kind of people who would call someone a 'scrub' for failing to pass Jordan on expert blindfolded without using their hands... and getting less then five stars.

After a while it gets pretty tiresome, seeing people talk about how awesome they are and how everyone else sucks. They should all decide to meet somewhere and sit in a circle to slap each others backs all day, I'm sure they'd like that.

My Gaming Year

Last year Shleco had the rather excellent idea of using his wish list to keep track of the games he completed - being a good idea it was of course stolen, by me, so here is the list of games I played and finished this year.

Amped 3
Ape Escape 3     
Call of Duty 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins     
Dead Rising     
Dead or Alive 4
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Fight Night Round 3
Full Auto     
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai
Guitar Hero             
Guitar Hero II
Kameo: Elements of Power     
Kingdom Hearts II     
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories         
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome         
Metal Slug 5
New Super Mario Bros.     
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney     
Project Gotham Racing 3
Quake 4
Ratchet: Deadlocked
Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis
The Rub Rabbits!
Saints Row     
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga     
The Suffering: Ties That Bind
Super Mario Strikers     
Tomb Raider: Legend
We Love Katamari

And just think if I wasted less time here I would have done even better, shame on you.

The importance of punctuation

Improper use of punctuation can lead to hilarious misconceptions!

Using your money we are preventing, treating and curing cancer.Somebody

But without that comma...

Using your money we are preventing treating and curing cancer.That same person as a bastard

Oh-ho-ho, you heartless bastards!

See, hilarious.

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2

Harmless fun is it? Harmless? HARMLESS!

It just relies on sex to sell and I hate that, and those annoying little girl giggles makes me wonder if this will start giving sick minded people pedophile thoughts. Cause while games are not to blame, if someone is mentally unstable then they could be influenced very easily.PelekotansDream

I demand we ban this filth, please, please, think of the children. The children with unrealistically developed breasts that will be put at risk due to this filthy pornography and the ideas it propogates that they like to play shallow mini-games and pose and frolick.