[QUOTE="Citan_Uzuki"]Its posts like this that end up making people create halo hate threads we know Halo is a great series its universally appreaciated in the game public and by critics as a top tier FPS but it is not the best especially if you play PC FPS. Its a great game and it will sell phenominally well we know this but its not the most anticipated game of all time anyboy who says that has not been playing games very long I remember just how much anticipation there was for ocarina of time it was the first console zelda game since link to the past so there was 6+ years of anticipation in the game community for that. Halo fans are by far the most annoying because most think they are hardcore gamers when the only thing they are harcore about is halo not to offend people who are seriously hardcore game enthusiasts and like halo there is a difference an I'm sure they will understand what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about these halo fanboys who buy into this hype because MS is throwing $10 million in marketing on a single game. It shows how smart/dumb MS is really though they could have spent half that still had a great marketing campaign and used $5 miillion on game development of other franchises cause we know halo 3 is going to sell with or without marketing investing 10 million more into marketing will increse sales but not really by alot fans of halo will buy it and anyone who hasn't played a halo game yet probably aren't really into FPS so the amount on new fans to bring in I feel is limited to the people already planning on buying a 360 or have one already and haven't played halo which I would say is a small amount of people. (personally though the hype is simply to try to get Halo 3 to have another massive launch like halo 2 and then MS would use these numbers to show how awesome the halo series is and say something about it has the biggest launch sales ever so it must be the most popular game series is simply marketing hype and anyone who has been paying attention to the industry knows this but it then becoms a fanboy pissing contest)
IMO it would make more sense to say super mario galaxy is more anticipated with the number of wiis out there and the past sales of the mario series not to mention its more international appeal. I would like to say finally this is not a bash on halo series I enjoy it I just want to say that people who make these type of comments are speaking an opinion based on their own opinion and marketing hype by no means is it fact.
I'm not sure if you noticed...but he never said it was the BEST FPS series...only the most ANTICIPATED. It *is* the most anticipated, as suggested by it's record-breaking pre-order stats. It went over a million way back in early July as I recall. That is what we call *anticipation*.
Anticipation != best, and that's something you're going to have to deal with without ranting and raving.
Him saying "most anticipated" is probably a fact. Whether it's "the best" or not is neither something he said, nor is it something that can be proven as fact.
To each his own. As an avid UT player, I prefer UT...but I wouldn't say Halo is not one of the 3 best FPS series out there either. Don't let fanboys make you become an anti-Halo fanboy just because you don't agree with some of them. Makes you just as bad as they are.
THAT is a fact.
you totally missed the point of my post I did say halo wasn't the best FPS but that was only a small portion of my post I went on to say that the marketing has madre it seem like the most anticipated but actual anticipation is a different thing then you brought up pre-orers so if you were to go by pre-orderes it still wouldn't be the most anticipated of all time becauise vice city had over 4 million pre-orders. I later said that Halo and Halo 2 were not even the highest selling games of last gen so what makes you think the game community as a whole is anticipating Halo 3 more than any other game in history that is what the TC said and what I am arguing. I brought up SMG and someboy else brought up starcraft 2 valid game that the community are probably anticpating more because of the number of PC and wiis out there not to mention past sales of both series.
Again you are acting like I said it wasn't anticipated it definately is very anticipated one of the biggest games of the year but the TC said of all time and thats where I have to step in an bring him back to reality because there is nothing to indicate the actual anticipation level except for mass media marketing which can be misleading because if you believe all marketing that would mean lair is actually good and we all know better than that.
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