[QUOTE="Citan_Uzuki"][QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"][QUOTE="Citan_Uzuki"]This from a guy who still thinks tekken is the worst series in games today.....thats not just fighting games but all of games yet most tekken games with the exception of 4 have outscored all of his games except ninja gaiden on xbox.......he's an idiot who is lucky to have a talented team under his control. His games lack any sort of reasonable story or coherence and rely on solid game mechanics that he doesn't even implement.Kratos_OMEGA
when u make a game better than NG then u can call this guy an idiot
Wow valid argument my opinion is he's an idiot based on the bashing of other games and complete lack of any cohernce in story. When he is the director and producer that is his job his stories are sub par(especially in DOA). His games are good even excellent games gameplay wise but he doesn't develop that part his TEAM does which I awknoledged as talented, they implement their gamerplay elements very well and even they aren't original the basic gameplay is ripped from DMC although refined in a different way that most people prefer it so he didn't come up with the gameplay and merely directs his very very talented team.(I only brought that point up to counter any argument that he somehow came up with the concept of the gameplay)
Call me an idiot if you want but any man that list tekken 1-5 as the 5 worst games in history deserves to be called an idiot tekken is proabably the best 3d fighting series behing VF and to call the whole series the WORST of all time is sour grapes and a pretty idiotic statement.
To futher reiterate my point Itagaki didn't have anything to do with sigma and it scored AAA here at gamespot.
Itagaki made NG, NGS is a port. So he did have something to do with it lol And he's nto an idiot. Maybe arrogant or stuck up..but idiot? come one that's just idiotic.
well maybe I exaggerate a bit I'm a huge tekken fan but I still stand by my point that Itagaki's Team is what makes his games great not he himself but he sure does take all the credit. You have to admit that his story's are just a mess and the games shine on the gameplay itself which he has very little to do with when it comes down to it he a producer/director of a very talented team but the way he acts its like its just him making games especially apparent with that develop at home comment like its jsut him at home plugging away with the 360 devkit. I just don't like the way he acts. I like his games I think DOA get way more flack than it deserves from other tekken fans but he himself does at least act like an idiot, maybe he isn't an idiot but jerk is certainly appropriate especially when you consider he is embroiled in a sexual harassment accusation..
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