here the bios
can someone explain him how to boost the Bios ? of is 800MHZ AMD RADEON XFX HD7950 3GB video card I haven't update a Bios on AMD Video card ever From what I know once Bios update is done you restart PC and start overclocking
so to overclock you get an overclocking tool like MSI afterburner or EVGA Precision X and then you up the Core clock around 950mh-1000mhz and the Memory clock around 1.6Ghz Save to profile 1-9 and it will be done then run some Furmark or 3DMARK to test the Stability if no BSOD / artifacting and card below 80C it stable
thought if ur gaming on 1280x780 or 1336 you will have it easy to max rome 2 im just giving you tool to get all the maximum of ur performance you might grab ur self a 1080P monitor one day given the rig you have there not expensive on salesmarcthpro
i get a .rom file bro how am i supposed to install that? do i create a bootable usb drive?
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