Twin Snakes was such a gargantuan piece of shit that I am really afraid of another remake. Also, MGS doesn't need to be remade, it's still a great game. Remakes usually suck anyway.
@GearDoGi It depends on preferences. I play a lot of Tekken and I'm not used to fighting sticks so the ps3 d-pad is perfect for me. 360 gamepad has nice triggers, but the LB and RB buttons are absolutely terrible and ofcourse the d-pad totally sucks. Glad to see they changed that in the new design. Still, I don't think it will be as good as Dual Shock's for fighting games.
@AyatollaofRnR @Claudu Dude, do you really think you need a super huge budget to make a great looking game on a next-gen engine? Well, you're wrong. Believe it or not, but there are some great looking games made on a budget. Hell, From managed to even develop a proprietary engine for Dark Souls.
@cavs25 Notice the careful choice of words like "more tuned to current generation", it basically means that this a PC build that will be scaled down to ps3/360 and scaled up to ps4/x1/high end pc.
And yet we have Dark Souls - a game that looks great, plays better than every AAA title out there and makes money by selling 2 million copies. GTFO Cliffy and take your super expensive AAA titles with you.
Damn! I'll have to buy a WiiU for this game only. Hopefully we'll some more worthy games on WiiU. The sequel to Xenoblade also looks great, but I'd like to see some more interesting games, cause I'm not really that big of a fan of Nintendo's in-house stuff (I don't really care much for Mario, Zelda, Pokemon or Smash Bros).
"And until you use it, it's really hard to understand what all the advantages are."
I was thinking really hard and couldn't think of any. Seriously, what kind of advantage can I have from not owning the game I bought and being checked on every 24 hours.
Claudu's comments