M$ tried to do what their other competitor has been doing for years. Complicate everything, take as many rights away as possible and replace them with restrictions and charge huge amounts of money for merchandise that isn't worth it. I'm talking about Apple of course. I just hope gamers are not Apple consumers and won't let themselves get screwed with a wire brush while being convinced that it's so cool and hip.
@Freedomination @Claudu I don't know man. I'm just saying how it is. I'm not defending these new consoles. On the contrary, this just might be the first time in 17 years when I won't buy a single system at the beginning of the generation. I might buy one of them eventually, but I really can't see anything worth buying a new system for right now.
It was easier to impress us with new consoles back in the Dreamcast/PS2 era, because the increase in raw horse power changed a lot back then. You could make bigger areas, have more characters on screen, have more voice samples, more animations. And it really was a HUGE increase back then and you could see it instantly. Now we will only have slightly better looking games which really isn't all that much. A true revolution is a LOT harder to achieve. It might take developers a while to think about clever ways to utilise new technologies.
@nickpeck36 @Claudu @ThaPhantom07 Panzer Dragoon rocks. I've yet to get my hands on Saga (the game is so damn expensive :/). Also Dark Savior and the Shining series. I've actually imported a mod chip last year to play the fan translated scenario 2 and 3 of Shining Force III. Sega should re-release some of those gems, because a lot of them are super rare or were never translated to english.
@meatz666 Tell me about it, I played and completed less than 20% of the games I own. I know that I'll definitely play some of them sooner or later, but there are many that will probably just sit there on the shelf for the rest of my life.
@ThaPhantom07 That's true, but it's also true that Sega was sometimes ahead of themselves (32X and Sega CD) and that didn't serve them well. Saturn itself was kind of a rush job in the 3d capablities department with complex and inefficient architecture. Still, I miss Sega's consoles and old Sega in general, they were amazing. I still have my Mega Drive, Saturn and Dreamcast.
@Muteki_X @Claudu I only hate religious people when they are trying to force their silly beliefs on other people (and they do that all the freakin' time). This guy here is just silly for too many reasons, but I don't "hate" him. He can live his nonsensical life in peace for all I care.
Claudu's comments