Why isn't "no online multiplayer" listed as a con?! Seems like a pretty big one for a game that only has a <10-hr campaign.
@nintendoboy16 @hotdiddykong Nintendoboy is correct. PS2 version sold more copies, not only worldwide, but in each region individually as well. GC did beat the Xbox though.
I've been waiting for a Soul Calibur game to come to PC. WTF, Namco! Hasn't SF4 proven that there IS a market on PC for fighting games?!
The only reason I may not pre-order Watch Dogs is because of Batman: Arkham Origins, which comes out first. I haven't decided yet.
Nintendo should just pack it up in the home console market and focus on their handhelds. the Wii U is a joke and they obviously know it.
@Double-Ego So you're going by something an artist at Respawn said rather than what the President of EA said...the IP holder? Lolwot?!
One more reason the PC is superior - being able to overlay a picture-in-picture-esque box to show the interview while showing the full game!
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