Danny, you keep being the reason I still visit Gamespot.
We share a lot of gaming background and points of view, (Amiga 600 and Sensible Soccer were also one of the main joys of my house growing up and playing with my older brother) and even when confronted by things I haven't really thought about in our games and this industry, I find myself aligning with your perspective a lot of the times.
Your video features are a blessing to this website, keep bringing up your excellent work and I'll keep peeking to find them. Congratulations to you and the "invisible" people that make it possible to do so, great insight on one of the most charismatic developers of the industry, this was definitely interesting and enjoyable to watch although I've never even owned one Blizzard game in my entire life.
Do more long feature videos, I know it's hard to edit that much more interesting things to fill up longer videos, but I know you can do it, and they'll be as great or better than this 3 part mini-series. :)
Of course you didn't want to come out and take shots at anybody else, you're on the losing side and have none to take, what shots would you possibly have? Xbox1 is the only console in existence to have changed all of its initial planning in 1 year? You did what you had to do, be humble for the cameras, bow down and expect that this time nothing too large penetrates your backside while you're at it, you'd have a pretty smug face if the tables were reversed and everyone with a brain and some sense of marketing knows it, it just so happened that Don Mattrick wasn't one of them.
I don't believe in brand allegiance, that's just as dumb as political allegiances, analyze what you're shown and go with what you identify with the most, based on it. (U.S.A. doesn't count for this analogy since they're just a black or white paradigm)
@Auriken The game characters are nothing like the TV series. (fortunately)
I haven't played Wolf Among Us but I can surely vouch for the Walking Dead, it's a great experience and one that comes with an easy recommendation, I'm sure you'll really enjoy it too, if not more.
Titanfall - I was a huge quake 2 and 3 fan as I know you were too and I'm liking the movement mechanics on it. (who doesn't like double jumps?)
Witcher 3 - Hated the first one when it was released, absolutely loved the second, left me hungry for more.
South Park: The Stick of Truth - Although I'm not a hardcore South Park fan, I love turn based RPG's and the way the game really looks like the tv show is really mixing well to be a great game.
I would love for the Division to have a FPS camera option, it's great to be able to customize and actually see what your character is wearing but sometimes it's good to glimpse at the game world through their eyes.
My most anticipated THING for 2014 is without question, the Oculus Rift.
The immersion it will bring to games will be a paradigm shift.
CloWnCircus' comments