That's right fellow chums, It's that time again and we've been called by our master of liberty..
No matter what nation you're from, no matter what flag, or religion you salute/bow down to, there is always one thing we can turn to! JUSTICE!!! And by that call, we will serve and kick evil men in their bad pants...!
-Cough- Ahem.. -Cough- Anyway, who would like a new IP of Super Heroes? Something with a split screen, or drop in buddy system for co-op online, I would love it if a company would pour their budget into the entire storyline and feel of the game, Arkham Asylum was wicked! But I want a new super hero, one that we don't know of but can relate to!
(One that doesn't involve tiny lightning bolts that could only super charge a smart car, pah! Try and do that while i'm smashing your face with my super human fists of justiceness!)
I want to play the every day life of a super hero, be it rich, or poor.. Not like this MMO we have coming out, sure it may be awesome! But I want graphics that can make our jaw drop, I want to see things like we did from the cartoons!
Not only could we connect with them personally, but they showed us what happened in their lives during the day time, before all the crazy bad guys would kick in and the drama started to flow, I want to play and live in a super hero simulator, with combat mechanics that don't absolutely suck. (AKA: Saw.)
I don't want gamer timers for pizza missions if I decided to become a pizza boy for a living, I want an arm animation with a working watch, just like you'd see in Dead Rising! Course you'd have to change it up, so that it wasn't too alike the other games, but I want something that would give me the total experience of feeling what it's like to be a super hero.
I want that rush of seeing a crime happen and then having to find a nice and shady spot so that I can whip into my costume and keep my identity a secret behind whatever it is that I may wear, heck I might even wear street clothes!
Give me customization that isn't set in categories of things that look like a rainbow puked up on them, show me details in the city, or country side even that draw me in! In fact, maybe I should go to college for this? Maybe... Just maybe..
I should make this game?
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