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SEGA: Vectorman.2

Now if you've ever owned a Sega, chances are you've owned at least one of these games in the series..

Vectorman, Sonic, Earthworm Jim.

Welp, for those of you who haven't.. This is VectorMan, he is a Sludge Barge Pilot and he's out to kick some serious butt.

He can do things like firing cannons, to morphing into strange looking creatures, he even has jet packs that give him a jump boost! It really was one of my favorite Sega games, rival to that of Boogerman... And Sonic.

Splatter House... 3!

Splatter House 3, some pretty crazy stuff right here.. I never even followed the story line, I just know i'm huge..

And I kick lots of butt..... Lots and lots of booty...

Did I mention lots of it?

I'm getting in touch with my nostalgic routes as you can tell.

Some of which are extremely old games, some of which are games that were made in this decade! Either way..

I'm loving going back in time and trying out all these games, so you should check my blog every day and see what old game i've played today/night! Make your little comments down there in the comment box, even request an old game to see game screenshots of and i'll see if I can find a copy and get a few pictures in.

( ゚▽゚ )

So! Who here knows what Kamen Rider is?

Let alone remember the game made in 1993? Aside from me anyway?

I find the series quite enjoyable and pretty unique to say the least, does anyone know of some unique/old martial arts beat em up's? The Scott Pilgrim game has gotten me into the side scrolling beat em' up mood.

(Notice me getting my butt whooped even with the Boss's one hit HP.)

If you're ever able to get your hands on this game somehow and give it a whirl, It's not for the short tempered or the underly skilled, as the bosses are extremely tough and most likely will take at least one of your lives before you're able to stun them for the K.O, but other than that if you can stomach a whooping on you... It's pretty much what you want in a beat em' up game for this era.

Could you believe these used to be the graphics for our Story Cinematics!?

Who else wishes there was a new sort of Super Hero game? Something Unique?

That's right fellow chums, It's that time again and we've been called by our master of liberty..

No matter what nation you're from, no matter what flag, or religion you salute/bow down to, there is always one thing we can turn to! JUSTICE!!! And by that call, we will serve and kick evil men in their bad pants...!

-Cough- Ahem.. -Cough- Anyway, who would like a new IP of Super Heroes? Something with a split screen, or drop in buddy system for co-op online, I would love it if a company would pour their budget into the entire storyline and feel of the game, Arkham Asylum was wicked! But I want a new super hero, one that we don't know of but can relate to!

(One that doesn't involve tiny lightning bolts that could only super charge a smart car, pah! Try and do that while i'm smashing your face with my super human fists of justiceness!)

I want to play the every day life of a super hero, be it rich, or poor.. Not like this MMO we have coming out, sure it may be awesome! But I want graphics that can make our jaw drop, I want to see things like we did from the cartoons!

Not only could we connect with them personally, but they showed us what happened in their lives during the day time, before all the crazy bad guys would kick in and the drama started to flow, I want to play and live in a super hero simulator, with combat mechanics that don't absolutely suck. (AKA: Saw.)

I don't want gamer timers for pizza missions if I decided to become a pizza boy for a living, I want an arm animation with a working watch, just like you'd see in Dead Rising! Course you'd have to change it up, so that it wasn't too alike the other games, but I want something that would give me the total experience of feeling what it's like to be a super hero.

I want that rush of seeing a crime happen and then having to find a nice and shady spot so that I can whip into my costume and keep my identity a secret behind whatever it is that I may wear, heck I might even wear street clothes!

Give me customization that isn't set in categories of things that look like a rainbow puked up on them, show me details in the city, or country side even that draw me in! In fact, maybe I should go to college for this? Maybe... Just maybe..

I should make this game?

You guys ever played a foreign game?!

This is Juuouki, It's a game where you play as a revived Hero from Zeus, this game was from Japan!

I'm curious for your answers once again! Have you guys ever played a foreign game?

Now I know some of you are thinking, I'm not from America! So how does this apply to me!?

Welp, simple! If you're not from the US and you've played a game made here, most likely in Seattle, or Los Angeles.

You have therefore played a foreign game, so what's a foreign game that you've played?

It can be old, or it could be extremely new! It doesn't matter to me, but i'd be more interested if it was an old game.

Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth the review?

I'd like some of your opinions on this, It would seem to me that reviewing has become very biased now days.

Now obviously from my past reviews i've had no such problems with getting the up rating, but it would seem you almost have to play it safe now days to keep a good and trust worthy reputation anymore, you pick the wrong game and give it even slightly less than a perfect review and all the fan boys get extremely butt hurt, which results in the downgrading of your approval rate.

So, what do you guys think? Should I leave the reviewing up to people who are brave enough to face the fan boys?

PS: Cage got owned.

So, what's your favorite nostalgic game series?

Mine of course, nostalgic or not... Would have to be Castlevania, the series has so many hidden treasures, player mods, ect.. The series is just so full life and it makes every game worth playing, even if most of the games are just a single player event, It still plays heavily true to it's storyline be it a 2d side scrolling game, or a 3D exploring action kind.

I could go into a great bit of detail as to why I love this series so much, but i'd rather much hear about what your favorite nostalgic game series is? And then i'd also love to hear why it is such!!

(Games Such Platforms Can Be Considered Nostalgic: N64, Atari, NES, SNES, SEGA, PSX, PC, Ect..)

And yes, I left out a lot of old systems from the above context, but keep in mind that this was just an example, anything around these time periods can be considered a nostalgic brand of gaming.