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Cloud-Zehro Blog

Man, what is up with today?

Anyone else feel like they fell into some bad mojo like funk today? I don't know what it is, day started out fine and everything was going smoothly, but now it's just like WOW! Bam, right in the face with your bad mood and miserable aches/ect.

Let me know if you've felt like that at all this week!?

On the other hand, I'm excited about getting back into Demon's Souls, cause i'm finally gonna stick with one character and try to play it through.

I shouldn't have napped!!

Dangit, I knew that I shouldn't have had that nap.... I just realized GS posted that crap about Red Dead a day before I did, I had that information sooner than them!! >:/ Fah, bogus... I was sabotaged.

Red Dead Redemption: Giving us everything we wanted, plus more.

Legends and Killers Pack

New active map locations, characters and more:

- Release date: beginning of August 2010;

- 9 new multiplayer map locations — more than doubling the amount of territories in the multiplayer competitive modes;

- 8 new multiplayer characters — play as characters from Red Dead Revolver;

- Introducing a new projectile weapon: the Tomahawk, with corresponding challenges for single-player and multiplayer gameplay;

- New achievements and trophies;

- Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).


Liars and Cheats Pack

New competitive modes, multiplayer mini-games in Free Roam, and more:

- Release date: TBC;

- Attack and Defend multiplayer competitive mode and challenges;

- New multiplayer horse races, complete with mounted combat;

- Play as the heroes and villains of Red Dead Redemption, as well as 8 additional multiplayer characters;

- Multiplayer versions of Liars Dice and Poker from the single-player game;

- Introducing a new weapon: the Explosive Rifle, with associated challenges available in single-player and multiplayer gameplay;

- New achievements and trophies;

- Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).


Free Roam Pack

Delve deeper into the world of Red Dead Redemption with new modes, challenges and gang hideouts to discover:

- Release date: TBC;

- Additional Free Roam challenges;

- New action areas and defensive placements;

- Posse scoring and leaderboards;

- New anti-griefing measures in Free Roam;

- Pricing: TBC.


Undead Nightmare Pack

Ghost towns and cemeteries come alive in a West gone horribly wrong:

- Release date: TBC;

- Brand new single-player adventure, challenges and quests;

- 8 new multiplayer zombie characters;

- Additional animals unleashed in the world;

- New dynamic events and more;

- Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).

I just had a neat idea!

Hey, I was just sitting here and staring at all my badge markers, I think it'd be awesome as a gamer to be able to display all my badges on my shirt, kind of like the Military do with their Achievements?

I might just print out all the badges I have in My Achievements section and put them all into thread for a wicked looking patch of badges, maybe this should be a trend among gamers to show off their Eliteness? 360 Achievements, PS3 Trophies, whatever the hell the Wii get's, PC Badges? Who supports this idea?

I say the person who made a company out of this idea would get super rich, super fast.

Console Systems: Player Moderators? GET RID OF THEM!

Now i'm not going to sit here and say that all moderators are bad, In fact I know some really nice ones when it comes to the console community and the games of which they roam, however! I have a serious problem with this idea.

For one, they are not getting paid what so ever and are absolutely useless because of it.

For two, these guys hardly even follow their own ToS causing those of us who paid JUST AS MUCH for the same console as them, to have some serious issues because of a suspension, banning, or PS3 Home Time out... Because some arse-backwards retard with godly powers decides it to be so.

This is totally an unfair concept and should be stripped from regular users such as myself given the power to control how other users have fun with the said product, what gives them the right to tell us what to do? Power is man's greatest fall.

These child Mod's are the epitome of that, we pay for as much... IF NOT MORE THAN... The entire experience in which we're hindered by if these people so choose it, If you are a moderator... I would expect you to have to work out of your home and in a studio with tons of other professionals who dedicate themselves on their work days to make gaming ripe and sweet.

If you check out the PS3 and Microsoft forum, while looking through their topic files.. You will see plenty of angry users.

Do all of them get a good and detailed report from the mod?: No.

Example?:We apologize for the inconvenience, however, we made the decision to permanently suspend the account due to the excessive number of forced name changes over the life of the account. You are welcome to create a new account, and provided you abide by the terms of use, fully enjoy the service without interruption. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

This was over someone who got suspended due to the fact that some ignorant tart didn't like their Mexican name and reported it, personally? I'd have sued Microsoft and got instantly rich due to their lack of morales and sensitivity on this subject, someone loses their hard worked account? Losing all their precious items they paid for and the best they can come up with, Is.. We're sorry, MAKE ANOTHER ONE?

Ending Statement: Get rid of the player mods, I'm sick and tired of these idiots.

One More Load!

Can we do it!?




Okay, so one more load and it's one of the bad ones, ton of crap that goes into the car and finally the washer and dryer need to go in the back of the truck, oi!!!

I'm moving!

So tired... But! We have to get it done and we plan to be done by the end of the week, I'm dreading carrying big crap up the stairs, or through the window as it may be!

I'll have better net and it'll be a better area for me to start walking and get a tan and such!!!

I have to keep getting up early and moving super heavy boxes out the gate though, I'm feeling kind of sick!

Anyway, I tried to catch what I could of E3 and i'm kind of bummed that I missed the Sony AND Nintendo conference.

Any highlights that people wanna share?

I went to.. Nascar?....

So i'm just going to be honest with my opinion, I'm burnt.. I'm sore and I still can't hear that well..

Honestly? The seats will hurt your butt and will kill your back, you also probably won't give a crap who wins in the end as long as you can get out of the horrid seats, we got to watch some of the qualifying laps and that was pretty fun, but when it came time to watch the nobodies race? I honestly didn't care anymore, I didn't know who was who and watching cars go in a circle for a couple hours straight? Bravo to them for capitalizing on making profit from a bunch of drunk retards wanting to watch cars go really fast in a circle for a couple hours straight.

We saw one wreck, ONE.... And it wasn't even a good one, I was not impressed and do not look forward to going back to see another race, only part that kept my attention was the exciting booth's that had nothing to do with Nascar...

I actually walked out early at some point to play Guitar Hero some more in the Best Buy Booth, to my surprise?

THE BOOTH WAS GONE!!!! What a way to end my day.... OW, sunburn....

What Kind Of Transformer Would You Be?

I'm curious, what kind of Transformer would you be?

If I were a transformer, I'd probably be named Quick-Shave..

That's right, I'd even transform into an iPhone! Take that you Auto-Bots!! Ahem.. Anyway, what kind would you be?