They are not, not a single 1-star review is verified for the Xbox One. Clearly you are a Sony fanboy, bitter that the PS4 did have issues and that people were reporting it on Amazon in the hundreds.
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They are not, not a single 1-star review is verified for the Xbox One. Clearly you are a Sony fanboy, bitter that the PS4 did have issues and that people were reporting it on Amazon in the hundreds.
No "Amazon Verified Purchases" there, just a bunch of trolls trying to get back at people who really had issues with the PS4, when buying from Amazon. At least the Amazon PS4 review page had 1 star Amazon-Verified Purchases in the hundreds.
So far, no 1 star "Amazon Verified Purchase" for the Xbox One.
This is a good sign, that there has not been any widespread report or issue with the Xbox One yet.
Don't believe them, does are not "Amazon Verified Purchases".
What a sad bunch.
Since you are including indie/arcade games, why not include Below, which is exclusive for Xbox One?
Because it´s timed exclusive game.(Just like Peggle 2). which will become multiplatform(like call of duty dlc 1 month early)
Ah ok. Thanks for the clarification. Didn't know that.
Quantity does not mean quality. Most of the PS games you show are already on PS vita/PS3. Just goes to show that the PS4 has much much more indie games compared to the Xbox One and are willing to port these games over from PS3/Vita to PS4.
Sadly, I don't really care much about indie/arcade games. Never played them last generation.
None of the arcade/indie games listed there interest me at all.
Since you are including indie/arcade games, why not include Below, which is exclusive for Xbox One?
Kinda, Insomniac games actually left Sony behind and made Sunset Overdrive an exclusive on Xbox One, when past Insomniac games had been exclusive to Playstation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insomniac_Games
Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear Solid is now multiplatform.
But PS4/Sony still has Naughty Dog(Uncharted 4), Guerilla Games(Killzone), Team ICO(The Last Guardian being in limbo), Evolution Studios(Drive Club), Quantic Dream(Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls), Sucker Punch Productions(Infamous 2), Media Molecule, SCE Studios.
So based on what you said, how are they losing appeal? KH & MGS have been multiplat for a looong time now.
Kingdom Hearts has never been on the Xbox, Playstation's primary competitor.
The only Metal Gear Solid game on Xbox is Metal Gear Solid 2, only until recently has Kojima let loose the Metal Gear Solid exclusivity to also be on the Xbox 360 on 2011.
You also have to remember that the reason why a lot of gamers purchased a PS3 over the Xbox 360 is because Metal Gear Solid 4 was an exclusive.
In the context of multiplatform, we are talking about main Metal Gear Solid and Kingdom Hearts games such as Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2. Also the Xbox and Playstation. Not the DS, PSP, etc.
Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4.
One could expect that these main games would be exclusive to the Playstation, but they are not anymore, they are also being released to the Xbox. The Playstation's primary competitor.
@CloudStrife213: it has nothing to do with ps4 being more powerful, im talking about both systems. PS3 had Cell, 360 had a crazy ass gpu for 05... PS4 has a 7850 and Xbone has a LOL7770. Not to mention both of them using shitty cpu's. Graphics will improve because engines do but don't expect anything close to the graphical improvement we've got on ps360 from day one to 8th year. Didn't DR3 devs said they're already using 100% of X1's power? Yes they did... Sure engine is shitty but that's still 100% and not impressive at all.
The basic premise of your post is that the PS4 is more powerful.
I understand that, but do understand that these graphical disparities won't be long-term. The graphics will be in favor of PS4 of course, but not at a significant difference, as stated by the developers who aren't in any way affiliated with either Sony or Microsoft.
It has nothing to do with the system itself, it's the developers not learning how best to optimize yet. It'll take a little longer than on PS4 because of the eSRAM.
So I'm supposed to take your word over the developers word?
I don't think so.
Look what's inside these consoles... but i guess you prefer to listen to PR bs. Okay.
For the record, I am buying both Xbox One and PS4, and I know that the PS4 is the more powerful console, but I also know that these noticeable graphical disparities won't be long-term.
There is no doubt that the PS4 is more powerful, the developers have already stated that. What they are saying that there won't be any long-term noticeable graphics differences.
"I think this is not going to be an issue in six months," one reliable game development source who is not affiliated with Microsoft or Sony told us. "It's just a bumpy time for launch is what it is."
This same source corroborated reports that multiple multiplatform launch games will launch running at a higher resolution on PS4 than Xbox One. Still, they don't expect any major, noticeable graphics differences to be long-term. They attribute this to gradual improvements made to the Xbox One hardware over the past year but more because they expect developers to overcome any headaches they're having developing for the new Xbox as they did with last generation's onerous PS3.
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