@silversix_: No, no buddy. If its not 1080p is blurry mess. BF4 is 900p on PS4 you complained the other day. Your eyes get blurry every couple of years/ I quoted one of your posts from 2 years ago praising 720p and hating on the Wii a few days back. In 3 years 1080p will be a blurry mess for you because your a faker
the best part is that every time i talk about the 720p, the resolution X1 runs 90% of its games, you quote me. Every single time for like two weeks now rofl. Does it hurt you? Are you hurt that all X1 can do is 720p and your eyes aren't good enough to see the difference between 720p vs 1080p? Also, quote me from like 6 years ago cuz 2013 and six years ago is obviously the same thing, that's what MS thinks with their 'next gen' 720p standards at least. I'm sorry to say it to you like that but you're a faker and a liar!
I find it funny that you equate the launch performance of the console to the whole cycle of the console. Remember the launch games of the PS3 and Xbox 360? Both were not as graphically advanced as compared to the games on both Xbox 360 and PS3 today.
Also, please read this, it talks about how developers see these resolution issues as a non-issue that will be solved gradually due to the developers getting used to the architecture of each console. http://kotaku.com/about-those-xbox-one-vs-ps4-graphics-rumors-1454130634
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