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#2  Edited By CloudStrife213
Member since 2006 • 430 Posts

How is it in danger when Ballmer said defends both Bing and Xbox One are key parts of Microsoft, and considers them essential to Microsoft?

There is a possibility I guess if Elop becomes CEO, and there might be internal talks, but the fact that Ballmer is defending the brand adds credibility to the idea that Microsoft won't sell Xbox and Bing. Also, if they really wanted to sell it, why release and rush the Xbox One?

Quote from article:

In his final speech as CEO at a Microsoft shareholder meeting, outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer fired a shot across the bow of those who are rumored to be thinking of splitting the company into component parts and selling some of them.

Xbox One is “a reflection of what is possible when a company, our company, is unified under a common vision,” Ballmer said. He also noted that Bing is key to helping test and improve the company’s Windows Azure service.

The danger is if Elop becomes CEO and decides to spin off the Xbox and Bing brand. But he has not been named CEO, he is only an external choice candidate. But in the end, it is up to the board to decide, not Elop.

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#3  Edited By CloudStrife213
Member since 2006 • 430 Posts

Killzone : Shadow Fall does not support voice chat, but you can still chat with your friends in a PS party.

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#4  Edited By CloudStrife213
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Yet both PS4 and Xbox One run Need for Speed Rivals natively at 1080p at the same framerate of 30 fps .

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Forza 5 on the other hand will run at native 1080p at 60 fps.

COD: Ghosts framerate is better on Xbox One compared to PS4. Xbox One at upscaled 1080p, and PS4 at native 1080p. ... 1463163114

Knack framerate: runs at 30-40 fps, even dips to as low as 14 fps even without much stuff in Knack. How is that even possible that the game is having a hard time keeping a stable framerate even though it doesn't have that many objects and action going on?

Killzone: Shadowfall framerate: Far from 60 fps, runs at 40-50 fps and even dips to as low as 30 fps. 60 fps my ass. ... ied-faces/

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#5  Edited By CloudStrife213
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Yes. Yes. Whenever my invalid opinion doesn't match with the reviewer's opinion because I am a biased cow, it means that the MS must have paid off the reviewer.

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself fanboy.

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#6  Edited By CloudStrife213
Member since 2006 • 430 Posts

@Ballroompirate said:

Typical un educated poster

For starters do you realize how bad China's Human Rights are? (the Middle East/Africa is still worse but China is not far off). Do you even know how China's Human Rights work?, I'm guessing you don't have any idea on ether of those, do you realize people get put in jail for simply saying or doing something against the governments wishes, so do you expect China to follow a "Universal Human Rights"?. The UN has tried to go in and talk to China about their lack of Human Rights while China has pretty much ignored the matter.

These are college students who are adults, if they were children then that would be a whole **** storm of wrong and guess what, China has a very "black" area when it comes to Children's Rights as well.

Thanks. You just validated my point and proved yourself wrong. This argument wasn't about whether China would take action about it, it was about whether what Foxconn did is considered a human rights violation.

Tons of human rights violations have happened in China and are happening right now, especially in the labor force. An example is this Foxconn issue with the students.

So you are basically admitting you are wrong by admitting that there are plenty of Human Rights violations in China.

Just because China won't follow protocol, doesn't mean that their aren't any human rights violations. Just because China ignores the declaration doesn't mean there aren't human rights violations. Idiot.

Let me define protocol for your feeble mind in case you don't know, because your grammar is pretty shitty.

Protocol - the original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty agreed to in conference and signed by the parties.

You said it yourself, a lot of human rights violations are happening right now there. That's the whole point of the argument right? Whether what Foxconn did to the students was a human rights violation.

I added an article from the Universal declaration of Human Rights to prove my point that what Foxconn did was indeed a human rights violation because they have violated Article 23.1 of the Universal declaration of Human rights, which China is a signatory and co-author of.

It just validates my point even further because China is supposed to be advocating for Human Rights since they are a signatory and co-author, but they aren't. They are violating the fundamental human rights of people. China is a member of the UN, which created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Article 23.1 Universal declaration of Human Rights states:

Everyone has the right to work, to FREE CHOICE of employment, to JUST and FAVOURABLE conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment.

You just proved yourself wrong for me. LOL. Even you yourself admit that there are plenty of human rights violations in China. Just because China ignores the declaration doesn't mean there aren't human rights violations.

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#7  Edited By CloudStrife213
Member since 2006 • 430 Posts

The PS4 may not, but the Xbox One possibly could. The PS4 will support 4K resolution but not for playing games, only media. The Xbox One will support it for games and media.

"Games developed for 1080p, will run at 1080p." Major Nelson said.

A representative from Microsoft confirmed to Polygon that Xbox One games will support both native 4K resolution and upscaling to 4K.

But then there's this, and both sides have been pretty quiet about 4K gaming for about 5 months, so it may not even be possible on both sides.

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#8  Edited By CloudStrife213
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@Krelian-co said:

dem 720p screenshots all over the internet

Yet both PS4 and Xbox One run Need for Speed Rivals natively at 1080p at the same framerate of 30 fps .

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Forza 5 on the other hand will run at native 1080p at 60 fps.

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#9 CloudStrife213
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@FoxbatAlpha said:

Here, Shut up fakeboy.

LOL. Thanks for this, TC he is obviously a troll.

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#10 CloudStrife213
Member since 2006 • 430 Posts

You do know that there is an Xbox sub-forum here in Gamespot right?