@Ballroompirate said:
Typical un educated poster
For starters do you realize how bad China's Human Rights are? (the Middle East/Africa is still worse but China is not far off). Do you even know how China's Human Rights work?, I'm guessing you don't have any idea on ether of those, do you realize people get put in jail for simply saying or doing something against the governments wishes, so do you expect China to follow a "Universal Human Rights"?. The UN has tried to go in and talk to China about their lack of Human Rights while China has pretty much ignored the matter.
These are college students who are adults, if they were children then that would be a whole **** storm of wrong and guess what, China has a very "black" area when it comes to Children's Rights as well.
Thanks. You just validated my point and proved yourself wrong. This argument wasn't about whether China would take action about it, it was about whether what Foxconn did is considered a human rights violation.
Tons of human rights violations have happened in China and are happening right now, especially in the labor force. An example is this Foxconn issue with the students.
So you are basically admitting you are wrong by admitting that there are plenty of Human Rights violations in China.
Just because China won't follow protocol, doesn't mean that their aren't any human rights violations. Just because China ignores the declaration doesn't mean there aren't human rights violations. Idiot.
Let me define protocol for your feeble mind in case you don't know, because your grammar is pretty shitty.
Protocol - the original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty agreed to in conference and signed by the parties.
You said it yourself, a lot of human rights violations are happening right now there. That's the whole point of the argument right? Whether what Foxconn did to the students was a human rights violation.
I added an article from the Universal declaration of Human Rights to prove my point that what Foxconn did was indeed a human rights violation because they have violated Article 23.1 of the Universal declaration of Human rights, which China is a signatory and co-author of.
It just validates my point even further because China is supposed to be advocating for Human Rights since they are a signatory and co-author, but they aren't. They are violating the fundamental human rights of people. China is a member of the UN, which created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 23.1 Universal declaration of Human Rights states:
Everyone has the right to work, to FREE CHOICE of employment, to JUST and FAVOURABLE conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment.
You just proved yourself wrong for me. LOL. Even you yourself admit that there are plenty of human rights violations in China. Just because China ignores the declaration doesn't mean there aren't human rights violations.
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