I actually thought that you would post evidence of a dead Xbox One. We'll see what happens on Friday. So far, no reports of hardware failures yet.
CloudStrife213's forum posts
Also, you know what's funny?
China actually was a co-author to the Declaration of Universal Human Rights, and voted in favor for it. So if the rights had to apply to any country, it most definitely must apply to them.
Typical American, thinks the whole world revolves around the laws of America. China doesn't have states.
This is a universal human rights declaration, meaning it applies to the whole world. China is a signatory to this declaration, and helped to draft it.
Also, if you would bother to read what I posted, then you would understand that you are wrong.
They were also forced to work overtime even though the company had a policy that student interns are not allowed to work overtime. Students had no obligation to work overtime, because of the company's policy, but they were forced to, else they forfeit their degree.
Being forced to work overtime is not a violation if it is in the contract, but being forced to work overtime as a student intern is, because Foxconn had a policy saying that students should not be forced or allowed to work overtime or have night shifts. So students were not obligated to work overtime or have nights shifts. The problem here is they were forced to work overtime, if they did not work overtime, they would lose credits.
They were not at all under favourable and just conditions, as stated in the Universal Human Rights Declaration.
Quotes :
Quote from one student:
"Since Foxconn are not treating us well, we will not treat the PS4 console well. The PS4 console we assemble can be turned on at best."
Another student:
You have no idea how hard it was to work in the factories as a recent high school graduate.
Terrible workplace conditions there.
Source: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/foxconn-interns-overtime-ps4,news-17680.html
Also, you know what's funny?
China actually was a co-author to the Declaration of Universal Human Rights, and voted in favor for it. So if the rights had to apply to any country, it most definitely must apply to them.
Unfortunately for MS they didn't get the publishing deal with Respawn.
Sure, the first game will sell Xbox Ones, but what about Titanfall 2/3/Modern Warfare/World at War/etc etc?
If the PS4 is still selling well when those release (and it'll most likely sell as well as the Xbox One, or better guaranteed), then EA/Respawn will obviously see that there is more money to be made as a multiplat.
I can only imagine the first game being on Xbox is only possible because EA only predicts only a few million PS4s to be sold by time of release. They can just take the bags of money from MS without suffering.
But once the PS4 has 20+ million units sold? Then EA will be going multiplat fo sho.
Even then, Titanfall 2 will most likely be released 2016 on all platforms, unlike COD(yearly release) which has two developers(Treyarch and Infinity Ward) and Assassin's creed which has multiple studios developing games across the world.
Respawn is only one studio. Development time for shooters usually take 2-3 years.
Sony fans will have to wait a long time if they don't play it on PC or Xbox 360.
I'd imagine anyone that really wants it...will pick it up for PC if they don't have an MS console. So I'm still not seeing how it's a system seller....
Consoles are much more affordable then a PC. Casual gamers flock to consoles.
Casual gamers are flocking to tablets and smart phones now....
That doesn't mean there aren't many casual gamers in the console market. A $500 PC is low-end, $700-800 mid-end, high-end = $1000
Unfortunately for MS they didn't get the publishing deal with Respawn.
Sure, the first game will sell Xbox Ones, but what about Titanfall 2/3/Modern Warfare/World at War/etc etc?
If the PS4 is still selling well when those release (and it'll most likely sell as well as the Xbox One, or better guaranteed), then EA/Respawn will obviously see that there is more money to be made as a multiplat.
I can only imagine the first game being on Xbox is only possible because EA only predicts only a few million PS4s to be sold by time of release. They can just take the bags of money from MS without suffering.
But once the PS4 has 20+ million units sold? Then EA will be going multiplat fo sho.
Even then, Titanfall 2 will most likely be released 2016 on all platforms, unlike COD(yearly release) which has two developers(Treyarch and Infinity Ward) and Assassin's creed which has multiple studios developing games across the world.
Respawn is only one studio. Development time for shooters usually take 2-3 years.
Sony fans will have to wait a long time if they don't play it on PC or Xbox 360.
I'd imagine anyone that really wants it...will pick it up for PC if they don't have an MS console. So I'm still not seeing how it's a system seller....
Consoles are much more affordable then a PC. Casual gamers flock to consoles.
Another feature: 15 min recording on the PS4
7 minute recording on the Xbone.
I admit, the Xbone has more features than the PS4 like being able to watch TV and implement negative colors on your screen, but are these features are necessary? Why in the f*ck would anyone would to invert the colors on their TV? These are features that no one with an Xbone will use.
On the features that matter like game recording, x-game chat, socializing with your friends when gaming, streaming, and 1080p, the PS4 has the Bone beat.
So you keep on posting this around here. Why? To make yourself feel better about yourself? To feel superior? Pathetic.
If you were truly confident about your precious PS4, you wouldn't be so insecure.
We'll know for sure if the rumor is true come Friday.
Unfortunately for MS they didn't get the publishing deal with Respawn.
Sure, the first game will sell Xbox Ones, but what about Titanfall 2/3/Modern Warfare/World at War/etc etc?
If the PS4 is still selling well when those release (and it'll most likely sell as well as the Xbox One, or better guaranteed), then EA/Respawn will obviously see that there is more money to be made as a multiplat.
I can only imagine the first game being on Xbox is only possible because EA only predicts only a few million PS4s to be sold by time of release. They can just take the bags of money from MS without suffering.
But once the PS4 has 20+ million units sold? Then EA will be going multiplat fo sho.
Even then, Titanfall 2 will most likely be released 2016 on all platforms, unlike COD(yearly release) which has two developers(Treyarch and Infinity Ward) and Assassin's creed which has multiple studios developing games across the world.
Respawn is only one studio. Development time for shooters usually take 2-3 years.
Sony fans will have to wait a long time if they don't play it on PC or Xbox 360.
This argument again? You should read what a human rights violation is before coming up with your own definition of what a human rights violation is. Being forced to work overtime is not a violation if it is in the contract, but being forced to work overtime as a student intern is, because Foxconn had a policy saying that students should not be forced or allowed to work overtime or have night shifts. So students were not obligated to work overtime or have nights shifts. The problem here is they were forced to work overtime, if they did not work overtime, they would lose credits.
Source: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/foxconn-interns-overtime-ps4,news-17680.html
Article 23.1 Universal declaration of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to work, to FREE CHOICE of employment, to JUST and FAVOURABLE conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment.
Did the students have free choice? Hell no. They were forced to work in a manufacturing company that didn't even relate to their major of choice, or else they would forfeit their degree. They were also forced to work overtime even though the company had a policy that student interns are not allowed to work overtime. Students had no obligation to work overtime, because of the company's policy, but they were forced to, else they forfeit their degree.
How does making a Finance major manufacture tech goods even related to what he or she was studying? Furthermore, their work situation was not just and favourable. Even if the student's major was related, like information technology, was their work environment just and favourable? Nope.
Quote from one student:
"Since Foxconn are not treating us well, we will not treat the PS4 console well. The PS4 console we assemble can be turned on at best."
Another student:
You have no idea how hard it was to work in the factories as a recent high school graduate.
Thus it is a human rights violation.
Source: http://kotaku.com/rumor-foxconn-interns-and-alleged-ps4-sabotage-claims-1466539573
Read the article above for further insight.
Another thread by this immature fanboy made in order to make himself feel better about his pathetic life. Why even bother replying to this diehard Sony fanboy? You reek of insecurity.
He is so insecure about his precious PS4, that in order to make himself feel better about himself, he makes threads degrading Microsoft and Xbox in any way.
You can have party chat anytime even without playing the same game. If your friend is at the dashboard/home, you can still have a party chat with that person even if you are playing a game, or are playing different games. Stop spreading MISINFORMATION. It works just like the Xbox 360 party chat.
Xbox One has twitch and streaming will be available early 2014. Do you even bother to research before posting?
I don't really care if it comes next year, as I will be buying mine next year, together with a PS4.
Again, I'm not denying that the Xbone has party chat. It doesn't have x-game chat.
What do you mean by x-game chat? And how do you even know it doesn't have x-game chat / cross-game chat? Because of a rumor?
The Xbox 360 has a party chat feature that allows you to talk to anybody regardless of what you or they are doing. What makes you think that the Xbox One won't do the same? Because of a rumor?
Your rumor has not been proven nor is it credible.
Gaming/Credible sites have already said that the Xbox One's party chat will act the same way as the Xbox 360's party chat.
X-game chat = chatting with people playing different games that you are.
Party chat does not mean x-game chat.
Yes, and the guy who wrote that blogpost was the one who leaked the 720p resolution of Ghosts on the Bone, so I'd say he's pretty reliable.
Furthermore, no x-game chat on the Bone wasn't started by Famousmortimor. It was stated by our very own TheShensolidus. He's a confirmed insider and has stated that the Xbone doesn't have x-game chat months before Famousmortimor even said anything about it.
The party chat in Xbox 360 supported x-game chat. And so will Xbox One's party chat.
Another thread by this immature fanboy made in order to make himself feel better about his pathetic life. Why even bother replying to this diehard Sony fanboy? You reek of insecurity.
He is so insecure about his precious PS4, that in order to make himself feel better about himself, he makes threads degrading Microsoft and Xbox in any way.
You can have party chat anytime even without playing the same game. If your friend is at the dashboard/home, you can still have a party chat with that person even if you are playing a game, or are playing different games. Stop spreading MISINFORMATION. It works just like the Xbox 360 party chat.
Xbox One has twitch and streaming will be available early 2014. Do you even bother to research before posting?
I don't really care if it comes next year, as I will be buying mine next year, together with a PS4.
Again, I'm not denying that the Xbone has party chat. It doesn't have x-game chat.
What do you mean by x-game chat? And how do you even know it doesn't have x-game chat / cross-game chat? Because of a rumor?
The Xbox 360 has a party chat feature that allows you to talk to anybody regardless of what you or they are doing. What makes you think that the Xbox One won't do the same? Because of a rumor?
Your rumor has not been proven nor is it credible.
Gaming/Credible sites have already said that the Xbox One's party chat will act the same way as the Xbox 360's party chat.
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