Damn Sony Fanboy practicing damage control because the PS4 isn't what he hyped it up to be. Trying to find reasons to justify your purchase of the PS4? But can't come up with any reason so you decide to bash the competition to make yourself feel better?
Even with all the power, Killzone and Knack still flopped because in the end what matters is the overall experience. The miniscule difference in terms of graphics won't sway me much or any other person with a reasonable mind. If I really cared that much about graphics/performance, I would have stuck with the PC.
Power? What power are you talking about? It's funny that Sony fanboys have been overplaying the resolution issues as if COD: Ghosts is supposed to be the benchmark of anything.
Now here is some evidence that you are overstating the power of the PS4.
That being said, if I had to choose between the two versions, I'd choose the Xbox One version as it offers 1080p with a stable framerate, unlike the PS4 version which offers 1080p with unstable framerate. A stable framerate is much more important for multiplayer.
http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-call-of-duty ... 1463163114
Knack framerate: runs at 30-40 fps, even dips to as low as 14 fps even without much stuff in Knack. How is that even possible that the game is having a hard time keeping a stable framerate even though it doesn't have that many objects and action going on?
Killzone: Shadowfall framerate: Far from 60 fps, runs at 40-50 fps and even dips to as low as 30 fps. 60 fps my ass.
http://playeressence.com/killzone-shado ... ied-faces/
Like I said, Sony fanboys like to overstate the power of the PS4, but what can we do? It's hard for them that there precious console is not what they envisioned it to be.
Why else would you create a topic if you weren't concerned about the Xbox One as a competition? Dat insecurity.
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