@Suppaman100 said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
@Suppaman100 said:
LOL at desperate lems caring about launch games. Didn't you guys learn your lesson with the PS3?
Ryse (LOL), Forza and Killer Instinct are DLC-fests and Dead Rising looks to run like crap. And the reviews aren't even out yet.
Prepare for some more ownage lemmings. LOOOOOOOOOOL
What multiplayer exclusive games does the PS4 have though? Only Killzone? Damn, that sucks so bad. Oh, and yeah, Knack Co-op is crap so don't bother bringing that up. Forza > Drive Club and Grand Turismo
It's just the start of the gen, 90% of the games aren't even announced yet.
Lol, forza is just a DLC rip-off game. Have fun paying 70+ dollars to get every car,... LOL, what a joke.
And as you know, PS had the best firs-party support so PS4 will end up with best library.
Still, Forza > All racing games, you can check metacritic and know that it has earned universal acclaim compared to Gran Turismo.
Poor desperate sony fanboy, trying to bring in DLCs to the equation because you can't find any flaw in the game. That's how good Forza is.
Best first-party support from Naughty Dog, which produces games that are single-player oriented rather than multiplayer oriented. God of War = Single-player , Quantic Dream = Single-player games only. Killzone = flop
Multiplayer games:
Xbox - Titanfall, Halo, Project Spark, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3(You can play co-op from start to finish), Forza 5, Killer Instinct
PS4 - Uncharted , Killzone, Driveclub, Gran Turismo 5, Knack?(Crappy Co-op)
I prefer multiplayer oriented games as they provide many many hours of replayability as compared to single-player oriented games.
But looking from the PS4 list, the only 1st party game that even has a great story there is Uncharted.
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