@supercowelitist said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
@Shewgenja said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
I'm shocked that the video hasn't been bombarded with dislikes by Sony fanboys. Every or any Xbox exclusive video/article I go, there's tons of bashing,arguments, and dislikes regarding the Xbox. Now it isn't so.
We're too busy playing games. Enjoy the SW Takeover.
Playing Knack and Killzone? No thanks. I'll pass.
Playing Knack in 1080p60FPs
Playing Killzone in 1080p60FPS
Playing Assassins Creed Black Flag with exclusive content in 1080p+60fps
Some of us are still playing Last Of US(Game of the Summer). Puppeteer(AAA Game of September). Beyond Two Souls(AAA Game of October).
Soon we'll be playing Call of Duty: Ghosts in 1080p 60FPS
And also Rachet and Clank nexus on PS3. Have fun watching gameplay videos while us GAMERS GAME.
1080p 60 FPS? Please do check the articles/videos disputing your claims, both Knack and Killzone have a hard time even having a stable 60fps. COD Ghosts has framerate issues too on the PS4. The Xbox One version of COD:Ghosts runs at a stable 60fps upscaled to 1080p from 720p, while the PS4 version runs at a native 1080p with an unstable framerate.
Knack framerate: Plays mostly at 30-40 fps. Even dipping to as low as 20 fps when things there is a lot of action on the screen. Check the video for evidence. Kinda shocking because there aren't even a lot of stuff in Knack.
Killzone: Shadowfall framerate:
COD: Ghosts framerate issues on PS4:
COD:Ghosts actually runs at a stable 60fps, 1080p upscaled from 720p on Xbox One. On the PS4, it runs at native 1080p, but with framerate issues. http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-call-of-duty-offers-better-framerate-than-ps4-1463163114
Honestly, I'd rather have a consistent framerate than the tiny difference between upscaled 1080p and native 1080p.
By the way, I am buying both the PS4 and Xbox One, but to buy a PS4 this early is not really a reasonable decision for me as there are no worthy games to play on it.
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